Concerning the US Protests and Our Rules

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Apr 15, 2019
If you guys really wanted to stay neutral you shouldn't have made this thread in the first place.

By announcing to the whole world that you "don't care" you just stated that you are not in favor of the protests.

I agree that there is no place for politics in scans devoid of them, but the website itself is whatever the people who manage it want it to be.
Jan 19, 2018
Staying out of it all is the right move. I get bombarded with these news whereever I go on the internet even though it has nothing to do with my country. It's enough, I come here to read manga to not think about our shitty world all the time. Read something wholesome for once. Ofc every live matters regardless of color, sexual orientation and whatnot, but everything has a time and place. Most of the internet is talking about politics n stuff, it's enough. Go to a news site if you want to talk about these topics.
May 7, 2020
And to think, less than two years ago, these were the sorts of headlines about Minnesota police:
Cops respond to noise complaint, end up playing ‘Super Smash Bros.’

May 6, 2019
In terms of what organizations to donate to, I would recommend donating to the re-election campaign of President Donald John Trump. It's hard to imagine any other President in this day and age standing up for the preservation of law & order and not giving into the bullying tactics of rioters and protesters. Keep America Great.
Jan 5, 2019
@Purplelibraryguy, I don't know dude, looks to me like they want to get rid of the police all together. You have 9 out of 13 city council members in favor of disbanding the police in Minneapolis. The question is what are they going to replace them with if they actually do it. De-blasio and others are also defunding their police forces.

I do not think replacing them with a group like the black panthers or blm would be a good idea at all. I do not believe in having two separate systems of justice, one for whites and blacks. That's not not going to fix anything let alone racism. What you just said will farther divide the country and cause more hate. We need one system of law and order that is fair and balanced that all people follow equally. Letting one group of people make their own rules in a recipe for disaster. We would be better off reforming rather then disbanding and starting from scratch.
is a Reindeer
Jan 24, 2018
@zaitcev There's a phenomena I'm not sure what the name of is, but after you learn about something's existence, you suddenly start noticing it pop up around you more often.
Online, we still have EFF. Their work to curb the copyright abuses is something very much relevant to MangaDex. They are worth a donation. But they were able to do this in part by staying true to their mission and tuning out the plight of the victim group de-jour. You aren't fighting police brutality if you donate to EFF.
Just saw this recent article they posted, thought they wouldn't actually make a comment on the police based on what you said. But it's just a small little article telling people reminding them of their rights
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 9, 2019
Lee Camp was sugges[ing folks donate to "mutual aid"—there were a number of different organizations but check the podcast/videocast Moment of Clarity for details. This will be especially important as people get sick as a consequence of protesting. Minneapolis protesters have gone ahead and done this, and likewise, there have been overall large efforts to implement mutual aid for the general COVID-19 pandemic.

@gatordreams16 True. Though, as an international site, it's not simply relegated to US institutional racism/ethnicism. Mangadex is kinda like the UN of Scanlation. 😅😂🤣

That said, I would like to think that the avoidance is to prevent all our clan wars, since there are many Black folks who don't want to come on Mangadex to escape the craziness only to have some asshat with privilege smack talking and raging in the comments. I'd like to think that they aren't taking a position so that we can have a platform where folks individually can, as opposed to them issuing BS virtue signalling.

I think this is both political and a human rights issue, and I don't want to see the whole site blow up. Like, if BLM relates to a comic chapter—folks can work it in subtly, like in some of the comics I'm reading involving ethnicism. I do support nonviolent militant direct action—that said, for folks who have been protesting or who may have gotten the shit beat out of them, or folks who need an escape, I can also see how not having #BlueLivesMatter or #AllLivesMatter triggering them when all they want is an escape—if they didn't create an avenue for dialogue, then it would clearly demarcate an opinion, but in this case, they are effectively trying to create a safe zone that could help a variety of folks. #BLM issues will carry over I to the chapters (no matter what the admins say), it just is an effort to keep that directed.

That said, I fully agree that by not taking a position on issues pertaining to human rights—particularly, when the issues are systemic, institutional, and have been going on for over 400-years, I can understand how you and others would rightly feel that the site's position is "privilege". That said, how do we as a community want to manage things? Do we allow for dialogue and love our enemies as Dr. King taught, or do we do like the cops & beat anyone who disagrees?

It's a meaningful question to which I don't have any perfect answers.

I will say, however, that in that sermon on "Loving they enemies" (1957), King rejected utilitarian ethics and demanded that our ends must be preexistent in our means. Our means must be ends in themselves.

Peace all & stay safe!
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
Tbh surprised no one has uploaded political user created comics yet
Apr 30, 2018

I've always believed we've been choosing presidents wrong. They should gather all the contenders and have them compete in a hunger games style death match. Last one standing gets to be president until the next game; and they should also all be over 70 just to keep it fair. I mean, that seems a requirement nowadays anyway.

Yeah, someone should make a manga out of that, and use real politicians.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
I find it highly amusing that mods punish anyone who posts certain statistics and others do mental gymnastics to how they aren't relevant and put the blame on anyone else.

If you actually cared about blacks I'd say you should be willing to confront the possibly that some issues might ultimately be internal after all other methods have frequently failed to bring improvement.

Don't misunderstand, I genuinely want everyone to live in peace but nothing is going to improve if you're blaming your crime and murder rate on everything but yourself.
To those who will call me racist, is it racist to note actual statistics and not weasel around them? Is it racist to seek a different solution to help people, even if it upsets some feelings?
Jun 25, 2018
Covid 19 is hitting the USA pretty hard in terms of numbers and you guys go and cuddle? Doing stupid stuff because of stupid stuff like racism and those who cuddle up and face the danger are the people against racism.. are you trying to reduce the number of your forces? Trump would probably say: So many people with so much justice in them and with a bright future ahead, so nice to see!

Crazy just crazy
Jan 9, 2019
Just posting my irrelevant and unwanted opinion:
European here, +1 on "Mangadex please don't do this". Like others have said it's painfully obvious what you are trying to do with OP and the following posts by staff, I left reddit, 4chan and a lot of other places because of this exact reason. I'm sorry for what your people and your country may be going through but please, understand that to an outsider these topics and discussions are just to toxic and nauseating, I understand sometimes it's hard to keep things separate but PLEASE, do try a bit, this is about manga, not promoting whatever you are trying to.. And I mean no offense, I never though I would be able to read manga in such a great way as I do here, that's the reason why I'm asking to not take the same path as others have and fall into this hole of toxicity.

Also please fix this:
Group Leader
Oct 10, 2019
I feel like the mod is forgetting that political manga exist. And escapism? Don't make me laugh. It doesn't mean turn a blind eye to things that affect people on a daily basis. Not every manga is an escapist fantasy (*coughcoughGoodnightPunPun*)
I dunno, this seems pretty underhanded.
is a Reindeer
Jan 24, 2018
@el-kaichou If you read my statement, I said that inserting politics into a manga that is otherwise devoid of it is against the rules. If your manga is political, by all means, feel free to discuss it. It would be silly being able to read a chapter but not be able to talk about it in the comments

For example, if you're reading a manga about girls kissing girls and then there's a montage shaming neo-nazis or libs for saying dumb shit in the credits page, we would remove the credits page. Similarly, you wouldn't expect people to randomly bring up a topic like that in the comments either when you're reading Shield Loli.
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