I looked at the first chapter of the series, but I'm not a fan of that sort of guro-manga. 🤔
But I do have to say that scanlators are too valuable to be chasing them out without just cause. I'de fall into the group that can't decipher the raw's moonscript text, and have to accept the TLs spin on the dialogue offered in their uploads. I understand that the original text may be gibberish when translated perfectly to english. That means at times we must hope for a individual, or team that's fluent in both languages, to modify the raw translated text into meaningful dialogue again. That means they have to be given some creative licence to do so. (Just not to the point they become another Olddog or EZ ReWriter) 💩 Yet I do enjoy TL commentary in the margin or to describe sound effects tho.🤡
I have noticed that some manga writers have a tendency to troll the readers in the original text. And some genres with no cohesive thought or reason require the reader to quarantine 98% of their available brain cells in a vault, before bludgeoning the remaining 2% into a stupor in a attempt to make sense of what they just encountered. (The Gipkya tag examples come to mind 😳)
Shouldn't we give Chillock the reason of the doubt , and if another uploader's version comes up, choose the series translation you prefer?