The way he wears his glasses chain bothered me so much that I searched it, and the hell? And lo and behold, some people actually do wear their glasses chains like that... But then it's not even securing the glasses anymore, so why?
@keks503 ,right? I guess it looked fine when he was first introduced cos it was mostly forward-view-ish, but now seeing him side view in panel just looks weird.
Also, not only does it look silly, all it takes it someone to yank em off to blind him, depending on how bad his eyesight is.
Xavier is angry and blushed at the same time? Someone is starting to fall for my heroine...can’t wait for the revenge part to start. Thank you for the new chapter!
Some people say this arc has less dept. But i think it's an effect of how common the precious 2 setting were. A palace harem and a moder setting. The reader can familiarize with those settings given the large amount of novels with similar themes but now is about vampires and, at least im talking from my experience, it's not as common.