Sorry for bad formatting, but spoilers on MD don't support quotes it seems
Between or at ages 3 and 4, your child should be able to:
Say his or her name and age
Speak 250 to 500 words
Answer simple questions
Speak in sentences of five to six words, and speak in complete sentences by age 4
Speak clearly, although he may not be fully comprehensible until age 4
Tell parts of stories
Mind you, to speak a language fluently without having to ask "what does X mean?" every 5th sentence or so, you need to know about 2000 words.
Cognitive Milestones:
Correctly name familiar colors
Understand the idea of same and different, start comparing sizes
Pretend and fantasize more creatively
Follow three-part commands
Remember parts of a story
Understand time better (for example, morning, afternoon, night)
Count, and understand the concept of counting
Sort objects by shape and color
Complete age-appropriate puzzles
Recognize and identify common objects and pictures
Walk up and down stairs, alternating feet -- one foot per step
Kick, throw, and catch a ball
Climb well
Run more confidently and ride a tricycle
Hop and stand on one foot for up to five seconds
Walk forward and backward easily
Bend over without falling
Help put on and remove clothing
Wait, I can't catch balls still, wtf is wrong with me
Hand and Finger Skills:
More easily handle small objects and turn a page in a book
Use age-appropriate scissors
Copy circles (but not squares until 4)
Draw a person with two to four body parts
Write some capital letters
Build a tower with four or more blocks
Dress and undress without your help
Screw and unscrew jar lids
Turn rotating handles
Imitate parents and friends
Show affection for familiar family and friends
Understands the idea of "mine" and "his/hers"
Show a wide range of emotions, such as being sad, angry, happy, or bored