It always amazes me how … unoptimized people can be fine with having their works leave their hands despite access and exposition to overwhelming amounts of reference material that one would think should be enough to infuse how it's done. It's not like these people are members of uncontacted tribes or something who never saw a manga, book, paper, written language, anything run on electricity, let alone modern information technology devices, mechanical devices more complicated than a monjolo, let alone a printing press.
No. These people read manga, even own copies, and like this medium so much they get up one day and say to themselves, "I want to do that, too," … and then proceed to disgorge something so garishly unlike what they've been used to. And I don't mean genuine mistakes like typos, duplicate words across a line break, inserting a word one place too early or late … you know, slip-ups that can happen when you divide your attention between too many aspects at once, try to cover too many bases yourself. No. I mean things which have rules and guidelines. Which are formally taught and/or can be looked up or easily derived. Things which in side-by-side comparison with existing material would stick out so much they'd slap you in the face. Like not capitalizing names, breaking words at the next best letter, not using hyphens at those breaks, not using centered text alignment … Even if you typeset in Paint, which has existed since before the universe even came to be and has only ever known left-aligned text, you could nudge lines with spaces.
How does this work? How does a human of reasonably expectable disposition and familiarity with a form of works consciously decide to engage in producing more of such works and then be perfectly content with said works to be so measurably inadequate? "Yes, this is the quality I want to be known for. This is the best I can be bothered to do." Is this really how you want to be understood?