DEAD Tube - Vol. 7 Ch. 27 - The Price To Pay

Active member
Aug 28, 2020
oof i knew the sister was gonna get killed eventually but im still kinda sad, but itwas bound to happen tho. and why tf am i eating while reading this.
Aggregator gang
May 2, 2019
@Djay86 Have you been paying attention?- Sorry, that's stupid of me. You have NOT been paying attention. So let me explain in a tl;dr fashion for you:

DEAD Tube = Youtube without any restriction.
The more gore, violent and sexy, the video is, the more views.
So what happens to those - who made accounts - that get the least views?
Well, they go through a punishment, and that is, they have to pay for all the shit the person/people behind the highest viewed video had used, for any props, such as guns.
And well, it's not just debt but you also get all the accusations of murder, sexual harassments, and whatever the fuck else the highest viewed video showed, basically, all the blame goes to you. If war crimes occur during said video, and you get the short stick, you're fucked.
Active member
Nov 1, 2020
The author of this sucks a$$. The MC seriously didn’t notice three days had passed before he got to school? Your phone shows the date, even old flip phones did. Not once did he look at his phone or anything? And how did he eat, drink, or use the washroom during those three days?

As soon as he heard that he was out for three days and saw his dad get murdered by his sister (I mean how can you not recognize tour own sisters body from behind after the video shooter says her name and you see your dads face?

Yet last arc the MC figured out a murder mystery in two minutes with the power of “mental editing?” Like he’s got amazing memory and act like Sherlock Holmes but the immediate next chapter he’s as dumb as a rock again? And he NEVER asks any questions about anything unless the author needs a little plot progress.

I hate this author. They rely on gore and messed up imagery / situations to cover the giant plot holes they leave all over the place.

Only reason I keep reading is cuz the fmc could be a yandere and that’s a rare breed of character to find as an fmc. Otherwise I’d drop out of sheer stupidity of the writing.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 15, 2020
That's enough for today. I'll have to read a proper vanilla hentai to reset my mind. Also where are the A and B cups??!!!

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