Does anyone actually have a childhood friend with an unrequited love relationship?

Double-page supporter
Jan 6, 2020
Can't say for sure. There's been several people for whom I've "started" to catch feelings, but there's a wall that prevents me from falling in love. I become cold and unfeeling, and perhaps a little hostile, and I bury myself in hobbies or work until the feeling of "love" goes away.
Aggregator gang
Feb 14, 2019
Y'all necroposting a 2 year old thread but aiight I'll give my 2 cents. Childhood friends are almost impossible to keep, let alone develop feelings for due to the very fact that environmental factors (including social pressure) and especially puberty drastically change the way people act, think and feel.

The last post from the OP @teriguu seems to indicate that we have very similar tastes. Unfortunately I don't believe "real" tomboys exist outside of fictional media and cartoons.

Also now that I've read some of the other comments here, there is something I am curious about. Has anyone else's preferences ever changed since they were a kid? Ever since I could remember, I've always found women around ~16-21 attractive ever since I was in elementary school. Now I didn't really have any "sexual" feelings until I hit puberty but that much of my taste in women has never changed.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2018
My unrequited childhood friends love becoming either ugly or fat after they've married. So I'm glad that I'm not the one that married them
Dec 31, 2019

BEFORE I reached the end of that magical journey, where it read [TAKEN IRL], assuming it's legit and not a further part of the act,
I was 99.99999% sure that was just an extended roleplay between the two,
considering 'Shane' has a handle of DDLC_MC_kun
and 'Elisabeth [Sayo-bun event]' has an avatar of Sayori, one of the main
love interests from DDLC.
Group Leader
Jan 27, 2019
Eh, I mean, kind of? If you count middle/high school as being a "childhood friend".
He liked me, well into adulthood, and I unfortunately was exactly the kind of dumb fuck to not realize my own feelings until after he moved on. 😂
Apr 23, 2018
@Jordan_Weeberson It occurred and I went to it like any respectable friend-zoned person. It was only slightly awkward/uncomfortable

But nonetheless, I am now officially out of marriage candidates and have 0 intentions of finding someone to fill that role.
I'd say I'll marry my server, but it's been named Kataomoi for the last 9 years so.... I think I am screwed there as well
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Don't worry, there's plenty more (fire) fish in the sea. @FireFish5000

You could be like me and never even had friends to begin with. /dab/
May 20, 2019
While I was still in high school, I accidentally found out that my long-term friend (since like Kindergarten) had a thing for me. I don't know when that started but I know it carried on until some point in college. We are still friends and I don't think he knows that I ever found out. I hope he got over it considering I've been with my current partner for almost 4 years now and all of us hang out.

The kicker here (before y'all call this an anime plot-line) is my friend was born a "she."
Jun 28, 2019
@crescentfreshh Oh gosh, you think his decision maybe a tinsie part to turn was because of his affection towards you??

I had a neighbor his name is Saul, he was 6 and I was 7. We grew up playing Pokemon and Hamtaro???? It was this hamster cartoon he was obsess with. Well along with him I met his cousin Bryan who was in the same class as me. At first like normal we played tagged and did kid things. Then in our school they really liked to have the kids compete amongst one another in both academics and athletics. So fast forward to Bryan and I in the 5th grade, Saul is in 4th. At this point I had an inkling that Saul was developing a crush towards me and the long standing rivalry between Bryan and me with school turn towards affection on my side onto Bryan. Well now Bryan and me are in middle school 6th graders and at this point I'm hardly knocking on Saul's door, because it became really obvious he liked me so I did what I always do when I know someone likes me.....I went full durr-durr-durrrr and awkward and avoided him. Which then made Bryan and I get really close where we both had a sense as to what we felt, but were too shy to admit.

WELLLL fast forward to our 6th grade summer vacation, my parents decide to take us for JUST a week to Oregon to visit friends. Well that week turn into a month which turn into two and then we never went back. My dad went back to get all our stuff, but I never got to say goodbye to anyone back home. Fast forward 7 years and I managed to finally find Saul on Facebook, because yes I left them all without closure and I had been dying to know what had happened ESPECIALLY after my dad came back with our stuff and he told me Saul was crying and asking for me, and Bryan apparently had gone all Hulk and been pissed and everything and everyone. Well.......damn Saul grew up to be a heartbreaker and seeing his picture intimidated me so I never requested him.......I still think about those two up till this day.
May 20, 2019
@Amairani nah, even when we were kids, my friend was always a tomboy and sorta masculine. I think in middle school when we all learned about the LGBTQ spectrum (and surprise we're all q*eer anyway) I figured "she" was gonna end up a "he" lol.

You're situation sounded rough though. It's totally hard to be pulled away from friends so young. Plus, I can't imagine finding out a childhood friend grows up to be a "heartbreaker." That must be a weird feeling to see someone online even after so long!
Jun 28, 2019
Toast to the queer comment~ Yesterday at work a coworker found out I like both genders and she started acting funny 🙃...

Anyways, glad your childhood friend and both your partner and you are able to have a bonding relationship. If it had been me in your place I'm afraid I might have shattered out friendship. @crescentfreshh
Apr 30, 2018
@Teddy I'm embarrassed to say, It took me a couple of seconds to realize that wasn't a fancy looking anal toy.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
The closest thing I have to a childhood friend that would ever be remotely interested in me is a pansexual omniphile that I've known since 5th grade. Naturally, it's really just part of his personality to try and hit on everything that moves. He was always in a relationship and I always just viewed him as one of the guys and I don't swing that way, (plus I have like no sex drive) so nothing will probably ever becomes of that. (He's also FtM if that clears anything up)

But yeah, so far I only ever fell for a girl once and that didn't end well. And that was Freshman year of High School. I'm too asocial and, unlike in manga, that does not actually get people to pine after you.
May 20, 2019
@dabson oh dude my bad! I'm a girl lol. I don't know why I didn't think to include that in my story. 😥

And hell yeah @amairani 3 cheers for the queers ;) Sorry about your coworker though; that's unpleasant.

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