@RamenRider My understanding is that perfect memory is only useful if you're paying attention, but if you're distracted or you completely blank out then your mind isn't processing anything at all. It's like a camera that was turned on but the record button wasn't pressed. The camera sees what's going on, but nothing is retained.
It could also just be an oversight by the author. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@AaniK I think you have a point. If she genuinely felt bad about the sex, then she wouldn't feel fine around him. The rapeyness still isn't good, but with the way it's played out it seems like she treats it the same way children treat chores and throws a fit. The fact that she asked Kocis to take her place adds to this, where she asks a friend or family member to do it for her. Which, btw, I found that exchange funny. I took it as him basically saying to her "It's your turn, now" since he had that experience the night before after she threw him to the wolf.
It seems like neither one of them actually hate sleeping with the prince, it's just that he is too much for them to handle. I wouldn't be surprised if the prince is just super well-endowed and also a bit rough in bed. Even with plenty of foreplay and lubrication, I'm sure large insertions and rough play can still be intense.
Rape-like situations still aren't good, though. Would be better if she looked forward to it more in the sense that she doesn't feel like it's a bother. :I