@Tensaitkuroneko He's trying to think of all the possibilities just in case, like if the two of them both get drunk(not just her) and they do something they both regret later. They're partners, and it's not unreasonable to believe they could at least become friends at some point, so if they are both not of the right mind and happen to be frisky they'd likely go for each other rather than some random strangers they don't know or trust. I mean, shit like this happens in real life all the time
with strangers, why wouldn't it happen between people that actually know each other and are living under the same roof with at least a decent relationship? Even Daisy is trying to think ahead, stating what if she divorces him rather than him instigating the divorce, since the contract is all about him doing it.
Also, the post marriage copulation that is often common(if not required) right after the ceremony might end up going all the way rather than them just talking all night to pretend they are doing the deed. Depends on how things go and how far they have to take the act.