Daredemo Dakeru Kimi ga Suki - Ch. 33 - (New) There Are Rules, You Know

Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2020
No, I expected him to stay a cuck up until the end. I get it, its just some "silly porno" to some people but if I wanted just porn I wouldn't be here. I'm sure most people stayed because for as silly as this story is, the characters were compelling enough to stay.
Eh, I wouldn't call it a silly porno, like, cmon, this isn't even fucking hentai, and I would argue it can still be compelling without Gotou being another cuck beta male japanese that keeps waiting for the girl while she fucks half the school.
You say you expect him to fuck more girls but you forgot that we got to this point after a couple of chapters of Agawa trying to get the rest of the school sluts to try and fuck him and all of them said no. Then the president stepped in only because she has ulterior motives. Motives that haven't been changed so they recontextualizes the entire scene. I guess her sister got what she wanted, to ruin her little sister's relationships. I'm not saying this story shouldn't have conflict but this threesome could have just been a what if for the volume extras.
Yeah, but that was Agawa trying to get him girls, pres seems to be a higher slut in the hierarchy, so I won't be surprised if she spreads the word about him.

I also think it's a stretch to say the relationship is ruined, because if anything Agawa got exactly what she wanted, him fucking another girl, but monkey paw is a bitch, so it was with her sister.

Sure pres has her own motives, but I doubt she got what she wanted, cause if anything this will just make Gotou and Agawa rethink their relationship and what they really want out of it.
I expected Agawa to slip back into her old ways before the end, I expected Gotou to give up or something similar before decided to be with her anyway. But even if we take everything at face value. The author knew exactly what he was throwing away when he drew that threesome because he lampshades how out of place and weird it is before it even happens. That girl at the end of this chapter is still most likely someone sent by the president because as stated, no girl wanted to fuck him beforehand. And as stated on the last page, the author still wants to draw the teacher so.... what's the point other than "wah wah wah, I wanna draw a threesome"
So what you're saying you wanted Agawa to fuck around more, Gotou "give up" on her, but accept her again with all her sluttery?
Cause really, that's full-on cuckery, why he has to be a cuck beta while only her fuck around? Why can't both be total sluts while still being a couple?

I don't know, but I find super boring and generic if Gotou is the "pure" nice guy who "saves" Agawa with the power of love, I always felt it made more sense if the story goes one of two ways:
  • Both decide to fuck around while still being happy as a couple
  • Or both fuck around a lot and realize that they're simply happier with each other instead of fucking around, that they don't need all that casual fucking to be happy
I don't know, but I always hated the idea that the story was maybe going to be about him "saving" her, I find it more compelling if her slutiness isn't treated as a "flaw" to be fixed, that instead both fuck around, figuratively and literally, and then realize there's more to life than sex.

That's why I think we should wait to see where exactly mangaka is going with this, the story can still be compelling depending on how it goes.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2020
Yeah, this is basically why I like this development over the original as well, so far at least. Gotou is a lot more interesting as someone who is actually flawed and gave into the temptation than being the morally upright and pure chaste, staunchly monogamous anti-slut protagonist we usually see and that he was in the old version. It also allows him to relate more with her and her with him. There's a big gulf between them when Agawa had had sex with multiple people and he's only had sex with her. As it was before, him and his mindset is practically an incomprehensible alien to her. That's why she claimed earlier that he was only going after her because he's never had the experience of having sex with anyone else. This basically puts that fear to rest, how could he have ever convince her to be monogamous if he doesn't have the opportunity to display that it's possible to choose monogamous despite liking sex with others himself?

Aside from that it also it puts him on more equal ground with Agawa as well. He's no longer a holy temptation resisting savior who purifies the dirty slut, they're both flawed in some way now, and it changes their dynamic to two humans interacting than a good guy and bad guy. I mean it made Agawa look really bad previously when he was rejecting threesomes and confessing to Agawa, while she's just like "that's nice, sorry however I don't really care, I'm off to fuck more random guys". Really just downright unfair. Now the story can continue with her being a slut instead of it looking like she is just a callous bitch that completley ignored his herculean efforts in willpower.

It also made Gotou look extra pathetic holy shit thank God that line about him wanting only Agawa even if she fucks other guys is gone from this version. That's the kind of thing that's kinda romantic if it never actually comes to pass but Agawa isn't anywhere near that stage of her development yet and she pretty much ignored it. Basically the pacing of the story was moving too fast and in a mismatched way.
At least even if he says it again now, he actually fucked someone else before. He's deemed he's not missing out but this time he actually knows what he's missing out on if he decides to be monogamous to a slut who isn't. He isn't speaking from ignorance anymore.

Anyway huh I ended up writing a lot... yeah it makes sense that most people don't like this development otherwise we'd see more characters like this in these kinds of stories, the market has already spoken and decided that in virgnxgyaru stories the virgin must keep his virgin mentality and never evolve sexually, only the slut must go through development. Also I don't think that the author is a genius or anything, he might fuck this up, this is a bit harder to write and develop than the previous scenario he had going. But i think it's more interesting thus far. At the same time it's also not so different, it's not like confessing or rejecting president worked last time in conquering Agawa so whatever he's going to have to do now to prove himself is something he was going to have to do in the previous continuity anyway, maybe. Interested in how he might win the brown girl over this time too. Or who this new emo girl is.
You said a lot of what I had in mind but avoided to not make my replies too big lol

You said "savior", I guess that's the word I was missing, the way it was going the story was borderline going about Gotou having a savior complex about Agawa, that he has to remain chaste and pure or his love will be "tainted", and that at the end he'll "purify" her of the eeeeevil slut ways.

It was either that or he was going to be a complete cuck doormat while she fucks around with countless man everyday lol

I find more interesting that after all the fucking Gotou realizes sex isn't that of a big deal, and that he helps Agawa realize there's more to life than sex.
Active member
Dec 13, 2023
Yeah, this is basically why I like this development over the original as well, so far at least. Gotou is a lot more interesting as someone who is actually flawed and gave into the temptation than being the morally upright and pure chaste, staunchly monogamous anti-slut protagonist we usually see and that he was in the old version. It also allows him to relate more with her and her with him. There's a big gulf between them when Agawa had had sex with multiple people and he's only had sex with her. As it was before, him and his mindset is practically an incomprehensible alien to her. That's why she claimed earlier that he was only going after her because he's never had the experience of having sex with anyone else. This basically puts that fear to rest, how could he have ever convince her to be monogamous if he doesn't have the opportunity to display that it's possible to choose monogamous despite liking sex with others himself?

Aside from that it also it puts him on more equal ground with Agawa as well. He's no longer a holy temptation resisting savior who purifies the dirty slut, they're both flawed in some way now, and it changes their dynamic to two humans interacting than a good guy and bad guy. I mean it made Agawa look really bad previously when he was rejecting threesomes and confessing to Agawa, while she's just like "that's nice, sorry however I don't really care, I'm off to fuck more random guys". Really just downright unfair. Now the story can continue with her being a slut instead of it looking like she is just a callous bitch that completley ignored his herculean efforts in willpower.

It also made Gotou look extra pathetic holy shit thank God that line about him wanting only Agawa even if she fucks other guys is gone from this version. That's the kind of thing that's kinda romantic if it never actually comes to pass but Agawa isn't anywhere near that stage of her development yet and she pretty much ignored it. Basically the pacing of the story was moving too fast and in a mismatched way.
At least even if he says it again now, he actually fucked someone else before. He's deemed he's not missing out but this time he actually knows what he's missing out on if he decides to be monogamous to a slut who isn't. He isn't speaking from ignorance anymore.

Anyway huh I ended up writing a lot... yeah it makes sense that most people don't like this development otherwise we'd see more characters like this in these kinds of stories, the market has already spoken and decided that in virgnxgyaru stories the virgin must keep his virgin mentality and never evolve sexually, only the slut must go through development. Also I don't think that the author is a genius or anything, he might fuck this up, this is a bit harder to write and develop than the previous scenario he had going. But i think it's more interesting thus far. At the same time it's also not so different, it's not like confessing or rejecting president worked last time in conquering Agawa so whatever he's going to have to do now to prove himself is something he was going to have to do in the previous continuity anyway, maybe. Interested in how he might win the brown girl over this time too. Or who this new emo girl is.
Pretty much agree with this.
It sets the story up for more conflict and makes Gotou more human. I think if he was left to be this pure monk who weathers the storm and puts up with Agawa's antics until she repents , it would just come across as both preachy and NTRy. And unrealistic too. I'm tired of saint MCs.
As for the plot consequences, I'm optimistic this will not screw anything up if the author doesn't drop the ball. The class president plot and her friends as well as the teacher will occur later. What's likely going to happen is we have a new arc which focuses on the fallout of Gotou falling to temptation and hurting Agawa.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 8, 2018
"Saintly, savior MC"

fucks right out of the gate and then gets in the way of another guy's reserved slot.

Nothing in this story is realistic nor should it try to be but it should at least be consistent. For all of this fair treatment you guys go one about you never try to see things from Agawa's side other than "she's sleeping around, MC should also sleep around." She's may just like sex but she's also coping with the fact that her family is messed up and the only person she can depend on within it is a bitch who steals the boys that she likes. There's no way someone like that could ever have an open relationship so there's only one real ending this story could have.

Gotou isn't trying to save Agawa, he wants to go out with her and he doesn't care what she's like, that the literal title of the story. Its almost like some of you came in here expecting there to not be cuck shit in here when that's what it original was from the start.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 7, 2023
People really bitching about the MC being a cuck but that’s how the character was in the original dojin hental. Not a fan on where the author is doing but let’s see where this is going
Active member
Dec 13, 2023
"Saintly, savior MC"

fucks right out of the gate and then gets in the way of another guy's reserved slot.

Nothing in this story is realistic nor should it try to be but it should at least be consistent. For all of this fair treatment you guys go one about you never try to see things from Agawa's side other than "she's sleeping around, MC should also sleep around." She's may just like sex but she's also coping with the fact that her family is messed up and the only person she can depend on within it is a bitch who steals the boys that she likes. There's no way someone like that could ever have an open relationship so there's only one real ending this story could have.

Gotou isn't trying to save Agawa, he wants to go out with her and he doesn't care what she's like, that the literal title of the story. Its almost like some of you came in here expecting there to not be cuck shit in here when that's what it original was from the start.
How is having sex with the girl you like and trying to make her yours an argument against saintliness? He's trying to court her. Being headstrong is hardly a flaw. I'll accept saint is a strong word. But it's not to be taken fully literally. It's basiaclly saying the MC's morals are pretty much spot on from the start and they shoulder every burden through the story while converting others over. I prefer MCs who don't have everything figured out, explore options in the story and come to the right answer eventually after screwing up. Makes them a lot more human.

He's a teenager, has a massive libido, is insecure, has an inferiority complex, gets jealous like most people and is a greenhorn when it comes to sex. And Agawa basically pressured him into having sex with other girls. Do you really think it's that much if of a stretch? Oh and he's also not a fucking mindreader. He doesn't know the sister's backstory.

There's nothing inconsistent with his choice in the rewrite. He succumbed to temptation which is entirely believable, given the situation he was in. Did he make a good choice in the grand scheme? No, but it's perfectly understandable. So yes, you honestly expect far too much of a kid.
People seem to have bottomless tolerance for Agawa's flaws. I fully recognise her issues and make no bones about it. But if Gotou fucks up, suddenly it's a problem? It's obvious we're going to get several chapters of him dealing with the consequences of his fuck-up and growing. Which IMO is far more interesting a story than him just nailing all the right options.

Agawa wise, we aren't saying she fucks around so he should too. Nor is anyone here pushing for an open relationship, so no idea what your point on that is. Again, Gotou isn't a mindreader. He doesn't understand her fully. And she's made it very hard for him, by manipulating and lying to him constantly. I can understand why, but it's still shitty on her end.

As for the "cuckshit", it's always been bait anyway like the original doujin. But if Gotou truly didn't care, why would he be monopolising her and begging her to not screw any guys? i.e. "gets in the way of another guy's reserved slot". He clearly isn't and is pretty selfish. Which will change with time, I'm sure. And this rewrite if anything more likely we'll get NTR than before, with his threesome screw-up.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 11, 2019
Yeah, I'm glad that the ugly bastard teacher is out of the picture for now. With that being said, it's like the progress between Gotou and Agawa was reset. It feels really jarring compared to what was previously released.
Cause it is retconned, the author lost motivation on the way it was going. I wonder whether this will just be a simple P0rnhwa route
Dex-chan lover
Aug 17, 2020
And just like that, it was ruined. Thanks. I'll kick this one to the curb next chapter if she goes through with it
Dex-chan lover
Aug 17, 2020
Can someone explain what is happening in this universe? They had threesome, and then what? Did MC confess in this reality as well? Why rewrite if you're going to undo the rewrite as well wtf.
The moron redid the chapters because he felt like he wasn't going anywhere with his OG story. He made her into a skank again (from the looks of it) and he made the MC a pussy again.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 22, 2021
Sure, this is what the author originally wanted, doesn't mean it's good and that we should "accept it or leave" though.
Actually we SHOULD "accept it or leave". If we don't like the story we SHOULD just drop it.

I'm giving a few more chapters but I don't like the story any longer.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 22, 2021
There's no point in bitching about it and saying what the author SHOULD have done. It's his story and he can write it however he wants (that can get past his editor, I guess).

The issue people seem to be having is that after they started eating a nice hamburger the chef took it back and gave us a plate of chicken gizzards.

I no longer care for the characters as people. They're pretty much just fuck toys now. If nothing changes my mind in the next few chapters I'll drop this.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 15, 2019
i await for the day where everybody in this school have a gigantic orgy with each other. More sex hmph!
Active member
Jan 21, 2018
I feel like "wanting to draw a threesome" was also an excuse from the author to get out of the corner he wrote himself into with the teacher. I think the tone would have shifted way too much had he continued and I saw no way he would be able to write out the situation using the comedy/tone this manga has.

Doing this reset lets him fix his mistake (and writing out what he really wants) but at the expense of losing progress, unless the next chapter shows otherwise. I'm not a fan of both routes, but in the grand scheme of things its easier to swallow the "she goes back to sex friends" pill than to swallow the "teacher blackmails her" pill.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2019
Eh, I wouldn't call it a silly porno, like, cmon, this isn't even fucking hentai, and I would argue it can still be compelling without Gotou being another cuck beta male japanese that keeps waiting for the girl while she fucks half the school.

Yeah, but that was Agawa trying to get him girls, pres seems to be a higher slut in the hierarchy, so I won't be surprised if she spreads the word about him.

I don't know, but I find super boring and generic if Gotou is the "pure" nice guy who "saves" Agawa with the power of love, I always felt it made more sense if the story goes one of two ways:

I don't know, but I always hated the idea that the story was maybe going to be about him "saving" her, I find it more compelling if her slutiness isn't treated as a "flaw" to be fixed, that instead both fuck around, figuratively and literally, and then realize there's more to life than sex.
I just remembered this "rewrite" happening and went to check the comments and saw your 10 comments-chain and that huge amount of word vomit- and there is some interesting and quite well thought out stuff in it but so much morale high ground, woe is me, my IQ is 800 stuff, too.
As for this paragraph, yes, it could be called a silly porno (now) and it evidently is actual fucking hentai. It is. Factually. It is being distributed in a different way with the same characters and (now) mostly the same story.
The part about them realizing there is more to life than sex by just slutting around I agree with, could be one interesting way to take things.
The first part about it being tied to that being "fixing a flaw" is just so stupidly out there, tho. Being concerned for a loved one DOES NOT equal some cringe savior complex, purity fg, white knight, damaged goods writing. That is ONLY YOUR view on things and how you interpret things as/think how others view it as.

Now as for calling others out for making this about him being a "savior" and them liking it due to having some complexes or whatever, where did you get any of that from? Are you reading the same series? He isn't about to "save" her with the "power of love" (ugh..), he is one awkward, horny fool that wants to get with the girl he loves any way possible. Him not fucking around was just one part of it that was playing into her character on a deeper level. That's it. The rest is just the "silly porno" playing out with some characterization and plot sprinkled on top.
You were interpreting/reading into things A LOT and making it about "I don't know, I always hated[...]", "I don't know, but I find super boring[...]" + further assumptions about characters, their intentions and the story as a whole to fit ~your~ liking... just the same as all the other peeps you "called out" (more like trashed on for zero).

Rules for thee but not for me.
Can't help but feel part of the anger is due to some people feeling this was some kind of anti-NTR story, with the good guy mc "saving" the poor broken slut heroine and teaching her true love, when the dude fucking around and being as much of a slut was always more likely to happen.
This directly ties into the above. You are making one rather big assumption about the manga that is only your own while making another assumption about a big part of commenters. You are making stuff up to hate on, lmao. I legit couldn't make out who you are typing about. There is like 1-2 comments out of 100 ~implying~ that stuff you typed out here. The whole NTR and public use stuff is old news and was digested by most readers that were not filtered by now. Legit makes no sense to bring that up in any way anymore.
Implying authors can't be criticized for writing garbage.
In the year of our lord 2024 we're still putting authors on a pedestal instead of treating them like human beings capable of failure.
Now, in regards to your initial answer to Nosebleed, you completely missed the points made. "Imply" is the magic word. Nosebleed did not "pull that out their ass". You on paper shat on and flamed the majority of commenters while ~implying~ what was typed above. You can't type something that very obviously is negatively connoted and leans into criticizing and react aggressively when a person you criticized answers- in a very coherent and educating way, mind you (loved the part about the editor).

Finally, as for what the real reason for discontent might be? Beats me. People were mad at bad writing and rightfully so, Nosebleed is completely right. This original okayish writing turned into bad writing, which turned into a "rewrite" which in essence is a rerelease of the hentai. All that for some obscure reasons (e.g. wanting to draw the threesome). Some might've looked forward to more complex writing in this version as was the case (like him not slutting around and her inner workings) but hope was lost by the time the teacher came around.
There just is so much stuff to be disappointed at/dissatisfied with. Peeps are allowed to discuss on a forum.
Last edited:
Oct 19, 2023
I feel like this is entirely an experiment to show the public the important behind-the-scenes work editors do for their mangaka :kek:
Man, this makes me wonder what kind of brain-rot plot the likes of a hack like Isayama originally envisioned that his editor had to make such huge changes to Attack on Titan's ending. I would kill to see what shit he was originally going for, lol.

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