@Fucktwit Non-blacks are actually shot disproportionately more than blacks, when we take into account the fact that African Americans disproportionately commit more violent crimes and robberies. An encounter with the police is generally initiated when a civilian breaks the law, hence why the percentage of police encounters for African Americans is higher than non-blacks.
This is the unfortunate reality that we must accept and aim to fix. Regrettably, the politically correct narrative that is consistently pushed in the mainstream media creates a social climate where people are hesitant to speak about any issues which may portray African Americans in a negative light. The people who create the narrative know this and use it to their own advantage. Instead of facing the issues in poor African American communities concerning crime, schooling, as well as the glorification of crime and violence commonly seen in African American culture, the established Left persistently incites discord by pushing idea that African Americans are not at all responsible any failures that exist in their communities or culture. If an entire demographic is told that they are void of responsibility and that they are held down by an oppressive society, it, understandably so, incites outrage and results in a lack of drive to attempt to escape from poor living conditions. Candidly put, the manner in which the Left victimizes blacks not only to gain their vote but also maintain the moral high ground is reprehensible and insincere.