Dachi no Imouto - Vol. 4 Ch. 21 - Chapter 21

Dex-chan lover
Jul 7, 2024
I'm fine as long as the main plotline gets resolved in a satisfactory way. Unless there's no side characters at all, there's usually going to be some potential of a side plot that involve side characters that can be explored separately if desired.

Slice-of-life stories can be hard to put an endpoint on given they technically can go on and on forever, and having a story needlessly drag out with no real purpose doesn't do much good. Most of these manga have an LN/WN as the source material, so if people want more details, they can read the source material after.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2023
I can't believe I have to even clarify this but no this was not cancelled. You media literacy challenged gooners couldn't identify a natural narrative ending if you broke your nose walking straight into one.

What story is there left to tell? The central conflict is resolved. The entire premise. You even get a (pre) sex scene.

Dachi no Imouto was carrying Rakuen Le Paradis, the magazine it's serialized in so hard that the latest issue is getting review bombed on retailer websites by people saying all the good series (specifically mentioning Dachi no Imouto) are ending and they have no reason to buy anymore. So shut the fuck up about shit you have no clue about that can easily be fact checked, holy shit you people are annoying.

I regret scanlating this series in particular because it got popular (and horny) enough to attract this crowd of readers. I will stick to niche series that will filter out undesirables and offend most people who read it from now on.
TLDR: it got axed
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2023
Damn, can't believe it got axed like that, guess the translator is going to find some other soon-to-be-axed manga to work on.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2023
I can't believe I have to even clarify this but no this was not cancelled. You media literacy challenged gooners couldn't identify a natural narrative ending if you broke your nose walking straight into one.

What story is there left to tell? The central conflict is resolved. The entire premise. You even get a (pre) sex scene.

Dachi no Imouto was carrying Rakuen Le Paradis, the magazine it's serialized in so hard that the latest issue is getting review bombed on retailer websites by people saying all the good series (specifically mentioning Dachi no Imouto) are ending and they have no reason to buy anymore. So shut the fuck up about shit you have no clue about that can easily be fact checked, holy shit you people are annoying.

I regret scanlating this series in particular because it got popular (and horny) enough to attract this crowd of readers. I will stick to niche series that will filter out undesirables and offend most people who read it from now on.
It's understandable to think this series got axed. Many manga plots couldn't sew themselves up in a frenzied state inside of 30 chapters, never mind a "natural progression." And while I'm not a Literature BA/MA, I don't consider this ending to be expected or the central plot resolved. There wasn't ever a central plot - it was simply an amalgamation of stories. Notably, the older brother's narrative was never fully resolved for example.

If you regret scanlating it, personally I would have stopped around Chapter 5. This fiasco of a manga needed to drill a million dollar hole in the desert a lot sooner paraphrasing Tom Wolfe's The Right Stuff (a real classic BTW). I sympathize with your feelings, but you're the one in control of the TL since it's your efforts. Hope you enjoy your future efforts, and have a happy holiday if you celebrate it.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 10, 2023
Our notion of the story is altered by the delay in the chapters. I don't even remember how the brother found out. If you read the chapters all at once now that they are complete, the feeling of a well-finished story must be there.
Aggregator gang
Jan 12, 2023
This left a weird taste in my mouth. On one hand, I'm disappointed it's over. On the other, these two seem like their arc is done, I don't really see what more the author could do with them besides normal relationship stuff. It also feels like there are some loose ends with some of the other characters.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 27, 2018
I can't believe I have to even clarify this but no this was not cancelled. You media literacy challenged gooners couldn't identify a natural narrative ending if you broke your nose walking straight into one.

What story is there left to tell? The central conflict is resolved. The entire premise. You even get a (pre) sex scene.

Dachi no Imouto was carrying Rakuen Le Paradis, the magazine it's serialized in so hard that the latest issue is getting review bombed on retailer websites by people saying all the good series (specifically mentioning Dachi no Imouto) are ending and they have no reason to buy anymore. So shut the fuck up about shit you have no clue about that can easily be fact checked, holy shit you people are annoying.

I regret scanlating this series in particular because it got popular (and horny) enough to attract this crowd of readers. I will stick to niche series that will filter out undesirables and offend most people who read it from now on.
Damn dude, I hope you never fall off that high fuckin horse. It would definitely be lethal.
Group Leader
Feb 3, 2018
I regret scanlating this series in particular because it got popular (and horny) enough to attract this crowd of readers. I will stick to niche series that will filter out undesirables and offend most people who read it from now on.
Damn, tell us how you really feel. As a scanlator, it's not that serious. None of the comments are aimed at you. It's just fans sad that the series ended so quickly. If you're this annoyed at comments that aren't even negative or about your work, I don't know how you've managed to be a scanlator for as long as you have.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 23, 2023
I can't believe I have to even clarify this but no this was not cancelled. You media literacy challenged gooners couldn't identify a natural narrative ending if you broke your nose walking straight into one.

What story is there left to tell? The central conflict is resolved. The entire premise. You even get a (pre) sex scene.

Dachi no Imouto was carrying Rakuen Le Paradis, the magazine it's serialized in so hard that the latest issue is getting review bombed on retailer websites by people saying all the good series (specifically mentioning Dachi no Imouto) are ending and they have no reason to buy anymore. So shut the fuck up about shit you have no clue about that can easily be fact checked, holy shit you people are annoying.

I regret scanlating this series in particular because it got popular (and horny) enough to attract this crowd of readers. I will stick to niche series that will filter out undesirables and offend most people who read it from now on.
Insulting the readers that haven't insulted or done anything to anyone, great idea

This was an abrupt ending, and just because you don't agree doesn't mean you get to sit there on your scanlating throne and insult the readers
Dex-chan lover
Jul 23, 2023
That's a lot of words just to say that it got axed.

Jokes aside, they could have continued with the story further - there's definetly more to tell even if the main conflict is gone. We have more characters that can tell their own stories as well as the typical time skip onto the couples lives when having kids as an epilogue.

I'm satisfied with this ending, but there's definetly more room to do stuff in.
I agree, in my opinion (and many others) it was an abrupt ending
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2019
I can't believe I have to even clarify this but no this was not cancelled. You media literacy challenged gooners couldn't identify a natural narrative ending if you broke your nose walking straight into one.

What story is there left to tell? The central conflict is resolved. The entire premise. You even get a (pre) sex scene.

Dachi no Imouto was carrying Rakuen Le Paradis, the magazine it's serialized in so hard that the latest issue is getting review bombed on retailer websites by people saying all the good series (specifically mentioning Dachi no Imouto) are ending and they have no reason to buy anymore. So shut the fuck up about shit you have no clue about that can easily be fact checked, holy shit you people are annoying.

I regret scanlating this series in particular because it got popular (and horny) enough to attract this crowd of readers. I will stick to niche series that will filter out undesirables and offend most people who read it from now on.

I sincerely hope this is a symptom of something else being wrong and a minor annoyance being the last straw, because otherwise: calm the fuck down. One can be media literate and still surprised over how quickly the main plot threads were tied up while still leaving a bunch of extra stuff that was treated as more than simple throw away depth-building remained ignored. A cancellation (or an axe, as much as that word seems to deeply personally offend you) doesn't meant the story stops dead right then and there. There are series where the cancellation is more like a short deadline to wrap things up. Telling the author that they've got X months left or a volume to finish before the story must be drawn to a close.

Or it could just be a way to wonder if the author got sick of the story and stopped quickly on their own accord. Or there was some fight behind the scenes and they decided to wrap up rather than continue under some sort of duress. Who knows. It could mean a lot of things from a literal immediate cancellation to a bunch of other direct or indirect things that contributed to the story ending sooner than it felt like it was building towards.

Plus expecting people to go out and find/translate the information needed to know how well the series did or what the reaction of the Japanese audience was is kind of weird. Most of us are here because we don't read Japanese, which is kind of a huge barrier to finding most of that info.

If you get this angry and take it seemingly this personally that you can't stand the idea that people are sad or annoyed at how abruptly the series finished out, or have the pretentious arrogance to say "I should stick to translating things for a better class of people who meet my intellectual standards" that says more about you than it does the rest of the audience.

I like this author's work and I hope to see more of it in the future. And if you want to translate it that'd be cool because I do appreciate the work you've done (which is another silly thing: You're internalizing peoples' complaints about the story as if it somehow reflects against you and the work that you've done. Like people being upset by the ending is morphed into "this ending is shit and you're shit for not picking something better to do that wasn't such shit at the end." even though that's 1000% not the case). But if you're going to throw a little baby hissy fit and quit because people saying "axed" triggers you or whatever, then fine. Whatever. Translate your niche series and nestle yourself in the obscure comfort of knowing that you choose to hide away from the big bad meme comments that somehow personally offended you, I guess.

Whatever. It's just pirated manga. It's not that serious.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2021
This left a weird taste in my mouth. On one hand, I'm disappointed it's over. On the other, these two seem like their arc is done, I don't really see what more the author could do with them besides normal relationship stuff. It also feels like there are some loose ends with some of the other characters.
That's where I'm at. The premise was resolved and all the side conflicts as well, this was a good place to stop the manga. I wish we had gotten more chapters, but we got enough.

They could introduced other challenges for our couple(s) but I've got nothing bad to say about this manga or the ending. The ending could have maybe had a better execution but honestly what else was there for it to do or wrap up? They came clean with the brother, their relationship is as passionate ever, and the other club couple are happy too.
The ending was... abrupt but it doesn't reek of axe-kun.
Group Leader
Jan 19, 2018
As a scanlator, yeah I totally feel that a lot of people use the word axed willy nilly without giving it any thought.

But on the other hand, this manga was in serialization for 4, almost 5 years (it's got so few chapters because the anthology it's on only comes out 3 times a year). It had a lot of time to come up with an ending and flesh it out.

So even if it wasn't axed (which btw we can never know for sure as much as some pretend to) and ended the way the author intended, that just says more about the author being incapable of writing a satisfying ending than anything else.

Sure this wasn't the worst ending in the world but come on, we could have had more and it's disingenuous to pretend otherwise.

As a side note, I'm really starting to get tired of Rakuen le Paradis (the anthology this was on). It has such an awful release schedule for manga serialization. I cna only imagine how much more content this manga in particular could have had if it was on any other publication.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Ahaha, as I see it, the author struggled with ideas for at least 5 last chapters, filling the title with side characters's stories and such, with me not really interested in all of them. Because of that, for me it's only natural that the series ends now, right after the main conflict's (the plot's principal pillar's) resolution. In this regard, the finisher line is MC's words about FMC being not just "best friend's imouto" for him.
As for this chapter, I like it. I mean, student sex in the school building. With potentially expired condom. Splendid.

Anyway, thanks for the translation, and good luck to the author. I dabbed into author's other works, and at the very least I like his drawing style
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Kaguya sama had a confession and carried on
Excuse my killjoy self, but I'd like to correct: it was Kaguya-sama who confessed. And main series point was that she wants to be confessed to, it was even used as a title
And actually she got her confession before the very end, at that helicopter scene. Talk about well thought-out plot.
Group Leader
Jan 19, 2018
If any of you are offended by my comments, good. That means I don't want you here, please leave and don't read anything I work on ever again.

I don't want to make this about me which is why I've never done any credit pages or commentary in the actual pages, but to leave the comment section a cesspool where apparently more than 50% of "readers" don't even like the series and think they can further their internet comedy career with their 4 upvotes on the millionth occurrence of a one word "joke" shitting on the material that they chose to read, that they've done no work to receive for free, is unacceptable to me personally.

Yes, I am personally offended, because imagine if the actual creators of any of this read the comments. The cesspool of unfunny and mean spirited to further some personal ego comments only exist here because I translated this. I am personally responsible for this insanely toxic feedback, even if the creators never read or understand it.

That anyone on a piracy website feels entitled to laugh at, demean, and shit on authors when they are not just consumers, but thieves benefiting off of the hard work of other thieves (and then think they're in the right and I'm the crazy one) is frankly, a practice that destroys what little faith in humanity I had left.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2023
Wow, if ever there was a business case for EAP serving TL groups specifically, this rant solidified it.

You're retranslating someone else's work without prior authorization, regardless of profit or not.

So putting us as the readers of your work in a distasteful category while you yourself have no dirt on your hands? Gaslighting at it's most basic.

No one here is Lilly White clean. And we're all just sharing opinions. None of it is the Uber answer.

Holy Mackerel.

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