Dungeon Reset - Vol. 1 Ch. 58

Apr 19, 2020
@rokegle135, tbh we would love to keep the font the same, but dev max was the who complains we are using the same font as them, which to me is bs, because all the fonts used in this series are also being used by other groups.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 22, 2018
WHO ARE YOU USE YOUR FUCKING GROUP NAMES PEOPLE. Also font should always be the same throughout the series it makes it so much nicer and I get used to characters have special font only to themn
Apr 19, 2020
@rokegle135 1) I am part of the flame scan, which is the ts of this series. The name alone would have hinted you my identity.

2) and yes, same fonts used across the series is nice because it offers consistency and it will not feel like someone just stitch up multiple different rag in one blanket.
Group Leader
Jun 12, 2020
@rokegle135 you misunderstand. They (devmax) complained that we're using the same font as them when it was Flame scans that choose that font during our collab. My whole thing basically covered their lies and what actually happened.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 12, 2018
Why's the bridge so damn curvy? Just add extra walking for nothing
Apr 19, 2020
@HayashidaYuki really? I know at the beginning of the dr, there's a race release between mangadods n reaper, with reaper ultimately drop the series and mangadods continuing the series up until they drop it b4 they renamed themselves.
Aug 10, 2020

I see the link and my last sentence was probably a bit harsh due to my confusion. Attributing the crapshow with Devmax to money is confusing to me because I don't see any money. I wasn't trying to say you're lying or making things up, I just meant the reasoning doesn't seem accurate, unless I'm missing some piece of the pie, where is the money to be made here?

That image shows he wants to be a successful youtuber someday, and he wants to post there 2nd to get more viewers/subscribers. That wouldn't really interfere with him posting here. Also, putting Dungeon Reset on his youtube isn't remotely enough to get him monetized. And if by chance he does get monetized on youtube, those videos would get copyright claimed so he'd never see any money. And if you checked out his patreon, he's at $0/1200 monthly goal. Believing Devmax is doing this for money seems farfetched. There's either money somewhere else I'm not seeing or there's just a better explanation for it. "Devmax is doing this because he's a dick/idiot" makes more sense than because of money.

If he really wanted to make youtube successful, it's better for him to focus on reviewing/analyzing the chapter and have the translation circulated as widely as possible. Working and collaborating with more people would give him more exposure. Imagine if his translation goes on separate sites of multiple teams, and the last page always had a line "check out the review/analysis of this chapter from the translator via this link". He can end each video with "Please support me via patreon for more translations and reviews, patrons can vote on the next series to translate".

Apologies, didn't mean to suggest you're a liar, just think that the motivator is something else other than money because he doesn't seem likely to make any from this. Maybe he's just an a hole or you guys just rubbed him the wrong way. If he wanted to promote his youtube channel, he'd be motivated to collaborate with others to gain more exposure.

P.S. I know none of these parties, so why did I even reply to this crap? Well I read your guys' explanation of him wanting to put the chapters on youtube to make money, so I wasted my time finding his youtube channel and looking up chapters there (maybe he is ahead a few chapters on youtube). The channel was tiny--no way it's making any money--and there were no Dungeon Reset chapters, so that whole premise made no sense to me. Because I wasted 5 minutes, I decided to waste another 30 minutes ranting here. I'm an idiot.
Double-page supporter
Jan 20, 2018
@yukirisa Are you the typesetter for this series? Thanks for the hardwork from you and the rest of team, but I'd like to suggest some things regarding the typesetting. I believe that it's better not to cut the words in exchange for the better shape of the text, since I think readability is more important than the shape of the text. Even if you really need to cut the words, I found that you divide the words awkwardly, i.e. "bec-ome" instead of "be-come", "extre-mely" instead of "extreme-ly"/"ex-tremely". I suggest using sites like Syllable Count to get to know where you can cut the words.
Apr 19, 2020
@fernaldi01 yes, i'm the ts for the series. Unfortunately, this chapter is a rather hasty work on my part. It's not a chapter I'm proud of.

I wouldn't have done such a rookie mistake if given another chance, but I was pressed on time when I did the chapter. We wanted to release as soon as possible and the quality dipped a bit.

Thank you for your suggestion though! I'll be sure to refer to the site on the next chapter of dungeon reset! Thank you for the feedback.
May 30, 2019
I really enjoyed this Chapter, I'm hoping the elder redeems himself and sees that Dawun is the greatest asset to his village and will not worry about his position of power being usurped :)

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