Do Chokkyuu Kareshi x Kanojo - Vol. 5 Ch. 25 - What!? Academic Probation!?

Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2018
Whoa dude, they been going at it for... 6 months or more? From how they talked about all the crazy sex they were having, i never expected this LOL

@sawr They did. I remember during their first time, he fingered her for 30 mins.
If you cant make a girl cum in 30 mins with your fingers...
Double-page supporter
Dec 28, 2018
Suddenly, I remember this chapter due to the advice his mother gave him. Real talk, don't force your gf to be a pornstar, that is wicked. In fact, you should quit porn it melts your brain.
All this situation and the following fight is Shinichi's fault alone.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@JonRa You're right. The person who never said anything until now to inform him that this stuff was not really working for her has zero responsibility for remaining in that situation for all that time.

This also isn't even a fight, so if my sarcasm was too hard to pick up on, I am in fact saying you're just blatantly wrong twice over.
Double-page supporter
Dec 28, 2018
She didn't even know she has a "problem" till he said to her: "HUH? HOW COME YOU DON'T GO FULL AHEGAO WHEN WE DO IT? SOMETHING'S WRONG WITH YOU, GIRL!!".

And I'm not a puritan in the least, if he wanted to pervert her he should have done it on his own, little by little. But don't expect that someone that is not used to be hentai will moan and squeal naturally.

She didn't even flick the bean before ffs, she was forced to do that. And I was talking about the fight that comes later provoked by this incident that it was somewhat serious, that's why I used spoiler tag.

Edit: In the end, instead of sounding worried about her not being "sexually liberated" enough, he sounds more like he wants to fulfill some porn fantasy making her cum or something. That's why I agreed with her when she later though Shinichi only wanted her for sex.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@JonRa She did know there was a problem, she just thought it wasn't really worth mentioning for some reason. He had to ask her to elaborate on something she said to dig the information out of her, but she was clearly aware "This doesn't really feel that great for me. Sometimes, it even hurts." That is the problem, and its just descriptive of her experience.

Not really sure where you're comin' from with this part about him wanting to get porny reactions out of her. I mean, I think if he had that desire at all he would've noticed the problem much sooner himself from her reactions, or lack thereof. Something like "Hey, you're not really acting how I expected from what I've looked at, what's up?" (though presumably at 200 decibels, because this is them and all)

and yes, I thought about that a bit after reading further myself, but I'd honestly still say that was less of a fight and more her one sidedly being stubborn after a while. The initial "fight" was basically all in that one part, but she doubled down on not listening to him and then kept seeming like even she felt she was in the wrong for doing so, but didn't really know how to get herself out of that spot.

As for this part, again, I just don't see what you do. He never said a single thing that gave me the impression he "just" wants some porn like experience. He did fall for the trap of acting the way he saw in porn, but if anything his only intention there was "this seems to work for both parties involved from what I can see." He just earnestly seemed bummed that she wasn't also enjoying their time together, rather than bummed that he wasn't fulfilling his own fantasies. Even his comment that sounded really bad about how she was basically just a sex toy, he was saying that because he thought it was not the right state for things to be in, and wanted to change that.
Double-page supporter
Dec 28, 2018
It's clear that she never knew what she was doing when they had sex, much less what it was supposed to feel like (I don't think it was painful until they did it hard) and I don't blame her. If she would have had another kind of boyfriend or wouldn't have had one in the first place, she is the type of woman who most likely would never have explored herself at all. So Shinichi had to be more responsible for her or at least not be a prick.

And look, I know ultimately he is a good boy and this situation somehow strengthens their relationship, they are young and yada yada. I'm just saying that he wasn't empathetic enough with her about a situation that he's responsible for, so he is the one at fault.

PS: And I said I agreed why she would think that Shinichi only wanted her for sex, not that Shinichi really only want her for sex.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@JonRa My whole point at the start here was that she has equal responsibility for the situation too, and that has not changed. His mother practically told her the same thing while admonishing him for mimicking porn with how he was going about things in the same scene. They both had something to address at the root of this issue. That was even the motivator for their plan for going forward, letting her figure it out from her end and him thinking about how he's been approaching it so far, so that they could hopefully reach a mutually beneficial understanding of things.

Her being ignorant of some things involving herself does not excuse her from having any sort of responsibility in situations that rely on that information. It also takes two to tango, but she was not communicating with him, and he specifically says that to her on page 17 of this chapter. They were trying to figure it out again, and she still wasn't giving him any sort of feedback until she finally snapped and blurted some out. That is absolutely a shared responsibility of partners during the deed.

I'm pretty sure we're just going in circles at this point, so I'm probably not gonna reply again.
Double-page supporter
Dec 28, 2018
She was ok with the state of things (Shinichi being satisfied) that's also why she didn't say anything. But yeah, it's better that we leave it at that.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 25, 2020
The way they were anxiously waiting for couple to speak. HAHAHAHAHAHA!

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