Unless both are okay with the pee fetish, they should end the relationship if one is always going to be creeped out (unless being creeped out is her fetish?)
@ScarecrowB Eh, lots of people . . . maybe most people . . . are in love with people whose fetishes don't completely match up with theirs. They work it out.
@Purplelibraryguy “Don’t completely match” is the key word, one thing is having a partner with a fetish that you just find slightly weird or is just not your fetish, but being with someone with a fetish that you find utterly gross (and in this particular case directly involves you) might be a deal breaker for some people. Then again, it all depends in how much that particular fetish creeps you out, if it’s within an acceptable margin then yes, it can be worked out.
@ScarecrowB I think we're on the same page. I may have discounted some of what she said just because Japanese lovers in manga seem to always call each other perverts etc. even when it's about normal sex stuff that they badly want.