Concerning the US Protests and Our Rules

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Aug 22, 2018
@Kaarme It's not coded language. "Jogger" mockingly refers to Ahmaud Arbery who was killed in a botched citizen's arrest after being caught stealing a couple of months ago, and the MSM spun an absurd and sensational narrative that he was "killed for jogging while black". I don't see this as coded language, it's just a meme word that pokes fun at the utterly bizarre relation between the MSM and minorities. But the internet being the internet, someone will invariably call it racist and 85% of the time it's McCringe brought to you by ameriburgers.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2018
There is no systemic racism problem in police. They're just shitty to everyone. Police are way more likely to wrongfully shoot a white person than a black person, but that doesn't get views so the lying press says nothing about these cases. Pushing race war narratives sells, unfortunately.
Dec 19, 2018
@VIII goddamn are you misinformed. The video of Arbery stealing was from 2017. Arbery was shot and killed in an unrelated incident to that on February 2020. The men who killed him assumed Arbery, who was standing around an unoccupied and half built house before being chased for over 15 minutes by men carrying shotguns in a car, was a robber without any further justification. It's kind of sick you keep trying to spin this story away from the information that we do know.

@Jdeoxys Between 2013 and 2019, 7663 Americans have been killed by the police. Of those victims, 3378 of them were white and 1944 of them were black. That means that 44% of those killed by police officers were white and 25% of those killed by cops were black. Seems to prove your point right?

Not at all actually. As any data scientist will tell you, statistics like these are meaningless unless you first adjust for population. In the United States, white people make up 76.5% of the population but only about 44% of them are killed by cops. On the other hand, black people make up 13% of the population and yet comprise of 25% of police shooting victims. That means that black men throughout their lives are roughly 2.5 times more likely to be shot by cops than their white counterparts. Additionally, black people are 1.4 times more likely to be killed while unarmed than white people (same link as above).
Dex-chan lover
Mar 10, 2019
@JanaIka (welp, you asked) Two reasons I've surmised, one personal the other is just what my sense of empathy tells me (about them).

Personal Reason : To be honest-and this might sound mildly toxic-this thread has been a great place to find people to block. I've unironically found plenty of muted posts from people I had already blocked. So I've hung around a bit to weed out some users.

More than likely, any user posting here with anything but an encouraging comment is likely a tryhard, the stubborn type, a contrarian or a self-proclaimed debate team captain. None of whom I have anything against on a personal level, but also none of whom have anything to contribute to a manga discussion, or at the very least the vast majority of them have proven otherwise. There are exceptions (I believe Oceanomist has honest intentions when he posts, he's just very wordy is all).

Actual Reason:

It has become even more of a common internet sport to deny any genuine conversation in favor of obsessive semantics, malice, political correctness and self serving arrogance in lieu of any form of politeness, consideration or what can even be considered a remote form of pleasantry. Why do those willing to participate the service of combating them when the discussion is out of place to begin with? Is this not merely a hobbyist's playground?

I believe that mangadex has taken perspectives similar to this in consideration when deciding whether to even bother to speak out on the matter. Not all people care about correctness, some people just want peace.

tl;dr because of the people like you who'd bother questioning the stance for the sake of questioning it.

lol btw i blocked you 😀
Aug 22, 2018
@Gemker I'm not sure what "2017 video" you're referring to or how that is in anyway relevant to what I was saying. But I imagine you're the kind of guy who goes out for a jog wearing his Timbs and trespassing private property to chill for a bit. You are correct that I don't care for "black lives matter" though. All lives matter.
Dec 19, 2018
@gangstercat if you're legitimately using that as a counterpoint, then you're a lost cause.

You're not even trying to give context to what you're alluding to. Black people tend to be poorer for institutional reasons. Poor people tend to commit more crimes. It's by no means a black problem, it's a socioeconomic problem.

But sure, I'll play ball for a bit. Most concrete numbers I could find were from 2016, so let's play with those numbers. In 2016, about 323 million people lived in the USA. About 13% (the black population is 12.7% but whatever) of that is 41.9 million (let's round to 42 million).

Also in 2016, 1,238,185 violent crimes were reported to the police nationwide. From those reports, a total of 408,873 arrests for violent crimes were made. Of those arrestees, 153,341 of them were Black. Already we see that's not 50% of arrests for violent crime, it's closer to 37.5%.

If we assume one crime per person, that's 153,341 black people arrested for violent crimes. 153,341/42,000,00 is 0.00365. So ultimately, ~0.37% of black people were arrested for violent crimes in 2016.

And all of that is before we even begin to consider: do black people commit more crimes, or are they 4x more likely to get arrested for doing the same shit everyone else is doing?

Blacks and whites have similar rate of cannabis use but blacks are charged (almost 4 times as likely), convicted and sentenced each at a much higher rate than whites. Without institutional racism you would expect similar rates for each of those 3 categories.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2018
@Gemker 25% of police shootings yet 37.5% of violent crime arrests. Seems like police show a pro-black bias, which is consistent with experimental papers on the topic. Lets not make everything about race, okay? You can dislike cops and the shit they do without making the super weak systemic racism argument. Falling right into the trap set by the media, which is the true enemy of the people.
Dec 19, 2018
@Jdeoxys 25% in relation to their demographic shows blacks are more likely to get shot by the police, 37.5% shows that they are more likely to be arrested for crime (hint: that by no means entails that they commit more crimes).

Thank you for ignoring literally all the other information I posted and sourced. It's definitely not like any of them address your points. 😃😃

I'm ducking out of this thread. Not going to be productive if I'm just going to end up repeating myself when I assume you can already read. Some of you can deny as much as you want, but there's definitely a problem in this country.
Apr 19, 2018
@Gemker unfortunately, there are those who aren't interested in actual discourse but simply exhausting you.

when debating people online, always keep this quote by Jean-Paul Sartre in mind, though it applies to more than just anti-semites.

“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”
May 30, 2018
@Jdeoxys Which experimental papers? This is the only meta-analysis I can find, which says:
Our results indicated that relative to White targets, participants were quicker to shoot armed Black targets, slower to not shoot unarmed Black targets, and more likely to have a liberal shooting threshold for Black targets
It should be noted that the samples used included non-police officers, which the paper also addresses:
Based on suggestions from a reviewer, we also conducted a follow-up analysis where undergraduates and community members were compared to police officers. In this case, the effect of sample type was also not significant for any operationalization of shooter bias (p’s ranged from .125 - .942). Thus, it does not appear that police officers, community members, and undergraduates have different shooter biases in general.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
Also, please don't bail out looters and arsonists. The release of rapists from prison "because corona" was bad enough.
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
@Gemker The number he's referring to is the number of manslaughter and/or robbery. It's right there on the chart that you linked. Isn't it obvious? And this number supports the fact that black people are killed the most by other black people. And assuming that only 0.37% of blacks were arrested for violent crimes or any kinds, then by no means does it back the idea that plenty of black people get arrested unfairly by police. Otherwise, that number would have 100 times higher. When you belong to a group or live in area with worse crime rate than others, of course the police will dedicate a little extra resources into keeping watch over your group. In turn, they catch you and your people doing more crimes, and the cycle continues until someone stop doing bad things. Very very rarely does a black person get shot by the police for no reason. Poor? Blacks have also been constantly helped and coddled, along with women and other minorities, by the a certain party for the last 4-5 decades. They have received tremendous support and care from people who wanted to help them. While Asians continue to become more well-off, black people (at least the majority) continue to struggle. What's not working out for them? When you stop criticizing someone because you are afraid of being politically incorrect, and only tell them lies to make them feel better, unless they know how to judge themselves, those people will fail. Yes, there is a race problem in this country, surely. But it doesn't lie with the group with lowest melanin in their skin.

@Plykiya He ignored the actual 50% stat in his source, lol.

At this rate, there's nothing else to do. I'm also bored to repeating myself again. Just... get the police the fuck out of black areas. That's what they demand, and let the so-called "allies" stay with them. Let these people be responsible for themselves. Something happens? Welp, tough luck. No more bastard police to come and worsen your day.
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