when ppl can't chill on the internet and try so hard, idk what im even saying, although, generally, i feel like y all don't needa like defend urselves so much, if it were to be so obvious that the person going against you is like, essentially crazy clueless, etc, u don;'t need to double down, u won't convince them or anything, and the rest of us r not so blind that we would take the other persons side if "we thought they were wrong" and there is no way to stop trolls from trolling, sorry, idk, i suppose um like, have some confidence in urslef or w/e since that ppl that need more reasonableness and refuse to listen, or properly distinguish letters, don't lack confidence anyways, so- i give up i guess, regardless, like-chill, go and get a part time job or something if you have so much time that u need to get angry at people here.
and also um, there is nothing wrong with being a 'murderous commie' or socialpath w/e the hell else insult ppl like to throw around since no one actually cares, only the ones who influence or never get anything done pretend to care in a public setting, so like don't feel insulted that people call you that, ur disrespecting all the people out there that actually believe in freedom of speech ,nd idk the gays or w/e since, thats all these words r, fillers that going into >>insult of the day here<< wew- look at me, i just wasted that 20 min of my life typing out who knows what on internet for no good reaason, praise me~! f*ck . . ,\
tl dr - while i understand that many ppl s in world have trouble with parents, or bullying, =idc basically "past and current? trauma" something along those lines, and they r easier to write and time is a real thing and sometimes quite the problematic barrier etc. and i am quite ok with this story having an abusive mother, since an abusive father would be illegal and both side of the american political spectrum would riot? (ayy, USA USA USA) since i don't hate these kind of backstories, i suppose that at this point, after yrs of reading, consuming, some other verb of contents, these, somewhat predicable i forget the word, sequence? idk srry will edit, well basically some of the writing of, basically everything just, tastes, quite rather cheap, and maybe i should take a 5 yr break and hope for something new and not only what corporate gives permission for, however, idk, is it wrong if i find 'tragic pasts' boring when, generally they almost always seem to be the exact same, although idk about how they look from the surface cuz im too bored to pay attention to, nuanced negligible and arguably arbitrary differences in settings, maybe im just subpar like this mc, idk gn, i failing tl dr the lol.