Dekisokonai no Himegimi-tachi - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - Wake Up and Face The Truth

Dex-chan lover
Nov 5, 2018
Oh, look! Here comes pointless conflict!

Not the good conflict that grows naturally from characters and the story so far, mind you. No, the kind that happens when the author feels that things aren't "exciting" enough, so they throw in an antagonist from nowhere with no advance warning.

Here's a tip for all you would-be authors out there. If you want to drop a plot-shaking new element into the story, give it a little foreshadowing. That way when it arrives, the reader will think "Oh, no! I should have seen this coming! What will our hero do now!" instead of "Oh, no! The author just airdropped some crap into the middle of the narrative! What should I go read instead?"
is a Reindeer
Jan 24, 2018
Oh no, they're introducing new characters

My hope of this turning into a simple lovey dovey two character story is fading
Dec 21, 2018
I saw the update, and was like "Yes! Finally!!!"

I read through it and thought "Good to see things from Kurokawa's perspective for once. I wonder which one will realize her feelings first?"

There the ending happened and... well, this was basically my reaction:
Aggregator gang
Aug 13, 2018
I mean, for a long time now it was pretty clear that the author didn't intend for this manga to be just a no-drama pure romance story.
It's only natural to suddenly introduce conflict at almost all times in these types of drama-romance stories. Without conflict, there hardly ever is much of a way to progress the casts' relationships...

@Thor If you're talking about Kurokawa's drama-interaction with the 2 gyarus - it was quite easily noticeable that it was going to come sooner or later for a few chapters now.

If you're talking about the new character coming in - that's clearly not any asspull or anything like that, considering that the author is literally now making an introduction to the character before she comes into the lives of the main cast and messes with them in any way.

Stop acting like some insane pro critic able to write much better stories than this one at his whim and just say "I don't like this and that scene because blah blah blah" like a normal person would, geezus...
Dex-chan lover
May 2, 2018
well this new character

things are about to get really interesting , and the drama about to get bigger and i'm looking forward to every bit of it

not to mention Kurokawa has another on her side now but of course we know the drama with her and the other 2 gyru ain't over hell with this new girl coming whos know whats about to happen with that

i am looking forward to what's about to happen next
Active member
Feb 9, 2018
Tfw you think you're reading Manga and suddenly the drama goes down the Manwha road
Active member
Nov 8, 2018
Oh god, that girl on the last page reminds me of Matsuri or whatever the pink haired lass's name was from citrus. Please manga, don't go the citrus route of introducing rival after rival until the manga becomes an insufferable mess!

That aside, good chapter as always.
Jan 9, 2019
@Thor wow, what sage wisdom from a clearly experienced best-selling author. Please share with us some of your own published and highly rated work so we can see what separates a real storyteller from the plebs.

Dex-chan lover
Oct 10, 2018
uhh thor... i think the girl DID get forshadowed... based on what she said at the end... "best friend"... idk about best friend but im guessing that shes prolly the "princess" that kurokawa mentioned in her "fujishiro reminds me of a girl"... and tbh i did think that this was going to be like komi or tomo wa onnanoko... which is just a romance comedy slice of life stuff... but me noticing that theres more than 15 page in a chapter... just says that it is trying to no be it... + the bad comments for kurokawa from the mob characters like in the pool chapter... and its obvious that kurokawa still is a coward... or just havent over come some stuff like how the teacher's words hurts her so much... and all of that is more on the negetive side than the romance comedy slice of life would do... so yah it was actually details that says so... and in drama one thing MUST exist and that is conflicts...
Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2018
Oh god damn it... I have read a thousand of these stories and this is the cliche part where shit gets complicated for no bloody reason...

Damn it all to hell and let this bloody stupid cliche burn for all eternity.

Like every time we have to go save the princess.

she's never in the first castle...
Group Leader
Dec 21, 2018
I knew when it had 14 chapters and still going on that it would probably go down this route. I knew it wouldn't just end in five chapters with a happy ending and that's it. But, anyways, it's been interesting so far, so I'll keep with it.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 30, 2018
Oh? So it's okay for someone to hurl abuse at random people just because their idolized figure is no longer with them? Are you retarded, you retarded bitch?

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