Is amy lee even legit? There’s no such title under tappytoon (but it is in pocket comics)
Edit: I even checked their twitter account to see if they made an announcement that it’s coming soon but nothing as well, different titles are on the coming soon list
tappytoon has not licensed Crimson Karma yet. atleast not for english language in india. (yes, i went through all the comics uploaded by tappytoon, and didn't find it)
yo crimson karma is licensed but by pocket comics not tappytoon, anyways support this app they try to catch up moderately and sometimes they release a mass update if they can.
I checked on Tappytoon and it wasn’t there. I’m pretty sure if this was anywhere it’d be on Pocket Comics since they’re the ones Crimson Karma is licensed under. (I just checked on Pocket Comics’ app and it’s there with the latest chapter being 32)
So that message for Tappytoon might mean that it’s going to be on Tappytoon sometime in the (far?) future or you’re getting trolled by someone.