Cloudflare check every thirty minutes

Feb 10, 2018
I don't know if this is a full on bug or if this is working as intended, but I get the cloudflare check every half hour and have done the captcha check every 2 hours.
Jan 3, 2019
I dont see any problem with that..

I got one too and im currently using an iPhone to read manga on MD, not even using a PC.

Most likely as far as i know, the captcha is to check your connection whether you are a bot or not. I bet because the attack recently happen captcha is used to check all the suspicious connection and ensure that it is safe.

So, just do your captcha and you are good to go, it doesn't matter how many times you do that just bear it until the attack on MD is no longer happen. From my point, doing captcha is still better than having slow speed when reading.
Also, restarting your internet connection and stop using VPN instead using google DNS is good too, just sayin'
Sep 25, 2018
It seems that Cloudflare has been interfering with my RSS feed updating. I'll request an update, nothing happens. Come onto the site, Cloudflare says hello, check my list, 6 updates. Go back to the RSS, now it updates.

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