Doughnuts Under a Crescent Moon - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - One Small Step

Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2018

I didn't say that you were dumb; I said that your attacks were dishonorable. I also didn't say that you were Marxist; I compared 25mg12's fallacious argument that I were a supporter of Peterson (because I corrected a misrepresentation of Peterson) with a fallacious argument that those who don't want Marxism misrepresented must be Marxists.

You've dug yourself into a hole. Don't keep digging deeper.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 2, 2018

*tips fedora*
You: bakajaro, you clearly have never seen true strength in your short pathetic life
*proceeds to furiouly type the strongest most logical argument based on true facts ever conceived in the history of mankind*
Mean person on the internet: p-please have mer..
*explodes in cloud of ash before even complete their sentece*
You: that will teach you manners *smirks*
*Everyone cheers for you and thinks you are awesome, your parents love you and the girl you like asks you out and then you grab her into your arms as you go flying into the sunset*
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2018

It's pitiful for you to complain that a person with whom you picked a fight won't give you a pass.

Again: You've dug yourself into a hole. Don't keep digging deeper.
May 19, 2019
Your argument mirrors that of those who claim that anyone attempting to correct a misrepresentation of Marxism* must be him- or herself a Marxist*.

I didn't say that you were dumb; I said that your attacks were dishonorable. I also didn't say that you were Marxist*; I compared 25mg12's fallacious argument that I were a supporter of Peterson (because I corrected a misrepresentation of Peterson) with a fallacious argument that those who don't want Marxism *misrepresented must be Marxists*.

You're either playing into my impression of you now or li'rally are a talking meme ; it's pretty telling why of all the things in the world you chose this* particular one to make a comparison to (or in broader sense, the reason why you structure your sentences the way you do). Go try bringing spark of enlightenment somewhere else, yuri peasants here don't want it. You're as empty as that other dude with star of david in the profile picture - two wannabe intellectuals with nothing substantial to offer, but always ready to chime in with their pointless insights to make an issue of every minuscule detail which at the moment happened to trigger an association in their limited data bank. Go read fucking Dostoevsky instead or something nerd, I know you already do.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2018

Ah, despite having declared that you had blocked me, you're back to attack again, and without pinging me. The attempted ego-tripping here is yours.

My response to your earlier argument was simply to show its illogic. (People object to misrepresentations of ideas that they do not themselves hold, and to person whom they do not themselves follow.) And the illogic is pretty obvious once one substitutes a very different thinker with very different ideas.

So now you're just down to sneering. Well, pretty much anyone can sneer at pretty much anything.

And when I see someone laboring an issue in the comments that simply doesn't interest me, I just stop reading that thread. If you or anyone else didn't want to read what Madmac or icekatze or I were discussing, then you could have done likewise.; and you could even have done as you earlier claimed that you would, and block me. But your problem has been that there are things that you don't want other people to read, and toward that end you have sought to poison the well.
May 19, 2019
My response to your earlier argument was simply to show its illogic. (People object to misrepresentations of ideas that they do not themselves hold, and to person whom they do not themselves follow.) And the illogic is pretty obvious once one substitutes a very different thinker with very different ideas.

So now you're just down to sneering. Well, pretty much anyone can sneer at pretty much anything.

And when I see someone laboring an issue in the comments that simply doesn't interest me, I just stop reading that thread. If you or anyone else didn't want to read what Madmac or icekatze or I were discussing, then you could have done likewise.; and you could even have done as you earlier claimed that you would, and block me. But your problem has been that there are things that you don't want other people to read, and toward that end you have sought to poison the well.

How much of a self-unaware bot person has to be to confidently double down on behavior - and language - which contradicts much of what they're trying to deny? At this point it doesn't matter from which "war of ideas" side you're coming from (even if it is very obvious), you're still a boring script in execution. Horseshoe theory doesn't have to be globally correct to hold true locally.

Get off your high horse and drop the free speech champion act tho, you don't want to be too obvious.

And I wasn't sneering at you, I was downright laughing at you. Continue acting in predictable manner which I'd described. Boring. Boring, boring, boring dullard.

I really want to blame 2016 for people like you, but if the whole gender pronouns evergreen campus whatever kerfuffle (and consequent rises of you-know-who or ben stiller body double) hadn't happened, you'd probably still be equally annoying, just with different vernacular and internalized patterns of expression at your disposal.

You're waste of everyone's time, so this time I am blocking you. You can safely procure the most snide, witty response you can think of, proclaim "victory" (whatever it might mean in the context) and touch yourself to the feeling, because I won't be there to react. Bye.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2018

And you're still responding to me after claiming to have blocked me, and still not pinging me in your responses.
Get off your high horse and drop the free speech champion act tho, you don't want to be too obvious.
And there one has it — a defense of freedom of expression will now-a-days be dismissed on a claim that my providing such a defense obviously makes me a tool of Satan Oops! I mean a Commie Oops! I mean a supporter of Jordan Peterson (who, in turn is obviously something malevolent).
And I wasn't sneering at you, I was downright laughing at you.
Whether one calls it a sneer or a horse laugh, the point remains that pretty much anyone can direct it at pretty much anything. It's not a proper argument, and you don't offer a proper argument because you don't have one.
Continue acting in predictable manner which I'd described.
You didn't really describe much of anything; you just insinuated things. But the logical response to an illogical argument is indeed very predictable; logic isn't somehow refuted by its predictability.
this time I am blocking you
You've said that previously. But, as previously, you'll read my response. And then you'll be torn between the desire to lash-out at me once again, or maintain a pretense that you just walked away.

If anyone else is still reading this discussion then, if he or she is not already familiar with Peterson, he or she will wonder what the Hell it is that Peterson says that makes people such as you so determined to dissuade anyone from becoming familiar with it. (And if that person is curious as to some of what I think is wrong with what Peterson has actually said, then he or she could query me here or in a private message.)
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 2, 2018

Active member
May 15, 2019
Never mention politics or quote controversial celebrities in comments or people might lose their shit , I should have known better :,)
Jun 25, 2018

This was not what I expected to find in the comments section of this cute yuri manga. What the hell.
Sickly Senpai
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
Yeah, things have gone pretty derailed at this point. I'd ask that any further banter unrelated to chapter 3 be taken to DM's or dropped.
Thanks. :)
May 19, 2019

So, being the only person who got whipped I'd like to ask which rules specifically were broken only by me, and not simultaneously by the other intellectual giants arguing with each other, because imo, what I'd wrote doesn't even fall into murky "personal attack" territory, and if it indeed does, then the same could be said about for example the things which ice_cable person posted, their tone being much more cunty and the content coming down solely to direct ad hominem insults. At this point it doesn't matter whether anyone else will get the same treatment - no retroactive correction bs please -, but I'd like to know what specifically made you single me out off all the people here.

Perhaps it was the infamous 'npc' meme reference that triggered your sensibilities, or the fact that I'd dared to point out mr oeconomics' tendency for derailing course of discussion in comment sections all over the place on regular basis with his pseudo-intellectual inquires which are nothing but oot excuses to hear himself talk and prove his s-m-r-t-ness?
Sickly Senpai
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
After a close reading of the thread, I marked as moderated those messages which either resorted to ad hominem and accusations with no accompanying argument, as well as your mocking tone, generally-derogatory word choice, and insistence on continuing the argument after bragging about blocking someone. Thus, per rules 5.1.5 and 5.2.4, I elected to hide the posts in question. Your mention of disliking long debate in comment sections was not the issue; the other members of the conversation were considerably less hostile in their posts. To use the idiom, it was not what you said so much as how. Beyond the private warning message, no restriction is created by the marking of a post as moderated.

Furthermore, I do not have the energy to waste on being emotionally upset over forum posts on the internet, and you are not helping your argument by supposing as such (See Rule 5.3.1). I would ask that any further appeal be made by private message, per rule 5.5.1.

Aggregator gang
Dec 5, 2018
make (gay) love not hate

Politics belong at the Thanksgiving dinner table where your racist uncle is complaining about how the government is sending him messages encoded in burn lines of toast in order to brainwash him, not the comment section of a fluffy Yuri manga.
Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2018
Fuck that was a good chapter the walls are coming off in a natural way i liked it.

Being alone can be scary i do understand Uno-sans concerns same with trying to blend in to avoid standing out but damn it feels like shes always on guard cuz she never found someone to open up to is it cuz shes a lesbian and has never figured out since shes stuck trying to be "normal"? could be.
Jul 26, 2019
when ppl can't chill on the internet and try so hard, idk what im even saying, although, generally, i feel like y all don't needa like defend urselves so much, if it were to be so obvious that the person going against you is like, essentially crazy clueless, etc, u don;'t need to double down, u won't convince them or anything, and the rest of us r not so blind that we would take the other persons side if "we thought they were wrong" and there is no way to stop trolls from trolling, sorry, idk, i suppose um like, have some confidence in urslef or w/e since that ppl that need more reasonableness and refuse to listen, or properly distinguish letters, don't lack confidence anyways, so- i give up i guess, regardless, like-chill, go and get a part time job or something if you have so much time that u need to get angry at people here.
and also um, there is nothing wrong with being a 'murderous commie' or socialpath w/e the hell else insult ppl like to throw around since no one actually cares, only the ones who influence or never get anything done pretend to care in a public setting, so like don't feel insulted that people call you that, ur disrespecting all the people out there that actually believe in freedom of speech ,nd idk the gays or w/e since, thats all these words r, fillers that going into >>insult of the day here<< wew- look at me, i just wasted that 20 min of my life typing out who knows what on internet for no good reaason, praise me~! f*ck . . ,\

tl dr - while i understand that many ppl s in world have trouble with parents, or bullying, =idc basically "past and current? trauma" something along those lines, and they r easier to write and time is a real thing and sometimes quite the problematic barrier etc. and i am quite ok with this story having an abusive mother, since an abusive father would be illegal and both side of the american political spectrum would riot? (ayy, USA USA USA) since i don't hate these kind of backstories, i suppose that at this point, after yrs of reading, consuming, some other verb of contents, these, somewhat predicable i forget the word, sequence? idk srry will edit, well basically some of the writing of, basically everything just, tastes, quite rather cheap, and maybe i should take a 5 yr break and hope for something new and not only what corporate gives permission for, however, idk, is it wrong if i find 'tragic pasts' boring when, generally they almost always seem to be the exact same, although idk about how they look from the surface cuz im too bored to pay attention to, nuanced negligible and arguably arbitrary differences in settings, maybe im just subpar like this mc, idk gn, i failing tl dr the lol.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@Cianna Your TL;DR was also TL;DR

I too should probably clean some things in the kitchen right now. But I'd rather not and just welcome my eventual bacterial and fungal overlords. Especially if it means reading even just one more thing while I should totally already be asleep. Or even waking up from sleep. Not today, dishes.

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