Daites Ryou Koubouki - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

Dex-chan lover
May 28, 2019
How do you keep cars, trains and weapon testing a secret from the rest of the country? Aren't they big, load and don't the trains make a lot of smoke trails because they run on coal.

How do they stop visitors from keeping their mouths shut. Like don't people visit for like business, tourism or family stuff (well likely the rich in this kinda society but still). They just come in see cars, telephones, books, etcetera, and leave thinking "well that was neat but no reason to tell anybody when get home." Also pretty nice nobody from this place is selling off any of these ideas to other people to make a profit. (I guess there weren't people with enough smarts and selfishness to go ahead and steal them like Tomas Edison)

Also just because you have blueprints doesn't mean you can create the inventions. People are limited by what tools and technology they have. Leonardo da Vinchi started blueprints for the early planes in the mid 1400's but planes didn't get off the ground until the 1900's with the Wright brothers. (i mean iron man 2 had a gimmick about this for Howard Stark knew how to create an element but he didn't have the means to do it. Tony found his dads work and had the tools and technology to create an element and was the first to make it)

I am going to give this one more chapter before I decide if I am going to stick to reading this or not. The first chapter was just fun and games but this chapter hit me in the face like "oh by the way our girl has photogenic memory and visited a bunch of museums as a kid so she is able to create an industrial age all by herself and also kept it a secret within her borders but its nothing you need to give serious thought about" Just... that is a lot to ask me to take lightheartedly.

Translators don't take this to heart I really appreciate the hard work you done to make this available. Your translation is great, your timing amazing,(like wow there is already a new chapter) and the cleanup very professional.

This is a criticism of the story itself. I enjoy a comedy but there is a limit my suspension of disbelief when it comes to how isekai characters adapt themselves into their new life. Especially when I read others that didn't do all the hard stuff off screen in a time skip with such ease. This story is just not turning out to be my cup of tea, but from other comments people are having more fun with it.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
so mc have ability to remember whatever she saw/learned once and not forget it that quiet op


Dex-chan lover
Sep 21, 2018
Nice idea but 0 points for 'realism' even if every important point is exaggerated.

Even if this is in a ridiculously rural location, there should be visitors/spies/merchants/ yada yada that would spread the news of technological advancement
Even if MC has such a perfect memory and magic technology (spirit stones) that could create all the basic tools needed for all the future tools, ten years is waaaay too fast for it to not set off any warning bells elsewhere, the kingdom in particular. (then there is also the issue of production rate which is too fast for a place that was recently starving to death.)

Failing grade for realism. Still a nice read though if you are willing to ignore all that.

On a side note, spreading BL is probably the best reason I have ever heard for advancing the technology several hundred years ahead.
Active member
Nov 2, 2018
>all this people expecting realism
It's a friggin remote area...
I bet you'd know how many houses and people exist in the rural area of omyokon siberia without internet.
All other stuff are implied and Explained if you bother using a bit of brain to digest them.
It's funny that people compare the realism of a middle age community with our current era.
The Irony is that the realism they were expecting isnt even realistic 400 years ago... Heck even scientist think nuclear energy isnt possible in 1920.
Dec 20, 2018
Aluminum, and the technique to refine aluminum is relatively recent, let alone the ability to create rolled sheet metal at an economical scale in which canning makes financial sense.
Dec 20, 2018
Aluminum, and the technique to refine aluminum is relatively recent, let alone the ability to create rolled sheet metal at an economical scale in which canning makes financial sense.

To those who say realism doesn't matter, when will they start making semiconductors? That would be rock bottom.
May 12, 2018
"it's as quiet as an electric car"
*Goes VROOOM in the panel just before and after this statement*
Dec 23, 2018
Damn are they have the techinique and tools to make all of it?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
Few centuries? You already developed it by thousands of years...
Aggregator gang
Aug 3, 2019
Is anyone going to mention how it cut from Milliana getting laid to literal cannon fire? Because I will.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 5, 2019
I would say I'm relatively average, knowing the concept behind something, I would be able to make combustion engines/steam engines/telephone of some discription or at the very least get some people who are better than me at knowing the materials to make it/have a jumping off point.

now, for trains, honestly this is easy, the metallurgy, unimportant. back then wasn't like today where we need VERY exacting metal standards to do things. the best way to explain this would be if you know anything about a 3d printed gun, realistically, it shouldn't work, but to make it work, you just need to re enforce areas till they can work, or engineer around what doesn't in ways that do, I can't think of anything else that is a relatively modern development that functions like old ones did. getting everything exacting is not important, you enginear around it. someone once said, piss with the cock you got, not the one you want. for the most part, proof of concept is the most important aspect, and from here you can run with it if you are smart enough and make minor improvements. 10+ years is quite a long time to make improvements.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 18, 2018
Well, after reading Release the Witch this kind of advance technology is quite tame. At least Milliana doesnt know how to create nuclear bomb
Oct 12, 2019
I love how nonchalantly she gets raped over and over. Its not like she dislikes it though. Thats how chads roll.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
If they were immediately preparing for war, why would they exile their general?

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