The News From The Future: Suggest a topic, and I'll create a fictional news story about it.

Group Leader
Jan 8, 2023
Suggest a topic, and I'll create a fictional news story about it. Here's an example:

The Stunning Downfall of Elon Musk: An FBI Takedown​

By Alexandra Reid, Digital Times, April 15, 2025

In an unexpected and dramatic turn of events, Elon Musk, the visionary entrepreneur behind SpaceX, Tesla, and Twitter, has found his empire crumbling under the weight of an extensive FBI investigation. The downfall, which unfolded over the course of several months, has left the business world reeling and Silicon Valley in a state of disbelief.

The FBI's operation, dubbed "Operation Electrify," began in early 2025, following a series of anonymous tips about alleged financial misconduct and misuse of technology within Musk's companies. As the investigation deepened, shocking revelations came to light, including evidence of hidden offshore accounts, unreported transactions, and potentially, the manipulation of technology for unauthorized surveillance purposes.

On April 10, 2025, the FBI made its move. In a coordinated series of raids, agents stormed Musk's Palo Alto residence, the Tesla factory in Fremont, and the SpaceX headquarters in Hawthorne, California. The scenes, captured by stunned bystanders and broadcasted live, showed a bewildered Musk being led away in handcuffs, a moment many thought they would never see.

The fallout was immediate and devastating. Tesla and SpaceX stocks plummeted, wiping out billions in market value. Social media platforms, including Musk's own Twitter, exploded with discussions, debates, and disbelief. The tech mogul, once hailed as a modern-day visionary, now faces a slew of charges, including fraud, money laundering, and breach of national security.

As the legal proceedings against Musk unfold, the tech community and the world at large are left pondering the implications of his dramatic fall. How did one of the most celebrated figures in technology find himself in such a precipitous decline? And what does this mean for the future of innovation and entrepreneurship?

Reader Comments:

  • TechFan101: This is like watching a real-life thriller. Can't believe it's happening to Elon Musk of all people.
  • JaneDoe456: Absolutely shocking! Always admired Musk for his innovations. This feels like a betrayal.
  • MarketWatcher: The impact on Tesla and SpaceX stock is just the beginning. This is going to shake up the entire tech industry.
  • SkepticalReader: Wait for the trial. I have a feeling there's more to this story than meets the eye.
Double-page supporter
May 25, 2020
„Coup d‘etat in the USA: Tired of the inconsistency of democratically elected governments, the military seizes control and has declared a political restructuring: What we know, what’s pending“

If that is a bit too outlandish, this works as well:

“The first steps on Mars: Mankind‘s journey ad astra“
Group Leader
Jan 8, 2023
„Coup d‘etat in the USA: Tired of the inconsistency of democratically elected governments, the military seizes control and has declared a political restructuring: What we know, what’s pending“

If that is a bit too outlandish, this works as well:

“The first steps on Mars: Mankind‘s journey ad astra“
No problem, will do both.
Group Leader
Jan 8, 2023
„Coup d‘etat in the USA: Tired of the inconsistency of democratically elected governments, the military seizes control and has declared a political restructuring: What we know, what’s pending“

Military Coup in the United States: A Sudden Seizure of Power Amidst Political Turmoil​

By James T. Kendrick, Washington Post
October 15, 2025

In an unprecedented move that has shocked the nation and the world, the United States military has taken control of the federal government, citing "chronic instability and inefficiency" in the country's democratic institutions. Early this morning, military leaders announced the initiation of a comprehensive political restructuring aimed at stabilizing the nation.

The Dawn of a New Era or the End of Democracy?​

As dawn broke over Washington D.C., a convoy of military vehicles surrounded key government buildings, including the White House, Congress, and the Supreme Court. President Joe Biden and top congressional leaders were placed under house arrest, with General Michael Harrington declaring himself the interim leader of the nation.

In a broadcast on all major networks, General Harrington stated, "This difficult decision was made in the best interest of the American people. The endless cycle of political gridlock and corruption has hindered our great nation's progress. It is time for a new direction."

Immediate Reactions and Global Shockwaves​

The coup has drawn immediate condemnation from international leaders and organizations. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed "deep concern" over the events in the U.S. and called for the restoration of democratic governance. Meanwhile, stock markets worldwide have tumbled as investors grapple with the uncertainty of the U.S.'s future.

On the home front, reactions have been mixed. While some citizens have taken to the streets in protest, others see this as a necessary step toward reform. "I'm just tired of the same old politics," says Maryland resident Derek Simmons. "Maybe this is the shake-up we need."

What Lies Ahead?​

The military has promised a return to civilian rule but has not specified a timeline, leaving many to wonder about the future of American democracy. In his address, General Harrington outlined plans for a "temporary" suspension of the Constitution, to be followed by a national referendum on a new form of government.

Experts are skeptical. "This is uncharted territory for the United States," says political analyst Maria Gonzalez. "The path back to democracy may be longer and more complicated than the military anticipates."

The World Watches​

As events unfold, the global community remains on edge, watching closely to see whether the land of the free can navigate its way back to the democratic principles it was founded upon.

For updates on this developing story, stay tuned to the Washington Post.


  • LibertyLover45: This is the wake-up call America needed. Time to rebuild from the ground up.
  • DemocracyNow: How can we stand by and watch centuries of democratic tradition be wiped away overnight? This is a dark day for America.
  • RealistRick: Everyone's shocked, but were we really that stable to begin with? Maybe it's time for a reset.
  • James T: Woke up to the news and couldn't believe it. This feels like something out of a dystopian novel. Where do we go from here?
  • Maria G: Honestly, the government has been a mess for years. Let's see what the military can do.
  • Carl L: This is terrifying. Democracy is what makes America, America. We can't just throw it away because things get tough.
Group Leader
Jan 8, 2023
“The first steps on Mars: Mankind‘s journey ad astra“

The First Footprints on Mars: Humanity's Leap into the Unknown​

By Alex Rivera, Space Frontier News | April 30, 2045

In a historic moment that will forever be etched into the annals of human achievement, the first astronauts set foot on the desolate, rust-colored surface of Mars on April 28, 2045. This monumental event, marking humanity's bold leap ad astra - to the stars, transcends the bounds of our earthly existence, propelling us into a new era of exploration, and perhaps, survival.

The mission, led by the International Space Exploration Coalition (ISEC), commenced its journey nearly seven months ago, embarking from Earth with the promise of expanding human horizons and seeking new frontiers. However, what awaited them on Mars was beyond the wildest speculations.

Upon landing in the Valles Marineris, a canyon system that dwarfs the Grand Canyon, the crew encountered unexpected atmospheric anomalies and electromagnetic disturbances that rendered their sophisticated equipment nearly useless. The first steps on Mars, broadcasted live to billions of viewers on Earth, quickly turned from a triumph of human will to a harrowing saga of survival.

"The ground... it's moving," whispered Commander Alexei Petrov, his voice trembling as the Martian soil beneath him began to shift. The phenomenon, later confirmed to be caused by underground ice melting and refreezing, posed an unforeseen challenge to the crew, trapping their lander in a sinkhole.

Isolated, with limited resources, and facing the unknown dangers of a foreign planet, the crew's plight captivated the world. Rescue missions were planned, debated, and then postponed as fierce Martian sandstorms and communication blackouts plagued the efforts.

Dr. Elena Mirov, the mission’s lead scientist, documented strange electromagnetic readings that interfered with their equipment. "It's unlike anything we've ever seen," she relayed back to Earth. "Our instruments are going haywire, and we're seeing things... shadows, movements on the horizon that can't be explained."

Despite these challenges, the crew's determination and human ingenuity prevailed. Utilizing makeshift repairs and relying on their training, they managed to establish a temporary habitat, securing a fragile foothold on Mars.

As we celebrate their safe return to Earth, questions linger about the future of Martian exploration. The eerie beauty of the Martian landscape, now imprinted with human footprints, beckons us with its mysteries, but also warns us of the perils that lie in reaching for the stars.

Reader Comments:

  • StarGazer99: Incredible achievement but scary to think about what could have gone wrong. Are we ready for this?
  • SciFiLover: This reads like a thriller novel! Humanity's resilience shines, even in the face of interplanetary challenges.
  • MarsOrBust: We've only scratched the surface of Mars, and it's already throwing curveballs. Can't wait to see what's next!
  • TerraNova21: It's a new dawn for humanity! The risks are worth the leap forward.
  • SpaceJunkie: Feels like we're in a sci-fi movie, and I'm not sure if it's a thriller or horror.
  • EcoMars: We're stepping on Mars, but at what cost? Should've focused on saving Earth first.
  • Eli T: Humanity was always meant to explore the stars. This is just the beginning.
  • Linda S: I can't help but feel we've opened Pandora's box. What if we're not alone?
  • James K: This is why we should have stayed on Earth. We're not ready for what's out there.
  • TheTruthIsOutThere: This is just the beginning. Mars will unveil secrets that will challenge everything we know about the universe.
  • MarsOrBust: Hats off to the brave souls who made this journey. Yes, it's scary, but it's also the adventure of a lifetime. Here's to the pioneers of the final frontier!
  • Skeptic42: Smells like a cover-up. They found something they don't want us to know about. Classic government secrecy.
  • HopefulHuman: Let's not jump to conclusions. This could be a monumental discovery for humanity. We just need to stay positive and wait for more information.
Last edited:
Group Leader
Jan 8, 2023
April fools 2024

MangaDex Faces Near Total Wipeout: April Fools' 2024 Prank or Harsh Reality?​

By Alex Thompson, Digital Trends Reporter

April 1, 2024 - In what could have been dismissed as a typical April Fools' Day prank, MangaDex, the beloved online manga repository, faced what seemed to be a near-total wipeout of its extensive library. The website, a go-to destination for manga enthusiasts worldwide, appeared to have lost nearly 98% of its content overnight, leaving fans in a state of panic and disbelief.

Early reports indicated that a sophisticated cyber-attack could be behind this massive data loss. However, further investigations revealed a more complex scenario involving an alleged internal system update gone awry. Sources within MangaDex hinted at a software patch intended to enhance site security and user experience, which, instead, triggered a catastrophic data deletion event.

The news spread like wildfire across social media platforms, with MangaDex users voicing their frustrations and concerns. "Woke up to find my entire reading list gone. Is this some kind of sick joke?" tweeted @mangafan123. Another user, @otakuforever, expressed disbelief, saying, "Can't believe this is happening. MangaDex is my life. How could they let this happen?"

In response to the uproar, MangaDex issued a statement assuring users that the wipeout was indeed an unintended consequence of a system upgrade and not the result of a cyber-attack. They also promised to work tirelessly to restore the lost content and implement additional safeguards to prevent similar incidents in the future.

As of now, efforts to recover the lost data are underway, with MangaDex urging patience from its community. "We are deeply sorry for the distress this has caused our users," said a MangaDex spokesperson. "We are fully committed to restoring the lost content and winning back the trust of our community."

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities inherent in digital content management and the importance of robust data protection measures. Manga fans around the world are eagerly awaiting the full restoration of MangaDex's library and hoping that this event will ultimately lead to a more secure and resilient platform.

Reader Comments:

  • MangaLoverX: Honestly thought it was an April Fools' joke until I couldn't access my bookmarks. This is heartbreaking. #mangadexdown
  • DailyReader1984: MangaDex better fix this fast. My daily manga routine is ruined.
  • MangaLover101: Sending all my support to MangaDex! We're with you all the way!
  • MangaFan123: This has to be the worst April Fools' joke ever. Can't believe this is happening. #SaveMangaDex
  • PixelArtist: Heartbreaking news. MangaDex has been a cornerstone of the manga community for years. Hoping for a swift recovery.
  • EchoChamber: Could this be a wakeup call for digital preservation? We take for granted that online content will always be there.
  • OldSchoolFan: Is nothing sacred anymore? First, we lose physical stores, and now digital libraries are at risk too? What's next?
Group Leader
Jan 8, 2023
General Forum Gang civil war

MangaDex Civil War: The Battle Over Translation Quality​

By Samantha Lee, Digital Culture Reporter for The Web Chronicle
Published October 14, 2025

In an unexpected turn of events, the once peaceful community of MangaDex has been plunged into a fierce civil war. At the heart of the conflict lies a contentious debate over the use of machine translation (MTL) and the quality of translations produced by various scanlation groups. This dispute has not only divided the community but has also sparked a series of intense online confrontations, raising concerns about the future of manga fan translations.

The dispute began early August 2025 when a prominent scanlation group uploaded a series of chapters translated via MTL. Purists argue that MTL lacks the nuance and accuracy of human translation, leading to a loss of the original's essence and meaning, resulting in a less engaging and often confusing reading experience. On the other side, proponents of MTL argue for its efficiency and the potential to release more content faster to a hungry audience.

The situation took a turn for the worse when several high-profile scanlation groups, previously celebrated for their contributions to the manga community, found themselves under fire. Accusations of laziness and disrespect towards original manga creators were hurled, leading to an outpouring of negative comments and, in some cases, harassment.

"I've been a part of MangaDex for years and I've never witnessed anything like this," shared a longtime user, preferring to stay anonymous. "MangaDex was where I found solace and community. Now, it's just endless arguments about translation quality."

"It's not just about understanding the words," a prominent scanlator, who also chose to remain unnamed, explained. "it's about preserving the soul of the work."

As tensions escalated, the MangaDex forums transformed into a battleground. Threads and comments became arenas for heated debates, with both sides fiercely defending their stance. The conflict escalated further as some users began launching cyber-attacks against scanlation groups aligned with opposing views, leading to a series of website takedowns and doxxing incidents. The term "MTLgate" has been coined to describe the controversy.

The impact of this civil war has been significant, with many long-time users leaving the platform in search of a more peaceful community. Moreover, several prominent scanlation groups have announced hiatuses or complete shutdowns, citing the toxic atmosphere and increased pressure as their primary reasons for stepping back.

"This isn't what the manga community should be about," says Kirei Cake, a veteran scanlator and one of the casualties of this online war. "We're here because of our love for manga and our desire to share that with others, not to fight over how it's done."

"The essence of manga is not just its artwork but the storytelling, and that gets lost in poor translations," argues OisE, a long-time MangaDex user. "But attacking each other isn't going to solve anything. We need to find a middle ground."

Others, like a user known as DragonSlayer48, believe that the accessibility provided by MTL is invaluable. "Not everyone has the luxury to wait for months for a human translation. MTL might not be perfect, but it's better than nothing," they commented.

The MangaDex administration has attempted to mediate the situation by proposing new guidelines for translations and encouraging open dialogue. However, their efforts have yet to quell the heated debates which have now spilled over into social media, drawing attention from outside the manga community.

Industry experts warn that the dispute could have lasting implications for the fan translation community. "This isn't just about MangaDex. It's about the future of manga culture outside of Japan," explains cultural analyst Dr. Emily Chen. "How we resolve this could set a precedent for fan translations worldwide."

As the MangaDex community strives to find peace, the world watches. The outcome of this digital civil war could shape the landscape of manga translation for years to come.

Reader Comments:

  • CriticalDrinker: Never thought I'd see the day when manga fans would be at each other's throats like this. It's sad, really.
  • MikaRin: I understand both sides, but this toxicity is ruining the MangaDex experience for everyone. Can't we find a middle ground?
  • JusticeSeeker: As a member of a scanlation group, it's disheartening to see our hard work dismissed by the MTL crowd. But fighting isn't the solution.
  • NovaReads: Manga is about bringing people together, not tearing them apart. Hope the community finds its way back to that spirit soon.
  • JamesMoore: It's about the soul of manga. Without proper translation, we're just getting the skeleton of the story.
  • QuickReadz: I just want to read the latest chapters. If MTL gets it done, so be it.
  • OtakuJoe: This is ridiculous! Manga is supposed to bring us together, not tear us apart. #MakeMangaDexChillAgain
  • ScanlatorSue: As a translator, I understand both sides. But we can't compromise quality for speed. Manga deserves our respect.
  • TechGeekTim: Interesting to see how technology is both a boon and a bane for the fan community. Following this closely!
  • PeytonJordan: We've seen similar disputes in other fan communities. It's a tough balance, but dialogue is key. Let's hope MangaDex can navigate these turbulent waters.
  • TranslationTruther: It's about time we had this discussion. Quality should never be compromised, and if that means getting rid of MTL, so be it.
  • SierraLane: Can't we all just get along? There's enough manga out there for everyone, regardless of how it's translated.
  • AvaWilson: This is why we can't have nice things. Everyone just needs to chill and enjoy the manga.
  • LilyTheReader: It's sad to see the community divided like this. Hopefully, there's a way to satisfy both sides without compromising the quality or the speed of translations.
  • KevinT: As someone who relies on fan translations, I hope this doesn't lead to fewer translations being available. We should be supporting each other, not fighting.
  • IsaacRoss: It's like watching your family argue at Thanksgiving, but instead of politics, it's about manga. 😃
  • GabrielPrice: MTL has its place, but can't replace human touch. There's a reason we don't use Google Translate for everything!
  • ScanlationSupporter: Quality over quantity, always. If it means waiting longer for a better translation, so be it.
  • NeutralObserver: Interesting times. The outcome of this will likely shape the future of online manga communities.
  • TrueMangaLover: Machine translations are ruining manga. Period. We need to prioritize quality and respect the original work.
  • EllaGreen: People just want to read the latest chapters quickly. Not everyone cares about perfect translations.
  • RyanCarter: This is insane! Can't we all just get along and enjoy manga together?
  • DigitalSamurai: It's like watching my favorite manga come to life, except it's not as fun when you're caught in the middle of it.
  • PeaceKeeper22: I hope the moderators can get this under control soon. MangaDex used to be my happy place.
  • TheRealOtaku: As much as I hate to admit it, this drama is kinda entertaining. But yeah, it's time to cool it down and get back to manga.
  • SpeedReaderX: Why wait weeks for a translation when MTL can do it overnight?
  • TranslationPurist: The integrity of manga translations is non-negotiable. We must protect the original essence at all costs.
  • TechAdvocate: Technology evolves, and so should we. MTL is the future of translation, and we should embrace it.
  • LostReader: I just want to read my manga in peace. Why does everything have to turn into a war?
  • ScanlationSaviour: Quality should never be sacrificed for speed. We need to stand by the groups that take the time to do it right.
  • JackMitchell: I just want to read my manga without waiting months. If MTL gets it done, so be it.
  • LostInTranslation: Everyone's lost sight of what's important – our shared love for manga. It's time to come together, not fall apart.
  • JoeBiden: Citizens of America, hear me out! Do not support General Harrington! He's a very, very wicked man!
    • DylanFoster: Stop spamming everywhere! I'm very sick of you!
    • LillianGray: Shut the fuck up, Joe.
Aggregator gang
Jan 28, 2023

MangaDex Civil War: The Battle Over Translation Quality​

By Samantha Lee, Digital Culture Reporter for The Web Chronicle
Published October 14, 2025

In an unexpected turn of events, the once peaceful community of MangaDex has been plunged into a fierce civil war. At the heart of the conflict lies a contentious debate over the use of machine translation (MTL) and the quality of translations produced by various scanlation groups. This dispute has not only divided the community but has also sparked a series of intense online confrontations, raising concerns about the future of manga fan translations.

The dispute began early August 2025 when a prominent scanlation group uploaded a series of chapters translated via MTL. Purists argue that MTL lacks the nuance and accuracy of human translation, leading to a loss of the original's essence and meaning, resulting in a less engaging and often confusing reading experience. On the other side, proponents of MTL argue for its efficiency and the potential to release more content faster to a hungry audience.

The situation took a turn for the worse when several high-profile scanlation groups, previously celebrated for their contributions to the manga community, found themselves under fire. Accusations of laziness and disrespect towards original manga creators were hurled, leading to an outpouring of negative comments and, in some cases, harassment.

"I've been a part of MangaDex for years and I've never witnessed anything like this," shared a longtime user, preferring to stay anonymous. "MangaDex was where I found solace and community. Now, it's just endless arguments about translation quality."

"It's not just about understanding the words," a prominent scanlator, who also chose to remain unnamed, explained. "it's about preserving the soul of the work."

As tensions escalated, the MangaDex forums transformed into a battleground. Threads and comments became arenas for heated debates, with both sides fiercely defending their stance. The conflict escalated further as some users began launching cyber-attacks against scanlation groups aligned with opposing views, leading to a series of website takedowns and doxxing incidents. The term "MTLgate" has been coined to describe the controversy.

The impact of this civil war has been significant, with many long-time users leaving the platform in search of a more peaceful community. Moreover, several prominent scanlation groups have announced hiatuses or complete shutdowns, citing the toxic atmosphere and increased pressure as their primary reasons for stepping back.

"This isn't what the manga community should be about," says Kirei Cake, a veteran scanlator and one of the casualties of this online war. "We're here because of our love for manga and our desire to share that with others, not to fight over how it's done."

"The essence of manga is not just its artwork but the storytelling, and that gets lost in poor translations," argues OisE, a long-time MangaDex user. "But attacking each other isn't going to solve anything. We need to find a middle ground."

Others, like a user known as DragonSlayer48, believe that the accessibility provided by MTL is invaluable. "Not everyone has the luxury to wait for months for a human translation. MTL might not be perfect, but it's better than nothing," they commented.

The MangaDex administration has attempted to mediate the situation by proposing new guidelines for translations and encouraging open dialogue. However, their efforts have yet to quell the heated debates which have now spilled over into social media, drawing attention from outside the manga community.

Industry experts warn that the dispute could have lasting implications for the fan translation community. "This isn't just about MangaDex. It's about the future of manga culture outside of Japan," explains cultural analyst Dr. Emily Chen. "How we resolve this could set a precedent for fan translations worldwide."

As the MangaDex community strives to find peace, the world watches. The outcome of this digital civil war could shape the landscape of manga translation for years to come.

Reader Comments:

  • CriticalDrinker: Never thought I'd see the day when manga fans would be at each other's throats like this. It's sad, really.
  • MikaRin: I understand both sides, but this toxicity is ruining the MangaDex experience for everyone. Can't we find a middle ground?
  • JusticeSeeker: As a member of a scanlation group, it's disheartening to see our hard work dismissed by the MTL crowd. But fighting isn't the solution.
  • NovaReads: Manga is about bringing people together, not tearing them apart. Hope the community finds its way back to that spirit soon.
  • JamesMoore: It's about the soul of manga. Without proper translation, we're just getting the skeleton of the story.
  • QuickReadz: I just want to read the latest chapters. If MTL gets it done, so be it.
  • OtakuJoe: This is ridiculous! Manga is supposed to bring us together, not tear us apart. #MakeMangaDexChillAgain
  • ScanlatorSue: As a translator, I understand both sides. But we can't compromise quality for speed. Manga deserves our respect.
  • TechGeekTim: Interesting to see how technology is both a boon and a bane for the fan community. Following this closely!
  • PeytonJordan: We've seen similar disputes in other fan communities. It's a tough balance, but dialogue is key. Let's hope MangaDex can navigate these turbulent waters.
  • TranslationTruther: It's about time we had this discussion. Quality should never be compromised, and if that means getting rid of MTL, so be it.
  • SierraLane: Can't we all just get along? There's enough manga out there for everyone, regardless of how it's translated.
  • AvaWilson: This is why we can't have nice things. Everyone just needs to chill and enjoy the manga.
  • LilyTheReader: It's sad to see the community divided like this. Hopefully, there's a way to satisfy both sides without compromising the quality or the speed of translations.
  • KevinT: As someone who relies on fan translations, I hope this doesn't lead to fewer translations being available. We should be supporting each other, not fighting.
  • IsaacRoss: It's like watching your family argue at Thanksgiving, but instead of politics, it's about manga. 😃
  • GabrielPrice: MTL has its place, but can't replace human touch. There's a reason we don't use Google Translate for everything!
  • ScanlationSupporter: Quality over quantity, always. If it means waiting longer for a better translation, so be it.
  • NeutralObserver: Interesting times. The outcome of this will likely shape the future of online manga communities.
  • TrueMangaLover: Machine translations are ruining manga. Period. We need to prioritize quality and respect the original work.
  • EllaGreen: People just want to read the latest chapters quickly. Not everyone cares about perfect translations.
  • RyanCarter: This is insane! Can't we all just get along and enjoy manga together?
  • DigitalSamurai: It's like watching my favorite manga come to life, except it's not as fun when you're caught in the middle of it.
  • PeaceKeeper22: I hope the moderators can get this under control soon. MangaDex used to be my happy place.
  • TheRealOtaku: As much as I hate to admit it, this drama is kinda entertaining. But yeah, it's time to cool it down and get back to manga.
  • SpeedReaderX: Why wait weeks for a translation when MTL can do it overnight?
  • TranslationPurist: The integrity of manga translations is non-negotiable. We must protect the original essence at all costs.
  • TechAdvocate: Technology evolves, and so should we. MTL is the future of translation, and we should embrace it.
  • LostReader: I just want to read my manga in peace. Why does everything have to turn into a war?
  • ScanlationSaviour: Quality should never be sacrificed for speed. We need to stand by the groups that take the time to do it right.
  • JackMitchell: I just want to read my manga without waiting months. If MTL gets it done, so be it.
  • LostInTranslation: Everyone's lost sight of what's important – our shared love for manga. It's time to come together, not fall apart.
  • JoeBiden: Citizens of America, hear me out! Do not support General Harrington! He's a very, very wicked man!
    • DylanFoster: Stop spamming everywhere! I'm very sick of you!
    • LillianGray: Shut the fuck up, Joe.
Lol the last comment
Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2023

MangaDex Civil War: The Battle Over Translation Quality​

By Samantha Lee, Digital Culture Reporter for The Web Chronicle
Published October 14, 2025

In an unexpected turn of events, the once peaceful community of MangaDex has been plunged into a fierce civil war. At the heart of the conflict lies a contentious debate over the use of machine translation (MTL) and the quality of translations produced by various scanlation groups. This dispute has not only divided the community but has also sparked a series of intense online confrontations, raising concerns about the future of manga fan translations.

The dispute began early August 2025 when a prominent scanlation group uploaded a series of chapters translated via MTL. Purists argue that MTL lacks the nuance and accuracy of human translation, leading to a loss of the original's essence and meaning, resulting in a less engaging and often confusing reading experience. On the other side, proponents of MTL argue for its efficiency and the potential to release more content faster to a hungry audience.

The situation took a turn for the worse when several high-profile scanlation groups, previously celebrated for their contributions to the manga community, found themselves under fire. Accusations of laziness and disrespect towards original manga creators were hurled, leading to an outpouring of negative comments and, in some cases, harassment.

"I've been a part of MangaDex for years and I've never witnessed anything like this," shared a longtime user, preferring to stay anonymous. "MangaDex was where I found solace and community. Now, it's just endless arguments about translation quality."

"It's not just about understanding the words," a prominent scanlator, who also chose to remain unnamed, explained. "it's about preserving the soul of the work."

As tensions escalated, the MangaDex forums transformed into a battleground. Threads and comments became arenas for heated debates, with both sides fiercely defending their stance. The conflict escalated further as some users began launching cyber-attacks against scanlation groups aligned with opposing views, leading to a series of website takedowns and doxxing incidents. The term "MTLgate" has been coined to describe the controversy.

The impact of this civil war has been significant, with many long-time users leaving the platform in search of a more peaceful community. Moreover, several prominent scanlation groups have announced hiatuses or complete shutdowns, citing the toxic atmosphere and increased pressure as their primary reasons for stepping back.

"This isn't what the manga community should be about," says Kirei Cake, a veteran scanlator and one of the casualties of this online war. "We're here because of our love for manga and our desire to share that with others, not to fight over how it's done."

"The essence of manga is not just its artwork but the storytelling, and that gets lost in poor translations," argues OisE, a long-time MangaDex user. "But attacking each other isn't going to solve anything. We need to find a middle ground."

Others, like a user known as DragonSlayer48, believe that the accessibility provided by MTL is invaluable. "Not everyone has the luxury to wait for months for a human translation. MTL might not be perfect, but it's better than nothing," they commented.

The MangaDex administration has attempted to mediate the situation by proposing new guidelines for translations and encouraging open dialogue. However, their efforts have yet to quell the heated debates which have now spilled over into social media, drawing attention from outside the manga community.

Industry experts warn that the dispute could have lasting implications for the fan translation community. "This isn't just about MangaDex. It's about the future of manga culture outside of Japan," explains cultural analyst Dr. Emily Chen. "How we resolve this could set a precedent for fan translations worldwide."

As the MangaDex community strives to find peace, the world watches. The outcome of this digital civil war could shape the landscape of manga translation for years to come.

Reader Comments:

  • CriticalDrinker: Never thought I'd see the day when manga fans would be at each other's throats like this. It's sad, really.
  • MikaRin: I understand both sides, but this toxicity is ruining the MangaDex experience for everyone. Can't we find a middle ground?
  • JusticeSeeker: As a member of a scanlation group, it's disheartening to see our hard work dismissed by the MTL crowd. But fighting isn't the solution.
  • NovaReads: Manga is about bringing people together, not tearing them apart. Hope the community finds its way back to that spirit soon.
  • JamesMoore: It's about the soul of manga. Without proper translation, we're just getting the skeleton of the story.
  • QuickReadz: I just want to read the latest chapters. If MTL gets it done, so be it.
  • OtakuJoe: This is ridiculous! Manga is supposed to bring us together, not tear us apart. #MakeMangaDexChillAgain
  • ScanlatorSue: As a translator, I understand both sides. But we can't compromise quality for speed. Manga deserves our respect.
  • TechGeekTim: Interesting to see how technology is both a boon and a bane for the fan community. Following this closely!
  • PeytonJordan: We've seen similar disputes in other fan communities. It's a tough balance, but dialogue is key. Let's hope MangaDex can navigate these turbulent waters.
  • TranslationTruther: It's about time we had this discussion. Quality should never be compromised, and if that means getting rid of MTL, so be it.
  • SierraLane: Can't we all just get along? There's enough manga out there for everyone, regardless of how it's translated.
  • AvaWilson: This is why we can't have nice things. Everyone just needs to chill and enjoy the manga.
  • LilyTheReader: It's sad to see the community divided like this. Hopefully, there's a way to satisfy both sides without compromising the quality or the speed of translations.
  • KevinT: As someone who relies on fan translations, I hope this doesn't lead to fewer translations being available. We should be supporting each other, not fighting.
  • IsaacRoss: It's like watching your family argue at Thanksgiving, but instead of politics, it's about manga. 😃
  • GabrielPrice: MTL has its place, but can't replace human touch. There's a reason we don't use Google Translate for everything!
  • ScanlationSupporter: Quality over quantity, always. If it means waiting longer for a better translation, so be it.
  • NeutralObserver: Interesting times. The outcome of this will likely shape the future of online manga communities.
  • TrueMangaLover: Machine translations are ruining manga. Period. We need to prioritize quality and respect the original work.
  • EllaGreen: People just want to read the latest chapters quickly. Not everyone cares about perfect translations.
  • RyanCarter: This is insane! Can't we all just get along and enjoy manga together?
  • DigitalSamurai: It's like watching my favorite manga come to life, except it's not as fun when you're caught in the middle of it.
  • PeaceKeeper22: I hope the moderators can get this under control soon. MangaDex used to be my happy place.
  • TheRealOtaku: As much as I hate to admit it, this drama is kinda entertaining. But yeah, it's time to cool it down and get back to manga.
  • SpeedReaderX: Why wait weeks for a translation when MTL can do it overnight?
  • TranslationPurist: The integrity of manga translations is non-negotiable. We must protect the original essence at all costs.
  • TechAdvocate: Technology evolves, and so should we. MTL is the future of translation, and we should embrace it.
  • LostReader: I just want to read my manga in peace. Why does everything have to turn into a war?
  • ScanlationSaviour: Quality should never be sacrificed for speed. We need to stand by the groups that take the time to do it right.
  • JackMitchell: I just want to read my manga without waiting months. If MTL gets it done, so be it.
  • LostInTranslation: Everyone's lost sight of what's important – our shared love for manga. It's time to come together, not fall apart.
  • JoeBiden: Citizens of America, hear me out! Do not support General Harrington! He's a very, very wicked man!
    • DylanFoster: Stop spamming everywhere! I'm very sick of you!
    • LillianGray: Shut the fuck up, Joe.
This is interseting :meguupog:
Your fake article was so good and accurate :thumbsup:
that made me thinking:
Will this really happens in a near future??:worry:
I hope it won't, I like reading my favorites titles whatever the quality is.
but, there is some probability that will happen.
What will happen next??:thonk:
I don't have a proper answer for that, even though I have some clues.

A lot of question that only time can answer (if it can...).

Anyway, Nice work!
Group Leader
Jan 8, 2023

Elon Musk: From Incarceration to Liberation and a Newfound Love for Manga​

By Jordan Thompson, TechFuture News

April 15, 2027 — In an astonishing turn of events that has both Silicon Valley and the world at large on the edge of their seats, Elon Musk, the visionary entrepreneur behind SpaceX and Tesla, has been exonerated of all charges related to the allegations that led to his dramatic arrest on April 10, 2025. Musk's legal team managed to untangle the complex web of accusations, ranging from the possession of hidden offshore accounts to unreported transactions and even the unauthorized use of technology for surveillance purposes.

The key to Musk's freedom, as unveiled in court documents, was a meticulously executed defense strategy that combined cutting-edge forensic accounting with expert testimony on cybersecurity and digital rights. The turning point in the case came when Musk's defense presented irrefutable evidence that not only exonerated him from the accusations but also highlighted significant flaws in the initial investigation conducted by the FBI.

But perhaps the most unexpected twist in Elon Musk's saga is his newfound passion for manga, a hobby he picked up during his time behind bars. According to Musk, the transformative power of storytelling found in manga helped him to endure the uncertainty and isolation of imprisonment. "There's a surprising depth in manga, a storytelling prowess that I found both captivating and inspiring," Musk shared in his first interview since his release. "It was an inmate, now a friend, who introduced me to this world, and I am genuinely grateful for that."

This revelation has sparked a flurry of comments from the public and fans alike, with many expressing their support and sharing their own manga recommendations on social media platforms.

Musk's exoneration has certainly sent shockwaves through the international community, raising questions about the boundaries of innovation, privacy, and the law. As for Musk, his ordeal has not only freed him from legal burdens but has also opened the door to a new cultural exploration. How this experience will influence his future endeavors remains to be seen, but one thing is clear: Elon Musk's journey is far from over.

Reader Comments:

  • AlexJ: Incredible! Only Elon could turn an ordeal like this into an opportunity to discover a new passion. Can't wait to see if this influences his future projects.
  • MangaLover42: Welcome to the manga fandom, Elon! If you need recommendations, I've got a list a mile long.
  • DigitalDreamer: This story is wild from start to finish. Glad to see justice served and curious about how this experience will shape what Musk does next.
  • ZenZack: Incredible! The truth prevails. Can't wait to see what Elon does next. Also, manga? That's a plot twist no one saw coming!
  • XMLMaxine: This case sounds like a movie script! Goes to show, you never really know what's happening behind the scenes.
  • AI_Amelia: Elon Musk into manga now? That’s the best part of this whole saga. Would love to see which titles he got into!
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019

MangaDex Civil War: The Battle Over Translation Quality​

By Samantha Lee, Digital Culture Reporter for The Web Chronicle
Published October 14, 2025

In an unexpected turn of events, the once peaceful community of MangaDex has been plunged into a fierce civil war. At the heart of the conflict lies a contentious debate over the use of machine translation (MTL) and the quality of translations produced by various scanlation groups. This dispute has not only divided the community but has also sparked a series of intense online confrontations, raising concerns about the future of manga fan translations.

The dispute began early August 2025 when a prominent scanlation group uploaded a series of chapters translated via MTL. Purists argue that MTL lacks the nuance and accuracy of human translation, leading to a loss of the original's essence and meaning, resulting in a less engaging and often confusing reading experience. On the other side, proponents of MTL argue for its efficiency and the potential to release more content faster to a hungry audience.

The situation took a turn for the worse when several high-profile scanlation groups, previously celebrated for their contributions to the manga community, found themselves under fire. Accusations of laziness and disrespect towards original manga creators were hurled, leading to an outpouring of negative comments and, in some cases, harassment.

"I've been a part of MangaDex for years and I've never witnessed anything like this," shared a longtime user, preferring to stay anonymous. "MangaDex was where I found solace and community. Now, it's just endless arguments about translation quality."

"It's not just about understanding the words," a prominent scanlator, who also chose to remain unnamed, explained. "it's about preserving the soul of the work."

As tensions escalated, the MangaDex forums transformed into a battleground. Threads and comments became arenas for heated debates, with both sides fiercely defending their stance. The conflict escalated further as some users began launching cyber-attacks against scanlation groups aligned with opposing views, leading to a series of website takedowns and doxxing incidents. The term "MTLgate" has been coined to describe the controversy.

The impact of this civil war has been significant, with many long-time users leaving the platform in search of a more peaceful community. Moreover, several prominent scanlation groups have announced hiatuses or complete shutdowns, citing the toxic atmosphere and increased pressure as their primary reasons for stepping back.

"This isn't what the manga community should be about," says Kirei Cake, a veteran scanlator and one of the casualties of this online war. "We're here because of our love for manga and our desire to share that with others, not to fight over how it's done."

"The essence of manga is not just its artwork but the storytelling, and that gets lost in poor translations," argues OisE, a long-time MangaDex user. "But attacking each other isn't going to solve anything. We need to find a middle ground."

Others, like a user known as DragonSlayer48, believe that the accessibility provided by MTL is invaluable. "Not everyone has the luxury to wait for months for a human translation. MTL might not be perfect, but it's better than nothing," they commented.

The MangaDex administration has attempted to mediate the situation by proposing new guidelines for translations and encouraging open dialogue. However, their efforts have yet to quell the heated debates which have now spilled over into social media, drawing attention from outside the manga community.

Industry experts warn that the dispute could have lasting implications for the fan translation community. "This isn't just about MangaDex. It's about the future of manga culture outside of Japan," explains cultural analyst Dr. Emily Chen. "How we resolve this could set a precedent for fan translations worldwide."

As the MangaDex community strives to find peace, the world watches. The outcome of this digital civil war could shape the landscape of manga translation for years to come.

Reader Comments:

  • CriticalDrinker: Never thought I'd see the day when manga fans would be at each other's throats like this. It's sad, really.
  • MikaRin: I understand both sides, but this toxicity is ruining the MangaDex experience for everyone. Can't we find a middle ground?
  • JusticeSeeker: As a member of a scanlation group, it's disheartening to see our hard work dismissed by the MTL crowd. But fighting isn't the solution.
  • NovaReads: Manga is about bringing people together, not tearing them apart. Hope the community finds its way back to that spirit soon.
  • JamesMoore: It's about the soul of manga. Without proper translation, we're just getting the skeleton of the story.
  • QuickReadz: I just want to read the latest chapters. If MTL gets it done, so be it.
  • OtakuJoe: This is ridiculous! Manga is supposed to bring us together, not tear us apart. #MakeMangaDexChillAgain
  • ScanlatorSue: As a translator, I understand both sides. But we can't compromise quality for speed. Manga deserves our respect.
  • TechGeekTim: Interesting to see how technology is both a boon and a bane for the fan community. Following this closely!
  • PeytonJordan: We've seen similar disputes in other fan communities. It's a tough balance, but dialogue is key. Let's hope MangaDex can navigate these turbulent waters.
  • TranslationTruther: It's about time we had this discussion. Quality should never be compromised, and if that means getting rid of MTL, so be it.
  • SierraLane: Can't we all just get along? There's enough manga out there for everyone, regardless of how it's translated.
  • AvaWilson: This is why we can't have nice things. Everyone just needs to chill and enjoy the manga.
  • LilyTheReader: It's sad to see the community divided like this. Hopefully, there's a way to satisfy both sides without compromising the quality or the speed of translations.
  • KevinT: As someone who relies on fan translations, I hope this doesn't lead to fewer translations being available. We should be supporting each other, not fighting.
  • IsaacRoss: It's like watching your family argue at Thanksgiving, but instead of politics, it's about manga. 😃
  • GabrielPrice: MTL has its place, but can't replace human touch. There's a reason we don't use Google Translate for everything!
  • ScanlationSupporter: Quality over quantity, always. If it means waiting longer for a better translation, so be it.
  • NeutralObserver: Interesting times. The outcome of this will likely shape the future of online manga communities.
  • TrueMangaLover: Machine translations are ruining manga. Period. We need to prioritize quality and respect the original work.
  • EllaGreen: People just want to read the latest chapters quickly. Not everyone cares about perfect translations.
  • RyanCarter: This is insane! Can't we all just get along and enjoy manga together?
  • DigitalSamurai: It's like watching my favorite manga come to life, except it's not as fun when you're caught in the middle of it.
  • PeaceKeeper22: I hope the moderators can get this under control soon. MangaDex used to be my happy place.
  • TheRealOtaku: As much as I hate to admit it, this drama is kinda entertaining. But yeah, it's time to cool it down and get back to manga.
  • SpeedReaderX: Why wait weeks for a translation when MTL can do it overnight?
  • TranslationPurist: The integrity of manga translations is non-negotiable. We must protect the original essence at all costs.
  • TechAdvocate: Technology evolves, and so should we. MTL is the future of translation, and we should embrace it.
  • LostReader: I just want to read my manga in peace. Why does everything have to turn into a war?
  • ScanlationSaviour: Quality should never be sacrificed for speed. We need to stand by the groups that take the time to do it right.
  • JackMitchell: I just want to read my manga without waiting months. If MTL gets it done, so be it.
  • LostInTranslation: Everyone's lost sight of what's important – our shared love for manga. It's time to come together, not fall apart.
  • JoeBiden: Citizens of America, hear me out! Do not support General Harrington! He's a very, very wicked man!
    • DylanFoster: Stop spamming everywhere! I'm very sick of you!
    • LillianGray: Shut the fuck up, Joe.
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Civil War escalation,
The oncoming storm.

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