Clarifying the "Military" Theme

Aug 20, 2019
I kinda wish they'd give the tags a description and put in a tooltip.

Something like this: (Forgive my bad editing)
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 12, 2018
If they were pulling a Yandev... thats Yandere without the Dere. Which ends up having a Nice Boat.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
Staff doesn't care.
They put up a fake sign of support but does nothing.

MD is free. There are no ads on the site. The staff only accepts payment in the form of donations. They don't overtly shame people for criticism, nor do they regularly complain about how hard/stressful their jobs are and blame it on users.

Quality of life improvements are always appreciated, but expecting them to be added regularly just isn't realistic in this case.

Us users have it far better here than we would on most other sites similar to MD.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
I feel like tags are on their list but it's far down and "we're working on it" just means that they're progressing down the list even if they haven't actually started working on the tags.
Aug 20, 2019

I get that tags are not the most important part in the feature list but at least give the tags a description and make it easy to find. Right now the only way you can see the description of the tags (If it has one) is to click on it one by one when your on a series' page.

It makes it hard to report about tags when you don't really know what they want for the freaking tag. An example of this is the "Monster", "Monster Girl" and "Demons" tags, none of which has any description. Does that mean EVERY "Monster Girl" tag will also have the "Monster" tag? How about "Demons" will it also have the "Monster" tag?
Dec 25, 2018
First of all, don't take this personally.

It seems laughable to me that you are nitpicking about definition of tags,
when literally anybody can add new titles and assign tags to them.


edit: just to be clear, setting the guidelines/standards like definitions is fine and dandy, but using existing titles as data to deduce what anything means seems really stupid. Also who will comb the database and update tags on every title?

edit2: It's like sitting in middle of a burning house, complaining that your ice-cream melted and debating whether cone or bowl is better at keeping temperature
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 12, 2018
If the bowl is larger then the ice cream pile, its better for keeping it cold. less exposure to heated air then say a ice cream cone would have (even if it wasnt california)
Dex-chan lover
Mar 24, 2019
I think the talk here is a bit off-the-trail right now. The discussion on what is this tag mean still isn't done. (I think Historical tag also needs a formal description)

The meaning can be pretty broad after all, so something more specific would help us know what to really expect when pressing it.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
Ty for elaborating on your previous post.
Just because someone is a volunteer does not excuse them from criticism on things they have claimed
Yeah, I agree with this 100%. And I acknowledge that some volunteers/creators of free content do try and take advantage of the fact that people aren't paying them directly by skirting responsibilities and denouncing criticism (regardless if said criticism is constructive or not).

It's not too rare to see people on forums (here or elsewhere) criticizing staff for essentially not accommodating them and their every whims. Intentional or not, some posts just really come across as entitled. I didn't originally think of you as someone in the "mods should/have to do [X], because I say so" crowd, nor do I now after you clarified your reasoning.

People who point out shortcomings, unkept promises, and questionable behavior in the form of constructive criticism are, of course, beneficial pretty much anywhere. 'Telling it like it is' in a productive manner keeps others on their toes, as well as ensures that a group is not full of yes-men.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
Going back to your 'tooltip' suggestion, I'm completely on board. That, coupled with every tag being given a formal description, would dissolve a lot of confusion concerning tags, as well as hopefully lessen the amount of unnecessary tag suggestions that are posted in the forums.
Aug 22, 2018
Considering there's 6 devs listed, all volunteers (as in assuming they have full time jobs), I'm amazed at how much progress has been made on much more important features, such as MD@HOME and actual server maintenance to keep MD up while traffic from COVID and KissManga refugees flood the servers.

Let's assume that devs only did feature updates on weekends, that's only about 2 days x 4 weeks = 8 days worth of development per month, per dev. That's such a valuable resource that is better spent on other features. We can only thank them for all the work they've put in already.

If say the MD team hashed out a definition for the military tag, they'd then be expected to do so for all the other tags and categories. That's a lot of time that will have to be put into research and discussion. Either that or a lot of time developing a new system to deal with community submissions, as well as needing moderation. Sure they promised it would be worked on like 6 months ago (or whatever), but that's only 288 weekend days worth of time, ignoring the fact that not all devs might have the skills to develop said feature. Nor have they been paid to do so.

I haven't followed how MD was created too closely, so take my guesstimates with plenty of salt.

@bigtiddyoneesan and @AbyssalMonkey "telling it like it is" is definitely a step in the right direction, but the basis of how "it is" should be set to be able to actually have realistic expectations. And the reality is that fixing tags maybe just isn't top of the priority list. Or it might be magically fixed tomorrow. Be patient. Even massive corporations with billions of dollars can't figure shit out (EA Games, Google, Apple); why expect the same speed of development out of what is essentially a massive fan-project?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
the basis of how "it is" should be set to be able to actually have realistic expectations.
Of course, I recognize this as well, although it's possible I didn't explicitly state it in my previous post.

Personally, I wouldn't mind if MangaDex stayed as it is now. I welcome quality of life changes and all that, but I don't have any major issues with the site or how it works. There are probably plenty other users that either agree with me or are indifferent to changes, it's just that people obviously don't shout "I'm fine with no change!" as loud as "I want this to change!"

I'm sure I've stated this somewhere on this site before, but at the end of the day I am quite impressed with how smoothly MD functions, especially considering it doesn't rely on ads/subscriptions (like a certain other site did).
Aug 20, 2019

I don't think it's nitpicky to get definitions for tags. The reason I even started this thread is because I couldn't find a manga using the search option in MD, I was trying to find Manuke na FPS Player ga Isekai e Ochita Baai thinking it would have the military tag which it didn't. If they had a description it'll be easier for users to report missing or incorrect tags, helping in combing through the titles.

Let's veer away from the MD staff. We all know they're volunteers and we're grateful for the MD staff but this is a discussion/suggestion of how to improve MD, I think they'd welcome any suggestion. I didn't put out a suggestion just to belittle or disrespect the MD staff, I made it cause I like MD.

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