This is such a common trope in Japan, but how is it not super illegal to have a structure meant for people to enter that can’t be opened from the inside? That’s hilariously against building codes and fire regulations in North America.
@Guspaz the japanese live for drama and have thus structured their entire culture around providing as fertile a ground as possible for plot development, story twists and mise en scene.
In romcoms, and in horror movies, logic and rules/laws don't apply. Locks would break, windows would get stuck.
And all mobile phones and smartphones magically lose connection for no reason, because horror writers no longer can write that the monster/murderer cut phone lines...
@Guspaz It's the power of the plot, not logic.... all codes fit well... the plot is just too powerful...
@Youngrandy7701 Yes, it was locked... but she's a young girl stuck with her crush... and the situation didn't seem that serious... and the window breaking was more for comedy, so it's fine...
There are some things that aren't meant to be taken seriously... more than half of Onee-chan's actions count for that...