Jesus Christ it’s like no one even read the chapter, everyone’s constantly blaming MC for everything like it’s all his fault when he’s simply acting in the way he knows best, the person who’s “supposed” to be screaming at him to fix his attitude and mindset has done nothing but harass, disrespect and embarrass him for their entire relationship so why wouldn’t he cut it off?! It’s not like he asked for her help, nor has he ever been in her debt since she pulled this whole thing off because he saved her to begin with.
Yes the Mc is a stubborn, delusional, self deprecating moron, he’s a fucking highschool student, any of the three girls who claim to care about him could nut up and actually have a conversation about this with him but do they? No, they move on pretending everything is fine while keeping their distance in public and then get mad at him when he decides it’s better for him to leave them alone?! Sora especially has no right to be this indignant with him since she had 3 years of a healthy social life and presumably many days of prayer to go back and save him to plan for this and so far she’s done…nothing, she presumably went to his funeral and talked to his family, then spent at least a few days or weeks praying to bring him back, yet the only thing she could come up with was bullying him into being normal?
I’d be just like everyone else, obsessively dogging the MC for his stubborn foolishness if any one of the characters introduced so far actually tried to put him on the right path instead of forcing him into awkward social situations and then abandoning him when their interference would really matter, but so far everyone he’s met has only reinforced his mindset of distancing himself, and it’s sad so many readers want to project their own lacking perspective on the mc Instead of wondering why the people surrounding him don’t treating him with any real respect despite wanting to “help him”