Cheating Men Must Die

Dex-chan lover
Dec 17, 2019
Above all I'm truly glad this isn't a mindless "all men are scum they don't deserve to breathe"
Apr 7, 2019
@mustardhobo By that logic, governments should not exist because people give up some of their freedoms for security. Were you high when you typed this?
Apr 4, 2020
don't they have government healthcare in china?? why would she need to pay for her mother's hospital fees.... maybe my american self just doesn't understand how universal healthcare works lol
Apr 18, 2020
From what i know, what you said is literally what happens - Luxia loses access to her inventory and is genuinely at risk at some point. Also the arc afterward has some world(? seems like a weird way to phrase it here)building with the system apparently. We
visit the first world

Also, I think the reason why Su Luxia's missions go so smoothly, is because she explicitly is a veteran of the craft. She's really good at it in general and has earned thousands of years of holiday time, there's just very little that can beat her, and it's hard to create new and fun challenges when you characterize someone as such.

Frankly, I disagree that it seems like this is gonna end badly because the only real thing that can be consistently built upon here is the System... and that's what's being built-upon, basically, since arc 4, we've been getting more and more info on how things work
Arc 4's transmigration, Arc 5's 'if you write a character illogically they stay illogical in reality' Arc 6 was literally built on the idea of unfinished works and what be caused by them, and future arcs apparently further build on this point
Su Luxia is just beating characters to death with a mallet, but she's doing it while showing us the system and what it entails, and that totally could build up to something really cool.
Apr 7, 2019
@MayhemTrinkets Wait, for real? It actually happens?

In any case, I think the main source of my skepticism is the sheer amount of chapters it took to get to the majority of the in-depth stuff, but I’m assuming that the chapters are longer in the source material (I think there’s a web novel for this?) so it probably flows better.

If the author wanted to further characterize Luxia, then there would be a bunch of better ways to do so other than just throwing her into more universes that already have been explored in past chapters. After the last Cultivation arc, they’ve established how more “hosts” are made (after like 100 chapters), and I find it hard to believe that the author thought of how hosts are made before this arc, as by all storytelling rules, a vital plot element such as this one should not have been left out for so long, especially since the Cultivation guy whose name I forgot is probably supposed to become a coworker or a colleague or an antagonist for Luxia in the future.

In any case, if they wanted to develop Luxia’s character more, then having her make contact with literally any other host between missions would probably get the job done. Or if she ended up having to take care of a rookie and teach them the ropes (Men in Black, basically). Or if there was internal drama between other hosts that had legitimate consequences. You get the idea. She seems to know about the existence of other hosts, so there’s no real reason why they wouldn’t talk to each other and interact between missions, unless it’s explained later in the story (it could have been explained already but I just forgot it, too). You could say that she’s just antisocial, but considering the way she interacts with the hamster/guinea pig/avatar thing who mainly just boosts her ego in terms of character dialogue, I find that hard to believe.

And I’m pretty sure she’s never even stated her motive for putting herself through badly written universes other than disliking cheating men and scumbags. You’d imagine that thirst for revenge would be dulled after doing it for a century or so, but for some reason, she never seems to go like “hey, this multiverse never changes because I’m constantly enacting vengeance on the same cardboard cutout villains,” or “nothing matters because this is going to keep on happening no matter what I do, because the only thing that could possibly happen that could affect other universes is that a new host is created, which happens once in a blue moon. Therefore I should take a thousand year holiday leave to get my bearings or seek a new occupation, especially since I don’t even get paid for this.” I’m probably looking too deep into this. I mean I dunno if she has a salary, but I don’t think she ever mentions that she gets paid for fixing universes. She probably gets compensated in some other way, like immortality/eternal youth.
Active member
Nov 2, 2019
@Yoten To be fair, this new arc doesn't have a "cheating man" in the traditional sense of the story; it's just a side character that got shafted for the sake of plot. The last arc showed that part of Su Luxia's job is to conclude poorly conceived or unfinished stories that have female side characters get tossed aside for the sake of furthering a story and never get recognition or redemption. I think this arc will be more focused on fixing the plot of this story and fulfilling the host's wishes, than doing the regular "seduce someone, have the man get rekt, get paid" sequence. Bit early to tell, though.

If you read the prequel side story "Cheating Men Must Die and the Prime Minister," it actually provides some context for why she is doing what she is doing. It is incomplete, but you get a bit of her background before she got her current status in the first chapter.
The first chapter reveals that she was put into the current system to escape her original world, where she was a trampled female side character. Presumably now that she is in the system, she escaped her old world and has nowhere left to go unless we learn smth new about the system.
May 31, 2019
The MLs are scums, aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Die die die dieeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Apr 9, 2020
Thank you for working on this! I really enjoyed reading this and please continue uploading!
Jan 23, 2020
im a lil bit confuse with this arc, but it will probably make more sense when theres more chapters. thank you for the update!
Mar 9, 2019
This "Shadow Madness needs volunteers" came out from nowhere, I got so scared haha, I didn't expect it to be this fast, still love the translation as always thanks a lot for your hard work and efforts ~!

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