This is wrong on so many levels... All it is, is a plot hole ridden, contrived and poorly drawn/hastily photoshopped series that incorporates as much shock value as possible for the sake of shock value. Its trying to ride the coat tails of popular anime series such as DBZ and OPM by imitating their styles and story absurdities.
The ridiculousness that a "drunk man" fucks a puppy (that is a puppy in the drawing) then the next panel its a full grown dog, and that somehow this genetic impossibility didn't die from neglect and was somehow raised to adulthood and doesn't even look the same breed as its mother, is absurd. fucked a golden retriever = one punch wolfman is born. Base minimum the author coulda drawn the dog as a huskie and thrown in some kind of backstory of being raised by nuns or something.
The entirety of this series "popularity" (and I use that in the loosest of terms to describe people defending this garbage) arises from the shock value of using the word "nigga" when it doesn't even make sense to use it in the context as such. Its screamed and used for the shock of it, and doesn't actually bring any benefit to the story.
The sad thing is, this could actually be something decent, if it was flushed out a bit more, a little more effort put into the drawing and didn't rely on shock value.