Dou ka Ore wo Houtte Oitekure - Naze ka Bocchi no Owatta Koukou Seikatsu wo Kanojo ga Kaeyou to shite kuru - Vol. 3 Ch. 12 - I Want You to Stop Impos…

Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2018
To me, the recent chapters sound like the MC is trying to convince himself and not FMC that he's fine being a loner.
You could believe that at first because of what we were shown, but as soon as he started interacting with others it started falling apart. Someone content with being by themselves wouldn't agree to weekly meetings with a stranger; he still doesn't know much about Sora. A loner wouldn't stick their nose into group dynamics of teenage girls or take on the bad guy role. A happy and content lone wolf wouldn't write a romcom novel for praise and validation of others especially when he has no experience.

He just doesn't seem to be happy or content with both his lives but because of a bad experience he goes into status quo mode.
Maybe the plan of the LN author was to have MC change at some point, but they put it out too far in the story.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
A loner wouldn't stick their nose into group dynamics of teenage girls or take on the bad guy role. A happy and content lone wolf wouldn't write a romcom novel for praise and validation of others especially when he has no experience.

Yeah, this is an important part that I also feel like people in this thread are missing. He only thinks he doesn't want to have friends/be alone. His actions betray him.

Also if you want more examples, he bragged about having three friends to his sister and feels embarrassed when she riffs on him for that being a pretty pathetic metric - he wouldn't feel embarrassed if he didn't care and it wouldn't be something he'd bring up in response to her shitting on him for having no social life if he wasn't bothered by it either. Dude (pretty obviously) does care a lot, and I don't know how people miss that.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2020
Man, I feel for Hinamatsuji. She really wants to help Nabamura, you know? I think there's something deeper than just appreciation.

Shiramine and Hoshigasaki want to help him too, but they are see him as a boy who hasn't made friends, not as someone who died saving them. So they're not as pushy.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 30, 2020
Wow, really did not expect the reception this chapter received to be so overwhelmingly negative. I actually thought this was the best chapter the series has put out thus far; is it really so difficult for y'all to accept that people can be so deeply ingrained into their beliefs/self-perception that they cannot bring themselves to understand another?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
Wow, really did not expect the reception this chapter received to be so overwhelmingly negative. I actually thought this was the best chapter the series has put out thus far; is it really so difficult for y'all to accept that people can be so deeply ingrained into their beliefs/self-perception that they cannot bring themselves to understand another?
it has been mixed reviews, there's two problems as to why the negative... poorly written as it got cringe levels of himself saying he's a loner, he could say it a fewer times and still would be clear that he pretty much is saying it as a prayer to himself, because in the end, even if he doesn't has a crush on hoshigasaki, he was still expecting the confession and when hanamitsuji was trying to go out with him for some alone time, he wasn't that against the idea... the problem there was the motive, he doesn't want to get pitied, buuuut he isn't that against to actually not be a loner.
(pretty much felt like a LQ oregairu/hachiman chapter)
Jan 21, 2018
This is starting to remind me of that other axed romcom where the guy only wanted to sleep and was basically being hounded by two girls throwing lap pillows at him. This is probably getting axed too.

I'll just say I'm on Sora's side. She may be awkward at getting her point across, but her intentions aren't bad. I still see Hodaka as huffing loner copium from his failure to form relationships at the start of this story. He actually dreamed of friendships and love, like on Ch.1, pg.2 but failed miserably and decided to merely adopt the loner way to protect himself, from the pain of his failure to gain what he wanted. In a way, I feel like he's the kind of guy who tripped badly while running once and swore never to run again. If he doesn't run, he doesn't get hurt.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
So did the LN ever explain why the FEMC ever had any interest in the MC? It seems like there is an interest that existed in the previous timeline before the accident but it could be nothing.
That's what I wanna know, Like I get he saved her life but there has to be more to it right? Just being saved and going to the lengths she did defo doesn't mean falling in love normally, just survivors guilt.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Wow, really did not expect the reception this chapter received to be so overwhelmingly negative. I actually thought this was the best chapter the series has put out thus far; is it really so difficult for y'all to accept that people can be so deeply ingrained into their beliefs/self-perception that they cannot bring themselves to understand another?
I don't find the chapter negative, just that FMC herself is problematic. Sure she has his best interests in mind but she keeps ignoring what he wants, and treating him poorly. Why would I wanna root fo that ship to sail? Yes MC has bad coping mechanism, yes he clearly at a subconcious level wants friends and to be social but at the end of the day that's not up to her to change it's up to him to change. Going about it the way she is is more likely to result in the opposite effect and we are now seeing the effects where his filter is disappearing.
Dex-chan lover
May 26, 2019
it has been mixed reviews, there's two problems as to why the negative... poorly written as it got cringe levels of himself saying he's a loner, he could say it a fewer times and still would be clear that he pretty much is saying it as a prayer to himself, because in the end, even if he doesn't has a crush on hoshigasaki, he was still expecting the confession and when hanamitsuji was trying to go out with him for some alone time, he wasn't that against the idea... the problem there was the motive, he doesn't want to get pitied, buuuut he isn't that against to actually not be a loner.
(pretty much felt like a LQ oregairu/hachiman chapter)

Exactly, this is my point here. There's plenty of people here that post and downvote with the mentality "leave the loners alone, you have to understand and respect the loner point of view" etc. As if we had something against loners....

I have nothing against loners, but in my opinion they do not understand what this manga is about. This MC is NOT a loner. I repeat, he is NOT a loner.
He cares about what others think. He's conscious of their opinion. He actually WANTS to be liked. He is actually super concerned with what others think or do.
In his head he's costantly trying to understand and think of what others think and feel. And their opinion of him. Way way way more than a "normal" person.

The way he's written, he strikes me as someone that "wants to be a loner" because he's scared and he gave up on others, but actually wants to have a social life. He keeps telling himself again and again that he's loner as to convince himself of that...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2023
LOL defense of the MC and FMC isn't even worth reading through these comments.

They're two broken people reincarnated. They both have choices to potentially change, but they don't. Take a poll of human behavior change, more people will stick to be what they're doing rather than transform.

That's exactly human behavior 1000 percent. Frustrating for a feel good story, but absolutely on target IRL. And that's why it's unsatisfying for a typical manga audience. Real life sucks and when it intrudes into someplace that's supposed to provide escapism of sorts (like reading comics), it really blows chunks for people.

I laugh at every chapter not because of the weak content, but how readers get spun up over something so mundane.
Aug 6, 2020
So let him die again, and again, and again. That would have made this series more understandable. He dies until he makes a real friend. Then dies permanently one more time after that.

Otherwise this is just an ode to being lonely - wearing it like some kind of badge. Silliness.
Ooh. I like this idea.
Aug 6, 2020
I feel alot of people are forgetting something important, FMCs actions. Shes belittled, teased, interfered with his life and treated him at almost trash levels, why would he look at her romantically?

MC's loner path IS an unhealthy coping mechanism but she's going about this the totally wrong way. Like when MC was sad it wasnt a confession behind the school, it shows mentally hes subconsciously fine with breaking the status quo.

Also the whole group thing is stupid cause did they all forget MC turned himself into a stalkery villain in the classes eyes to save blondeys reputation and friendhoods. If he tried to join or forced to join her group it'd only fan those rumors again.

Ultimately the FMC is mostly serving her own purposes here cause she sees his life as poor even when he doesn't. Also theres the clear tsundere she wants to be with him although we haven't seen any reason outside he died to save her but treats him poorly and is suprised he doesn't see her that way.
Ok glad I'm not the only one that doesnt like FMC's actions. She's been rather rude and harsh the majority of the time with the MC.

Plus I hope he gets with the blondie, they have more chemistry... and she's not a total c*** to him constantly.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Ok glad I'm not the only one that doesnt like FMC's actions. She's been rather rude and harsh the majority of the time with the MC.

Plus I hope he gets with the blondie, they have more chemistry... and she's not a total c*** to him constantly.
The problem is you know FMC and MC will get together in the end and also that the story will make the MC out to be the bad guy for this outburst.

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