Disclaimer this is a type of retrospective that i have done after reading the Manga of Domestic Girlfriend everything in this comment is entirely my opinion and you are free to agree or disagree I only ask that you respect my thoughts and that way I can respect everyone else's with that in mind there are heavy spoilers for the manga in this article so if you are not done with it I advise that you keep scrolling however if you have finished it or do not mind the spoilers I would gladly appreciate if you would give me your thoughts thank you.
Honestly this was really good and I was sucked into the story a love story about forbidden love between a teacher and a student but after Hina left for the first time the story really flourished and Honestly I would say I was team Rui since the first chapter nad I knew she was going to have some impact on the story so after Hina left I hated ther character for leaving Natsuo with nothing but a letter but I understood why she had to do it. Then Rui and she helped Natsuo get back in his element and I loved it I was rooting for their relationship the entire time it got to the point that when Rui broke up with Natsuo I almost cried and I didn't really want to read the story anymore because I didn't see a point I just thought oh well they broke up guess he's gonna get with Hina now but that isn't what happend and when Natsuo and Rui got back together I was estatic and that joy grew even larger with the fact that they had baby on the way and they were getting married I thought to my self that they were finally getting the happy ending I wanted, but I felt there was something wrong with the couple of chapters I felt that there was a couple of chapters left and I thought what they would be considering the fact that the marriage and happy ending i longed for was rapidly approaching but then the last arc happened and what I was thinking is that the worst would happen to Hina or she would come to terms with the relationship of Natsuo and Rui. But I was utterly shocked when the broke off the wedding and that Natsuo and Rui decided to devote their lived to Hina as she had devoted her life to make Natsuo happy and it was devastating when I found out that Natsuo and Hina were going to get married it isn't what I wanted but it was what was supposed to happen. Of course I was disappointed that my dream couple didn't end up the way I wanted them too and even thought I am sad in a way I'm still sort of happy. It was a bitter sweet ended in the type of way that the story didn't turn out the way I wanted it too but all the characters were happy and that was ok too. This series made me feel lost of emotions happiness, anger, sorrow, sadness, excitement, and throughout the whole thing it gave me a warm feeling in my heart that maybe someday I can also have the relationship that Natsuo and Rui a caring relationship that is not perfect that would at times feel like it was not meant to be but in my heart it was meant to be this will always be my ideal relationship even if it didn't go the way I wanted it to go. Now I will be honest I probably have to right to be giving this series the amount of criticism I'm giving it but thats just how much I love this series and I also want so many other people to experience it they might not view it in the same light I did but thats the thing with opinions they can be agreed with and respected but in the case of Domestic Girlfriend i will respect everyone's opinions but I will not say I agree with everyone saying this is a bad series I would 100% recomend this to anyone who wants a thrilling love story but can accept the bad. With that in mind if you do not mind at times reading softcore hentai and some very awkward moments here in there lol, I rate this 8 outta 10 and I would recommend.