DON'T ALLOW PEOPLE TO RATE that doesn't follow/read the manga

Jan 19, 2018
We in the minor groups usually suffer.
Most just take a glimpse of manga for curiosity and see a Yaoi or Shounen-ai tag, downvoted it to 0 or 1 in no time!
Pleasssse fix this bias when they aren't even our reader.
Make mangadex community friendly and only allow those who follow the manga to vote.
is a Reindeer
Jan 24, 2018
@MeloDeus In the future, we're going to make rating automatically follow the manga. If people troll rate, they'll just clutter their follows list with stuff they don't actually read. If they unfollow, their rating will get taken away.
Jan 31, 2018
@Plykiya Making that change will make the ratings even less useful than they already are. You'll end up with ratings that are heavily biased toward the high end of the scale. I agree that users should not be able to rate a series they haven't read, but forcing them to follow a series they don't like is a bad idea.
is a Reindeer
Jan 24, 2018
@DrNo Dropped is a follow category we have for a reason, if they read it and disliked it, why not place it there? This won't be a complete disincentive to rating low, it just means that people who rate should theoretically only be limited to people who've bothered to read it. If you haven't read something, how is it possible to come up with a rating for it? is basically the idea.
Nov 2, 2018
?? same thing happen in H sect.. whenever i'm going there, I never seen rating MEDIUM/high..
my friend give up upload H content to get rank power uploader.. he's can't help but feels annoying..
Aug 8, 2018
It is perfectly fair to rate a manga poorly even if you have never read any more than the title, synopsis, and saw the cover image. If you rate sonething poorly in this situation you are disagreeing with something you saw there. I personally dislike reading yaoi manga but often times I will open one because the title and cover are deceptive. People giving yaoi stories bad ratings without reading them (although, how the hell do you know they aren't giving the story a chance before rating it) might be people annoyed by this deception.
It is also fair to hate the very existence of something(or at least the existence of its support/communities). This is extremely common for "too" popular movies and videogames. For example, tons of people hate things like The Transformers franchise or the Marvel cinematic universe yet have only ever seen one movie or, oftentimes, none. The same is true for games like Assassin's Creed or Call of Duty. This doesn't mean their opinions are invalid though. They just aren't trying to objectivly review the quality of the art (which is impossible to do anyway). What they are rather doing is saying that this should not exist or, at the least, should not be this highly rated.

(Also, I hate the idea that the mangas that I hate enough to give a low star rating to should follow me around. Personally, I rather want it to be that when I give a mangs a one star rating that it be immediadiately deleted from my history and blocked so that I never have to see it again.)
Mar 10, 2018
If you want my personal opinion, rating should be completely disabled, expecially when you can have multiple accounts. Is not very reliable. The viewer count and followers is more than enought. I find series poor rated that i really like because they have unpopular genre or content. Jm2c.
Active member
Apr 18, 2018
If you want my personal opinion, rating should be completely disabled, expecially when you can have multiple accounts. Is not very reliable. The viewer count and followers is more than enought. Jm2c.
I disagree. You don't consider other things.
Rating can't be erased in an assessment, regardless of its form, in comics, movies, music, novels and other types of entertainment. Everyone needs a benchmark, a foundation. Ratings always follow in the footsteps of reviews to provide, at least, an outline of whether the relevant series has the qualities needed by the reader.

What Plykiya said was fair enough. It is a strict way for someone to not arbitrarily judge, drop, and show bias.
This will be a turning weapon to prove whether someone has read it or not. If they don't like it, they can't do anything. As simple as that. So, the rest, provide a way for someone who wants to bother reading it.
Mar 24, 2018
It is perfectly fair to rate a manga poorly even if you have never read any more than the title, synopsis, and saw the cover image.
No, it isn't. I kinda get what you're saying, cause Uziga Waita for example, but no. Everything after that quote is just silly mental gymnastics. You being triggered by two guys doing butt stuff is stupid "argument", and as for "accidental reading", maybe it's your subconscious telling you it wants dick - tags exist for a reason, and if you had the time to read a description, but not what's above it, then it's on you.

Personally, I rather want it to be that when I give a mangs a one star rating that it be immediadiately deleted from my history and blocked so that I never have to see it again
Oh you precious 4kun fragile candy glass snowflake you. No pain no gain.

Btw, guro tag when? I know porn categories are coming, will it be included with those?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 1, 2018
An issue I'm running into is idiot uploaders not listing the genre. I choose not to see certain things yet they appear anyway. I'm going to rate that 1. No matter what.
Nov 2, 2018
? yea it actually me who rating yaoi and similar like that.. score rank 1,2 .. plykiya idea was good enough to prevent someone like me but oobviously you can't control people who HATE unusual thing like yaoi that I can category it with incest.. even more when I see those crazy psycho.. pairing real ppl.. what more disgusting they pairing them to BL ? when it clearly they not into YAOI....!
May 9, 2018
When I drop something, I unfollow it...why would I want to save it to my account forever by putting it in the dropped category?

And if I read a bad manga I don't bother saving it to any categories, because it was bad.

I follow a lot of bl here and I know to adjust the ratings I see. I don't mind doing that. I do mind having to save things to dropped in order to rate :/

Mdex knows when we've clicked on a chapter, can't it use that in order to tell whether our votes should be valid or not?
But also, a lot of old bl that gets uploaded here, I've read on other sites and I know it's not good. That's why uploaders took their time with re-uploading it lol.
Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
This is my personal take, not to be confused with an official MangaDex stance or anything
@DrNo posted:

You'll end up with ratings that are heavily biased toward the high end of the scale.
While true, it doesn't matter because the end result is, regardless, a more accurate representation of the overall quality as rated by people who are the intended audience of that specific manga in the first place, making the rating actually more useful as a reference, which is supposed to be what it's there for in the first place. Even if the absolute value would become higher than it normally would, the relative ratings would turn out more normalized and that's all that matters in reality.

Ratebombing is a waste of time for everyone involved, and if the side effect of combating that is ratings that globally skew a little higher than they might otherwise, it's completely worth it.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2018
I see some people in this thread that gave a kebab place a 1-star rating on Yelp because it didn't sell burgers
Aggregator gang
Mar 17, 2018
@Teasday that reasoning would make a bit of sense if there weren't top manga etc. on the main page. Tying rating to following status also doesn't make sense. I rate manga after few chapters and follow it only if it's good enough, dropped list is a special place for series which started good but degraded or become boring later. I'm sure that I'm not the only one who does that.

Also, why the hell are everyone so obsessed with ratings? You laugh at others that they can't stand "two guys doing butt stuff" but you go full retard when you see small numbers near your favourite mistagged comic? Who is the dumb one here?
Active member
Aug 8, 2018

Uh. . . . Plykiya.

I rated this a 6. Do you think I would have rated this manga if I had to waste time going to my account and put this in discontinued on my follow? Heck, even un-following would be too much trouble, I would have just moved on without rating to show what I actually thought.

If you guys do this change, people will simply not rate anything and we will instead have extremely low amounts of people actually rating manga which could be much worse of a problem. Also, am I suddenly going to have tons of spam follows in my account due to my past ratings? That sounds like a bad idea that could spin out of control, I don't think anyone wants a follow full of gag mangas.

Imagine a follow full of oneshot funnies like these because you rated them. That would be awful.
*Edit: sorry, the links were messed up.
is a Reindeer
Jan 24, 2018
@crazybars If it works for MAL, at an even larger size than us, I'm fairly confident it won't be an issue.
Miku best girl
May 29, 2012
There is a plan to implement a better way of calculating the average rating of a title.
Currently it simply calculates the mean, and that isn't the best way because extreme votes skew the average.
The new way needs to take this into account, so that mass voting a title 1 doesn't affect it as much.
Active member
Aug 8, 2018
I don't know, messing with follows is dangerous.

1) People with huge follow lists are affected the most. You rate a manga, it gets buried in there. So it becomes permanently followed? How is the user supposed to dig that up now? It's also would be a major time sink and extremely unpleasant.

2) People who vote the most are punished the most. This is dangerous, barely 1/10th to 1/20th of actual followers numbers actually rate a manga. This means the percentage of readers actually voting is EVEN WORSE. Punishing manga raters by spamming their follow lists could backfire with even lower ratings voter numbers.

3) People will still vote poorly. Look at my MDlist, there's nothing in there . Do the math, people will start making new accounts specifically to vote on manga. After a week of reading on it, they just log in and out to vote and once in a while read on it.

4) It might do nothing, while still having all of the above drawbacks. Most people might simply not care their Follow list is messed with after rating a manga. Ratings could continue to be just as bad as now, with the inconvenience of all the messiness of the above reasons. Wow.

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