Curious as to why one of my comments was marked as a spoiler (not disputing it, just seeking input. Anyone who is busy should just ignore this >_>; )

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Jan 18, 2018
Edit: Woah, this isn't the support forum. x.x; Where's a delete button when you need one...

This isn't a dispute or anything, just me casually seeking input into what in particular prompted a mod to spoiler-ify an old comment post of mine. (I would have thought it was in the clear.)

Mostly this is for my own peace of mind, though of course responses might better guide my future posting habits. But it's not terribly important: No mod or anyone should feel particular responsibility to take time to read this or anything.

The full comment (which I assure you you cannot identify the series from, so should be no spoilers for anyone regardless) was:

The first chapter is lovely and heartwarming.

...Then things go absolutely bonkers and every character (except the little kid) is revealed to be kind of seriously messed in the head in some way or another, and it's really quite harrowing. The stranger danger is really strong with this one; I think the author thinks it's cute how rape-y some of the characters are sometimes, alas.

The main couple on the other hand are both nice people who... accept everything terrible that those around them try to do, without questioning it and indeed carefully rationalizing the wrongs done to them, in a pretty horrifying way.

Towards the end it sometimes tries to gaslight you into thinking that everyone was just being considerate all along.

The mix of heartwarming stuff and normalized creepyness in this, is the stuff of tepid nightmares.

Now, I can see a couple of possible objections to this:

1. Someone thought the "after the first chapter" thing was me describing a plot-twist, instead of just a general turn the plot takes somewhere in the second chapter. Not unreasonable given how I wrote it (although, incidentally, not what was meant).
2. Someone thought the explicit chronological markers ("after the first chapter", "towards the end") in conjunction with my opinions, were too revealing, even without ever discussing what happened to prompt those opinions.

So I can see at least how this might have fallen into "reasonable minds may differ" category on what spoilers are. That's how I want to evaluate this incident, anyway.

But I'm curious if I'm missing something here, in general spoiler-jurisprudence on the site or rules-of-thumb thereby. Or alternatively if some of what I said just sounds completely different to people who are not me, as we all know sometimes happens, or anything along those lines.
Jan 19, 2018
Why is this in suggestions? If you have questions on your modded comment pm a mod.
Jan 18, 2018
...dammit. Because I'm tired and thought I was in "Support". XD

Edit: Also, I really don't feel the need to PM a mod with this. Any individual mod likely has enough on their plate without having to placate or justify or explain or otherwise walk through my vague sense of having done something wrong. Plus there's a decent chance the general community can answer the question just about as well as mods in this case.

Edit edit: I am reminded that I can neither delete nor report my own posts, so I can't do anything about this being in the wrong forum x.x;
Dec 31, 2019
The full comment (which I assure you you cannot identify the series from, so should be no spoilers for anyone regardless) was:
That spoiler completely ruined
Tenjou no Shita ni Koi
for me and as a result, I did not start reading it at all.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
The first chapter is lovely and heartwarming.

...Then things go absolutely bonkers and every character (except the little kid) is revealed to be kind of seriously messed in the head in some way or another, and it's really quite harrowing. The stranger danger is really strong with this one; I think the author thinks it's cute how rape-y some of the characters are sometimes, alas.

The main couple on the other hand are both nice people who... accept everything terrible that those around them try to do, without questioning it and indeed carefully rationalizing the wrongs done to them, in a pretty horrifying way.

Towards the end it sometimes tries to gaslight you into thinking that everyone was just being considerate all along.

The mix of heartwarming stuff and normalized creepyness in this, is the stuff of tepid nightmares.
This original comment is something I would typically expect to read in a review; a review that contains the phrase "WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD" or something of the like. The comment does give away far too much of the series and the direction it takes, and it certainly warrants a spoiler tag.

As a general rule, users should not talk the about events of future chapters in discussions pertain to previous chapters. If I commented in detail about something that happens in chapter 30 on either the discussion for chapter 2 or even just the general discussion page, my comment should be marked with a spoiler tag.

No malice intended on my part btw, just letting you know. I've been spoiled by unmarked spoilers before, and while it's not the end of the world, it still sucks.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 16, 2018
If you have questions on your modded comment pm a mod.
I second this, just PM the mod in question.. they're pretty cool bunch...
Just don't be an ass when doing so.
Jan 18, 2018
As an aside. I'm not sure if I should just stay quiet so this mis-placed thread dies as quickly as possible, or just keep going, or contact a mod... if someone knows tell me. XD


It was indeed in the general comments for the series and something like a review.

But then, what is the difference between a spoiler-ific review, and expressing a broad opinion of a work? I didn't say a single thing that happened (beyond, "...accept everything terrible that those around them try to do...", to the extent that is an event). I could see, as I implied above, how someone might construct a mental impression of the plot arc, given the temporal markers I gave for my reactions (I think a plot arc someone might construe from what I said would be wrong—but, notwithstanding that)—is that the problem? Or are we talking something different and more fundamental in your and my understanding of this?


Them being genuinely a cool bunch is really all the more reason I don't want to waste their time getting into nitty-bitty details on what might or might not be a spoiler.

Edit: If the implicit subtext is, "Don't clog up the forum with everyday questions," I could see that, although I did think that general discussion as to the nature of spoilers would be germane. ...In the other forum, I mean. x_x
Jan 18, 2018

Er, well, yes, the comment can be used to identify the series if you recognize the comment itself.

That aside, I'm sorry that it had that effect for you. That certainly was not my intention (I think I can safely say that, even though I don't really remember writing it, being a year ago as it was. I suppose I did want to give some sort of warning, but not to ruin anyone's day). Can I ask you why, so that I might better reasonably prevent such things in the future?

(If nothing else this thread is revealing in that I am clearly on a different page from people on some of this. Which I can't process properly without pinning down the whys and wherefores. I mean, to be clear, I don't think that comment was my finest work. But the reactions I'm getting are rather more visceral than I expected.)

Edit: I should probably sleep. Honestly, I started talking about this about the time I should have stopped talking for the night, if I had any sense (because that was when I found out about it). But this really isn't the best discussion to have with my 3 AM head. I may be missing dumb things.

I still appreciate any input. And, paradoxically, any mod who locks, moves, or deletes this misplaced thread. ^^;;
Jan 19, 2018
That aside, I'm sorry that it had that effect for you. That certainly was not my intention (I think I can safely say that, even though I don't really remember writing it, being a year ago as it was). Can I ask you why, so that I might better reasonably prevent such things in the future?
Lmao pretty sure he was just pulling your leg don't take it so seriously.

Them being genuinely a cool bunch is really all the more reason I don't want to waste their time getting into nitty-bitty details on what might or might not be a spoiler.
Call me crazy but doesn't answering questions fall under the responsibility of the mods? I get that you don't want to bother anyone but if that's one of the duties of a mod then it shouldn't be taken as a bother (unless you pester them endlessly).
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
how someone might construct a mental impression of the plot arc, given the temporal markers I gave for my reactions (I think a plot arc someone might construe from what I said would be wrong—but, notwithstanding that)—is that the problem? Or are we talking something different and more fundamental in your and my understanding of this?
No need to try and overanalyze the problem with the comment in such a way. Also, uncommonly seen words do not make you sound smarter, nor do they add credence to your stance.
Then things go absolutely bonkers and every character (except the little kid) is revealed to be kind of seriously messed in the head in some way or another
This is too specific of a descriptor, and probably the most spoilery quote in the original comment.
what is the difference between a spoiler-ific review, and expressing a broad opinion of a work?
The level of broadness used is the difference. I see plenty of broad comments people leave concerning manga and their impressions of said manga. Those comments leave broad descriptions and personal opinions too, but they are far more tactful in their level of broadness. I don't have any problems with those.
But the reactions I'm getting are rather more visceral than I expected
These comments are very, and I mean very, tame.

This is extremely simple. Your comment, as I stated previously, was too specific in describing things that happened in the manga. Even voicing your interpretations of a work can spoil it depending on the words used. There's an easy solution to this issue that most people can logically deduce: Spoiler tag your comments when they describe future events, even broadly or indirectly.
Jan 18, 2018

I mean, I know I'd find myself annoying in this case. I suppose there might also be a, "I don't want one person's explanation, I want to know what people generally think about such things", bent to my reaction, though if so I wasn't self-aware about it until now.

Lmao pretty sure he was just pulling your leg don't take it so seriously.

...Basically continuously more reasons I should stop trying to sort this out at 3 AM. Okay. G'night. x.x; Sorry again to whatever mod needs to move or delete this thread. XD
Jan 18, 2018
I said I would sleep but there's a reply above me. Uh-oh.

No need to try and overanalyze the problem with the comment in such a way. Also, uncommonly seen words do not make you sound smarter, nor do they add credence to your stance.

This is literally just how I think and how I talk naturally. If anything I'm likely to spout more weird words (sometimes mis-applied) tired and late at night. One time they put me on loopy drugs for a surgery and I became positively florid in my turns-of-phrase, it was apparently amusing. Sorry if it offends you? x_x;

...Okay I'm stopping now. I will either address the rest in the morning, or shut the hell up because I'm back to my senses and realizing the full folly of carrying on such a discussion in entirely the wrong forum. XD
Active member
Apr 1, 2019
I feel for the you of tomorrow when they remember and regret all of the sleep-deprived posting you did here.
Can you resist the urge to go on an editing spree...?
No one minds by the way, you don't have to worry.
Jan 18, 2018
@Afiaki: It's okay... I'm used to being my own embarrassing self and got through most of the self-inflicted cringe before coming back online 😅

That was definitely the first ten minutes of the morning, before getting up. XD
Miku best girl
May 29, 2012
I think in general, if a comment can be construed as discussion of future events and it's not made clear that it is your own opinion and not being presented as fact, then it's likely to be marked as a spoiler.
Jan 18, 2018

Yeah, that was sort of my uncertain takeaway from this. That things that I said that made it sound like a certain sort of plot (some sort of "suddenly everything goes crazy" plot), instead of myself just thinking that certain elements of the writing went sharply downhill.

Though giving too clear a timeline to my reactions relative to the plot possibly was actually a bit problematic, not just bad prose from me, in its hinting of the possible trajectory of the plot-arc (correctly or no).

...Conclusions which I probably could have reached by myself if I'd just slept on it, but panicking ineffectually when I think I've done something wrong is in my character (see body of evidence, supra ~_~; )

Mostly this is an indictment of my bad writing and sloppiness in the questionable wisdom of writing an upset rant right after finishing a series 😅
Miku best girl
May 29, 2012
But don't worry too much, there isn't a secret counter tracking how many times you have been spoilered, banning you when you hit a certain threshold, lol.
Jan 19, 2018
But don't worry too much, there isn't a secret counter tracking how many times you have been spoilered, banning you when you hit a certain threshold, lol.

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