@balenol It's a fashion. Used to be, black haired girls always won, and gals were the comic relief who let out the true feelings inside just in time to lose. There was like a rule written down somewhere: Genki Girls Never Win. So OK, recently someone decided "Say, wouldn't it be marginally less stale if we had the gal win?" and it caught on.
But even so, it's not always. Read a romance series with "Gyaru" or "Gal" in the title, though, and you can kind of figure the Gal's going to win. But I dunno why people are talking about Komi-san when that one is
the exact opposite. Komi-san has black hair and is a classic shy beauty, Manbagi-san is a cute sexy gal with a heart of gold, and there is no doubt Komi-san with black hair is going to win because, just as this series has "gal" in the title, Komi-san's series has "Komi-san" in the title. So like, sometimes the gals win, and sometimes the black-haired girls win--but
the girl in the manga title always wins, which is kind of a "Duh".