Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku

Active member
Apr 6, 2020
wow this is so detailed rather than the anime the merit of anime is the quality of the images but in manga its so detailed and i love it
all on the anime on how he got dem skills is in the manga sooo good to know
Active member
Apr 6, 2020
i wonder when will chapter 73 be translated, there are raws of chapter 73 already :D
Oct 31, 2020
Everytime i see this manga/anime adapted, i heard スキノスキル - Wake Up, Girls!
Active member
Apr 6, 2020
Im loving this manga please keep translating and updating it and also i don't give a fck to dem haters for this manga hahaha :D

rate 10/10 !!!!!!!
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2018
Most boring isekai. This spin-off is a lot better:
Jan 24, 2021
Instead of helping the people around you level up so they don't die, why not just rush into everyone's political affairs and show off some of your skills while acting stoic?

If this manga were realistic, the MC would be watching his friends die often.
Feb 10, 2021
Not good. Not bad. Just meh. It isn't anything special and doesn't break any barriers of storytelling nor does it deserve any medals. Mediocre. On a side note, wheel of time manga when? That would be a fun read.

Inb4 some mental midget goes "Aktshually, wheel of time isn't Japanese, so there won't be a manga".Yeah, no shit buddy, I think it would be a fun read regardless. The graphic novels were decent, but I'm talking about a mnga.
Dec 25, 2020
ok i found it again and i dunnu what to think about it the world building feels like trash but the abilities are kinda good
nothing new ability wise but they are kinda cool
Feb 10, 2021

You hit it right on the head. If most of these wish-fulfillment mangas were even slightly realistic, 80% of the time, the mc would end up imprisoned for the many crimes they commit, poisoned or killed by an actually competent Villian/noble/Assasin/ family member of a victim as revenge, but I've long since given up on expecting anything but max plot armor on these mcs.
Mar 13, 2019
@xeno77 if you read the novel, this story world building is one of the massive power house, man. Its almost like ... LOTR/Hobbit/Silmarmilon class huge world building.

They have story of everything happen before and beside MCs story. Every single side character has their own story (just see how many side story chapter in the WN, and i must say some of this side story is even better than the usual main chapter). Every events before the MC coming to the isekai is solid, even those hundreds-thousands years before.

Its like...the author making those history/background plot story BEFORE he insert the main story & MC in there. Making the setting/world first before inserting the MC in there. Its like everything in the world can still go on without MC in there, just not as easy. Not like many isekai story where the world/setting is turning around the MC, where the main character is always be the first & best at what he do, always get something that nobody have, found something that nobody ever discover, what he make is always best & others always crazy for it for no apparent reason, the lazy plot armor. All of it, just because he is from another world, like thousands of people from this world never ever does/try that in those thousands of years civilization.

A little spoiler here:
in this story, even with astronomical level (310, average people is 7-20) & easy skill, not everything MC do is perfect & smooth, and that is for good reasons. Food he make for aristocrat, is good (max level cooking skill) but some of them may reject it if he make it from superstition ingredients (radish, gabo, octopus). He even need to do some research to use never even seen before ingredients (Lulu fruit, with many magic stove, temperature control, and some mo for self-healing skill to heal his numb tongue). His fighting skill is good (max level skill) but it is not truly developed (his feint & attacking pattern is easy to predict, dont have any finishing move, truly apparent when he fight against Golden Boar Demon Lord). His magic is powerful (max level skill) but he cant chant, so his spell repertoire is limited to scroll acquired magic (hence, for a long time it is impossible for him to use advance grade magic & become so much harder to beat the Demon Lord, as they usually has many low grade magic nullification skill) and cant be used in public if he dont want others to discover his true ability. The weapon & armor he make is good (max level skil), but without any special technology, equipment, tools, recipe, and ingredients it is not better from the best weapon blacksmith. Even with the same material, the best he can do is adding some low tier magic-like function to zap, sharpen, or blunt the weapon on purpose, and that even need some absurd amount of telekinetic magic to make.

Even as someone with the same profession (even if its semi-amateur, i do make fantasy story for children books too) this still amaze me. The absurd amount of notes, detail, lore is truly beyond of an amateur. It is a wonder to see this same person is writing this story in amateur novelist site not too long ago. And what truly amazing is, he/she made this amazingly solid world build to be a setting for slow-paced & enjoyable story. Not an intense, rollercoaster like ride action-drama story. The world & setting that is truly massive & detail + slow, easy going main story, i just can imagine how the f*ck he/she can make it work.

Usually, for us writer, theres a dilema: character focused story vs plot focused story. Chara? Only focus in the state of the character before & after the story. What he is before and how the story, plot, etc can change him to be better in the end of the story. This is a recipe for heart-moving drama or any humane like story. A story where you want to make your reader cry, angry, sad, etc. Plot? Just see the new Godzilla film. For what do you see it? To see the Godzilla become a good? Or just 120minutes intense action scene? This si recipe to make your reader/audience excited, to make them think it is cool, strong, to rise the hype.

This slow paced story, where character building is so slow, that they dont have any change or turbulence in their heart & mind in 10 volume, is absolutely a plot focused story. Its about how they enjoy their life in another world. Just a diary or documentary of their daily life & journey. But, man... This is a massive documentary that almost every single character has their own character focused story sooner or later.
For Beastkin girls, Tama-Pochi-Liza, it is later after they come to the capital, beating one of the the best knight and become a noble, Arisa you've seen it but it will be more, Mia & Nana, just wait in the Labyrinth city arc & some side stories, Lulu in the Old Capital and later at the new year in the the Capital, other side character is in their respective scene/arc

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