Danjohi 1:5 no Sekai demo Futsu ni Ikirareru to Omotta? ~ Geki Juu Kanjou na Kanojotachi ga Mujikaku Danshi ni Honrousaretara - Ch. 2

Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2024
A yandere, but somewhat complex as a character. Low self-esteem, frustration, and fear of failure drives her to be desperate, impatient and uncompromising. This is several notches more human than your average stabby nutcase, actually sort of relatable.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
ALRIGHT! Author-san, lets see where your Yandere Harem fic goes. If I see more than 1 mentally stable person, I'm gonna throw fish at your doorway.

You're already doing better than most authors on their Yandere by giving this one an actual REASON beyond "He's just so sugoooooi!" let's see if you can keep it up.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2018
It will take a year to get all the girls introduced if each one has 2 chapters...
Isn't the first girl's friend one of the girls on the cover? So with first girl, the friend and that basketball girl, that would make 3 of the girls showing up so far.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 6, 2024
I mean, it sort of makes sense. You got yeeted to a parallel world with different social values. It even explains in the first chapter that he didn’t realize how scary it was to suddenly lose all connections with people. I think even if you’re social and well adjusted, it would be scary and its perfectly reasonable to be nervous.
He's been there for over a month at this point though. It doesn't feel like he's a quiet person, it feels like he's trying to appeal to the audience to self insert into
Dex-chan lover
Sep 5, 2019
First off, yay new chapter thanks for the scanlation!
Second: i like that we get a view into why she is a bit yandere. And it ultimately makes sense in the context of this world. In a world where it's 5 women to 1 man, this would easily magnify the feelings of inadequacy she would feel. And it would also make sense within the rules of this world that she would highly treasure and guard jealously the little bit of affirmation and affection she gets. If you spent your entire life being rejected for someone else, and you finally found someone who was able to look at you, the feelings of wanting to hold onto that make a lot of sense.

So like, I  get her. Shes a good girl, and i can understand her feelings. Even if i may disagree with them.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
I guess it's not strange for a girl with so little experience in romance on top of being in a man-scarce world to have trouble regulating her jealousy.

First girl being semi-yandere is fun though. This definitely won't go poorly.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 15, 2019
First girl a yandere? Classic... :shamihuh: ha...ha...ha...

Oh, one of those girls...........

Dex-chan lover
Jun 19, 2023
Finally another chapterrrr thank you so muchhhh

And oh no she's the 2nd girl?? I thought the friend would be next xd
Dex-chan lover
Dec 3, 2023
If this is the direction it's going, I'm expecting these girls to all try and murder each other behind the scenes while MC dude is none the wiser. Like, Haremette005 is chained to the bottom of a river, drowning, and MC's like "Oh, she's not at school? Guess she's just feeling a bit under the weather, huh?"
Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2023
Looking at the covers it doesn't look like the woman who took him in is interested in him beyond protecting. We also now have met 2 MORE girls from the cover! Twintails and hair clip! Given the reaction of not wanting to share I guess even with the 1:5 ratio and the fact polygamy is only being thought about that will probably be an issue.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 20, 2024
She got way too attached way too quickly
Married but still a virgin? The lengths mangaka go for their fetishes is mind-blowing
Who's married but still a virgin? If you mean the landlady where does it say she's a virgin? All I saw was it saying she was separated from her husband
I see from someone posting a screenshot, it seems to have been corrected
I'm like, damn girl, selfish much. I know I know, most of the comments probably thinks that she should be selfish. But in a world where men are rare, get ready to share. In the normal world you shouldn't have to share but in this world it is what it is. There are already not enough men to go around and she wants to lock one down to be just hers, lol. You can want what you want but she needs to realize she shouldn't be THIS possessive.
I don't see anyone saying she shouldn't be selfish, I could tell she was selfish from chapter 1 when she was put off of the idea of being a guys 3rd girlfriend though
And there goes my interest lol, yandere sucks
Only a sith deals in absolutes, some yandere's are good when handled well (most aren't)
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2023
i hope his guardian is not gonna be a love interest though
If she's purely a guardian figure that would indicate the women there aren't just sex crazed morons, which means the women are actual characters and not just some self insert author's fantasy. In fact this more girls to guy ratio has the potential to patch some issues in "irl" harem manga
Dex-chan lover
May 11, 2019
At least she's aware that she's jealous & maybe a bit possessive. Still a bit confused if he swapped places with this world's Masato because does he not have family members that wonder where he's staying at? Thanks for the translations.
From what I understood from chapter 1, I thought he was dropped into this new world, but now from this chapter it seems he just possessed the original Masato but doesn't remember anything the original one did.

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