Demon Fist Daydreamer - Vol. 7 Ch. 44

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
A good old isekai slave. Nothing makes her happier than being a slave, and nothing makes her worry more than a person wanting to set her free.

Japanese novel/manga authors never disappoint.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 2, 2018
@xathrya as far as I remember it (heh) they are part of some stupid justice-hero-trio that is so fixated on "justice" they will do virtually everything to deliver it. Apparently including wrecking havoc in a city and killing bystranders in the process.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018

it's not that uncommon for slaves to be happy with being slaves for the MC. ( it would be a very different tone to the manga if they weren't tbh )
What IS rare thought is for the MC to not be the one who singlemindedly advocates for the abolishment of slavery
I really like this manga because the typical iskai protagonist who wants to abolish slavery is actually antagonistic towards the MC.


While its true slavery is a horrid practice and they for the one with the "moral high ground"
They, just like most other people who just argue that slavery is bad and we should free all the slaves don´t consider the ramifications of doing so.
Sure the slaves might be free afterwards, but then they are just going to starve to death or become bandits.
Likewise if you actually buy the slaves its just going to incentive the slave traders to sell more slaves because people are buying them.

I REALLY like it when the MC´s actually consider the effects of trying to free slaves, because let me tell you....
Freedom is great and all, but it's not always worth the cost.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Goldenzeal We must have read different isekai series. From my experience the MCs mostly accept slavery very quickly and as quickly start to acquire slaves. I'm sure there have been series where the MC would have been and remained against slavery, but I can't remember one off the top of my hat. But then again, I've already accepted that Japanese fantasy LN readers dream of owning slaves, and I haven't particularly got anything to say about it (though I still do), but I'm more annoyed by slaves in these works who never even dream of being free. To ice the cake, in some works free people, who're doing just fine free, actually throw themselves at the MC, wanting to become his slaves.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018
Oh, don´t get me wrong, Isekai MC´s takeing part in slavery is super common. ( Even if some of them do actually dislike the practice, they still buy slaves anyway for the benefits )
What I wanted to say was how rare it is for somebody else other than the MC to be the one who is the advocate of freedom and abolishing slavery, as its almost always the MC.

As for the slaves, the Isekai MC´s slaves usually enjoy such benefits/luxuries because of how OP the MC´s are that the slaves don´t mind being slaves for him.
That and they are very very rarely abused as most Isekai MC´s are unnecessarily nice to everyone, so for them its a win-win ( I know some people get really tilted by the fact )

Just like how you said some even ask to become slaves... ( tho in my experience it's usually "plz make me your slave so I don´t have to be slaves for someone else" / go to jail )
The girl here doesn't want to be free because she would probably have a hard time get a good life, and she suspects that the MC would treat her better than most.

Let's take Isekai Meikyuu de Harem wo for example.

Spoilers because ... you know...

The MC´s slaves live better then royalty does because MC is basically a walking demigod who has some basic knowledge of modern technology.
It's set in a pretty standard dungeon exploration isekai world, but it's one off the less technologically advanced worlds.

it's not very well explained in the manga yet though, but they do bring it up later in the novel that the slaves just goes along with whatever the fuck the MC wants because they trust him and it usually works out well for everybody.
(it's actually something that one of his later slaves who used to be a noble points out later in the series, she is pretty shocked that he and his slaves live better then she did before her slavery )
So why should they want to be free because they live better lives than they ever could with him?

Ofc there are always going to be some people who would rather die in poverty then to live better lives if it means slavery.
And honestly, outside of a few brainwashed Americans, I honestly believe most people would rather work as dept slaves than to die of starvation. ( but that's just my opinion )
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2020
My heart says yes to purchase her as my slave, at the same time no.
I can't decide for MC.

Advantage: Nana-san is an all rounder girl, who will support you to your endeavor.
She can do this and that, be the light of the house, be the loving wife, be the supporting wife, be the one who's not you ( i mean MC is a fighter, Nana san takes care of anything that is not a fighter)
They will be focused on what they want, and let nana-san takes care of everything, like information gathering, research, and many more...

Disadvantage: Elk cannot have MC wholefully.
Can be made a hostage (nana-san)
Most of the time, she will hold them back if they kept on attracting troubles, coz they need to save her everytime.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
The underlying problem with this slave girl, is that if she's worth to be bought (especially at a high price), she's also worth to be hired / contracted as a partner on some level of compensation.
Even if she was meant to be "nothing but meat", someone who is obviously extremely sexually attractive, can equally whore herself out, rather than pay out on someone else's behalf.

That being said, this topic is seriously way too high on the debate-shelf for this sort of a story...Honestly, sometimes I wonder why the fuck Japs even bother to have slaves, which is thematically depressing. Nobody wants to see that shit. The mere idea that they managed to turn it into an "easy companion plug" is remarkable.
Aggregator gang
Jun 11, 2020
honestly though the slave trope does make sense because no matter the place, slavery existed. you go to Europe? slaves. You go to Africa? slaves. Middle East? slaves. even the relatively peaceful Koreans had slaves.

Humankind has been taking other humans and making them work through fear and aggression for millennia. I don't endorse slavery, and I'm not saying that I like how japan makes it a easy companion trope. but I'm just saying that in that era and age, someone who isn't or wasn't a slave that is forcing others into releasing slaves is not the norm, and it shouldn't be (shouldn't be as in it doesn't make sense in this era not as in that it is right to have slaves). the only time that he be someone who is so adamant about others releasing slaves is if he was either a slave himself, or he was reincarnated from our world. honestly if anything minato should be more like that dude (should as in it would make sense if minato was like that not that I want minato to be like that).
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Goldenzeal Right, now I understand what you meant. That if a series has someone wanting to abolish the slavery, it's most likely the MC. That's indeed probably true.

Anyway, if we were to be more realistic, a normal female who was a slave (in this example not a competent female fighter who would do just fine as a free adventurer) would simply marry, become a wife, have a family, and live that traditional slow life that many black company employees hit by Truck-kun dream about. Sure, marrying some cobbler might not be as fabulous as being the Harem Member #7 of an overpowered hero, but that's what people do. Still today. If we study a frontier town like in this chapter's example, I can guarantee you that there are more men around than women. Unmarried men are the most likely ones to move to an undeveloped, rough, potentially dangerous place to seek their fortune. Free of slavery, a beautiful young woman like Nana would have a line of men ready marry her. So, she might not even need to marry a mere cobbler. She might even catch a merchant's son.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 4, 2019
Oh god !
He leader of this stupid party can learn and do compromise.
It's a miracle !
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Uh, sure. Just saying that this particular slave here is odd, to say the least. I've been skipping chapters so I might be missing something, but this is a bizarre sight to behold here: an incredibly skilled individual, that can get hired pretty much anywhere with the skillset that she's putting on display, chooses to be a slave, and gleefully announces that she's a the prized jewel that's auctioned off in a bit. What?
Dex-chan lover
May 24, 2019
Damn, I've forgotten about this manga already..
Thank you for picking this up!!
Dex-chan lover
Aug 12, 2018
Lol, those guys might be dumb in some regards, but man fuck anyone who's like "they're childish for being against slaves" c'mon dude.
"We're right and you're wrong" is just true about shit like being against slavery. 'Like a child or a delinquent' bro it's about slavery. You should know better whether other people in the world do or not.

Don't get me wrong, I do understand how it's normalized so anyone in that world who hasn't personally known someone that became one wouldn't care as much, but it's still all stupid. The worst part is definitely how the author themselves acts like having slaves is morally correct and that part is wrong and childish, strawmanning the hell of the ones against slavery while simultaneously making the MC so indifferent at best.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 5, 2019
Author is being real heavyhanded with the “this makes it ok for Minato to participate in the slave trade!” stuff.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
@Fari I do agree that the flags are being raised for mc getting dat slave, but I feel like you are reading way too much into it. Mc seems against slavery to me (but Lawful enough to not do anything about it), and the author definitely seems to be against it (did you note how he painted a really grim picture of how expanding frontier towns considers slaves a one-time purchase and uses up slaves to such an extent that the village is considered as having a thriving slave-market? It is obvious there is a really dark picture being secretly painted here.

As for the fools, the whole convo was about how they are not listening to what they are saying (primarily body-language) and making assumptions. Not about whether they have a point or not. And fact is that they were letting their emotions go to their heads, almost about to break the law and assault people (in such a way that it even threatens collateral). Even if they had succeeded and gotten away with it, I can only imagine the slave in question would end up troubled by it (be that by being branded as a runaway, or some more magical failsafe), considering she seems to be allowed to roam quite freely and has no desire to flee.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 15, 2019
Another artist who doesn't know how a wooden warship looks like.
And where is the package with lemons?
Oct 13, 2020
If you ask me i think it is good that they made criminals slaves.Why? because they deserved it. Because they contribute zero to society and only make trouble for normal people, so in this way they make some use of those thrash of humanity. Bad thing is that you can sell your own kid to become slave.Like that's fucked up.

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