@dsid2814 I explained "adorkable" on the Reddit that the author created a mashup of the words 愚か (foolish) and かわいい (cute) into 愚かわいい meaning something along the lines of "Foolishly cute" so I translated it as "adorkable", as for "bro" the guy says アニキ which literally means "bro". The only word you have even remotely a case for is the neologistic use of the word "Stan" but even then you'd only be half right as there's been an evolution in the Japanese word "推し" from a verb into a noun (albeit for the one being supported, not the one who's supporting). Anyway, long story short, your insistence of purity apart from western slang runs contrary to the tone of the manga and the words being used, so basically what I want to say is "stfu if you don't know what the fuck you're talking about".