E-Rank Healer - Ch. 10

Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2018
@Gilith for your sake i hope you're joking. you shouldn't really throw that mouse across the room unless it's a defective chinese one that stops working the second time you plugged it in. had that once and i yeeted it straight to the bin like a 3-pointer
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@throwaway4ccount I think S-rank is reserved for people capable of acting alone, i.e. one person with the same worth as an entire party. Kaido seems to be acting alone, after all. Dedicated healers generally have very limited combat capabilities, so it would be ludicrous to send them on a high-rank quest alone.

That said, I believe they should have an equivalent to S-rank dedicated for healers. Like you said, if her medicine is so great, it means she outranks A-rank healers. Which makes A-rank worthless, if the skill gap within the rank is that great.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 19, 2018
@cor3zone depends on the fantasy world as a lot leave s-rank to be leaps and bounds higher than A-rank such that an S-Rank is equal to that of a small countries military might or an S-rank adventurer is a person who is capable of going 1 on 1 with an s-rank monster A-rank can take out A-rank monster and so on. I think the last one is the most common as most adventurers go in parties and the guild let you take quests that are 1 rank higher than your own.
Dex-chan lover
May 28, 2019
so happy for her, finally got placed what she is worth!!!! A spot is just the next step!
Jun 30, 2019

Based on what Kaido says, he acts alone because he doesn't normally like to work with others. That doesn't mean all S-Ranks work alone. Also, there are different types of quests. If they have requests for Healers, like a plague affecting a town, then a bunch of Fighters wouldn't really be much use, as they would get sick, too, and need treated. In addition, Carol showed herself capable of besting the Court Magician (listed as the 3rd most important person in the kingdom) in a one-on-one showdown, to the point of incapacitating him. I'm fairly certain he would be S-Rank, since he should be the best Mage in the kingdom, so she can go toe to toe with an S-Rank, in certain situations. (While you might say that she had 3 days to prepare, please remember that he bragged about being the smartest and knowing the most in the kingdom, and she beat him by being smarter and knowing more, meaning she won in a direct confrontation of what he considered to be his greatest strength.)

If she has the time to prepare her concoctions, she could probably also accomplish other quests on her own, that would normally take a party, if she knows what she is facing. She might even be able to concoct something that would repel monsters from a town, and keep them away from the town in the future (for a quest to save a town from monsters), whereas a normal party could only drive them off, but the monsters could easily return later.

Healers may normally have limited combat abilities, but most classes have their shortcomings. Kaido, despite being S-Rank, was about to die to a cursed worm if Carol hadn't healed him, and she has shown with her general knowledge that she can be above Kaido in many regards. I would say that Kaido is willing to partner with Carol, and fell in love with her, because he acknowledges her as somebody that stands on equal ground with him, and sees that their skill sets complement each other nicely. (Note that it was because of her that they eliminated the Boss Mountain Ape, or even knew it existed, and that she was able to defend herself against a swarm of Mountain Apes, which seem to be high rank monsters, for a considerable amount of time, while Kaido was fighting, and that Kaido said he would have died if not for her being there, too, which means she saved an S-Rank's life twice.)

It isn't just her healing abilities, but her extended Search area, her knowledge about various subjects, the way she prepares things in advance, and the way she develops new technology that should all be considered. The only thing that might keep her from being S-Rank is the fact that she doesn't know the name of the kingdom.

In short, while people mainly think about adventurers, and quests, in terms of strictly combat abilities, there are other types of quests and other dangers that can be better handled by non-combat specialists. As such, if they have S-Ranks for far superior abilities in some classes, they should have it in all (but only give those ranks to those that truly deserve it).


Actually, normally an A-Rank monster would be a monster that an average A-Rank party could handle, meaning that a single A-Rank might very well lose to it (though some could win, but even most that did would have a very difficult time). An example from D&D, which most RPGs descend from, if traced back enough, is that a CR5 (Challenge Rating 5) monster is considered an encounter suitable for a party of 4-6 level 5 characters. The reason Guilds allow parties to challenge up to one rank above is for those that are getting stronger, and aren't far from the next rank, those that have particularly useful skills for certain situations, and for those teams that have great teamwork. The same reasoning is why they do allow people to operate on their own, instead of a party, because some individuals are fairly strong by themselves, or may not be good at teamwork. Poor teamwork tears down the abilities of a party, after all (think about escort quests that are often harder to beat than if you just had to take out all of your opponents without dying, because the character you are escorting doesn't listen/do what you want).

Also, since there are 10 people in the country that are S-Rank, it seems less likely that this is one of those situations that an S-Rank is equivalent to the might of a country (even a small one). Many of those settings also have SS or SSS rank for some of those designations, too, and those are normally places that aren't just fantasy settings, but fantasy with "cheats/abilities granted by a god/gods" (often as part of an Isekai/Reincarnation benefit, but not always) that would put them above where most people in the world could ever hope to be.

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