Eiyuu to Kenja no Tensei Kon ~Katsute no Koutekishu to Kon'yakushite Saikyou Fuufu ni Narimashita~ - Vol. 2 Ch. 7 - Alma of the black flag

Active member
Jul 3, 2023
Thanks for the chapter. Honestly kind of mixed on the chapter
on one hand the teacher is interesting especially because of what she is capable of but the school system seems pretty dumb. For a class to continue to exist the class average needs to be high but that holds back students who excel and puts greater pressure on students who struggle, and the idea that it's to make everyone work together kind of falls apart with the noble to commoner disparity that has been shown throughout the series so far. Like if a high ranking noble fails cause a commoner is slower on their studies that commoner is going to suffer since the school may only protect them while they are in school or only the student and not their family.

This fail rate also means you have a lot of people with mage training but not qualified as makes roaming around the world who may join something that harms a country. It's just that this school method probably works in other series but feels pretty our of place in this one and only to make some reason for the class to be chummy with each other.

Also the whole point really falls apart when we have a teacher who is basically a one man army that seems to solo alot of the jobs given to her without belonging to a mage team/squad, though I could be completely wrong on that part.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 17, 2018
All this magic info babble is boring, tbh :bleh:

Kinda got a weird respect for that Verminan guy's posse - even though they are just lackeys without any lines they seem to be more levelheaded than him.

"I hope you're all somewhat anticipate my teaching,..."

Dear TL, the term you are searching for is "looking forward to".

"I hope you're all somewhat looking forward to my teaching,..."
i think "somewhat ready for" (that was more of a hint on a severeness of her teaching) would be more fitting in context, but, at the very least, "you're anticipate" is plain incorrect - it should be either "you anticipate" or "you're anticipating".
Also, blank bubble on page 19?
Dex-chan lover
Dec 23, 2018
Wow so far it's slowly getting interesting and getting invested with the characters. Really thought I'd drop this few chapters ago but I'm being charmed.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
Poor mc, will have to run for 17 days straight until he passes out from sheer hunger and sleep deprivation :(
Even with just one of the MCs in a class, no other student can attain the average. Grading on a curve is problematic.
Fairly sure grading by "average" refers to median here.
Aggregator gang
Nov 28, 2018
The skeleton drum corp was a nice touch.
love those skellingtons

like everyone wants to be a skellington warrior when they die without thinking about it too much but those guys? they understand that some fire beats keep the skelly army motivated and they decided to spend their undeath helping others

In some way I think they are the true heroes of this story
Dex-chan lover
Dec 26, 2018
What an idiotic school system. An individual's graduation should never be dependend on how other students do.
This is not a school system. This is a military academy that teaches a job where teamwork is critical. And that is prepared to fail about half of the students.
I guess they consider magical combat to be this dangerous, and prestige of mages that important. People who fail can join more peaceful professions like magic tool craftsmen.
So shes the descendant of Reids old subordinate from the first chapter right?
What's the tactical purpose of skeleton drummers?
In real military, musicians are necessary to coordinate troops beyond the commander's ability to shout. They'd drum a march while the troops are marching. They'll sound retreat when things are going badly. And they might have a dozen other things they can signal (it's really limited by the common soldiers' ability to memorize the signals, not by the musicians' skill).
It might be unnecessary for an army controlled directly by the caster's will. But it might help the caster form the right image.
On the other hand, if the army is not controlled directly and is to show some initiative, musicians might be even more necessary.
And of course, in works of fantasy, music can be a magic of its own.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2020
Checking the raw, and she doesn’t really say “average”. The English text on the blackboard is also making things confusing.

They will be evaluated as individual and as class. Both evaluation are used to calculate a combined final score (how you perform both as individual and as a team). You graduate if your final score is above the graduation standard. This means they don't necessarily fail half class.
Among both evaluations, the class evaluation carry more importance in deciding the final score.

So as long as you can effectively work in a team, you could graduate even with just good enough personal ability.

Which goes in line with her explanation about a mage’s job. They need to work as team and it’s not just about removing threat.
Those who are not as powerful individually can still find value in doing other tasks.
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Fed-Kun's army
Aug 29, 2023
Thx for the translation!

Now mangaka kinda skipping some detail about magic (although it's fairly common about each color magic having different purposes)
‘Red’ uses magic power to cause and emit objects or events.

‘Blue’ uses magic power to transform objects or events into different properties.

‘Green’ uses magic power to manipulate objects or living beings.

‘Yellow’ uses magic power to rewrite concepts or laws.

‘White’ uses magic power to enhance inherent properties.

‘Black’ uses magic power to grant non-inherent properties.

I guess it would be explained later huh?

I haven't get a clear view on LN about Black Flag Skill and now I can feel Attack on Titan vibe KEKW

Also if you wondered about Alma-sensei x Reid illustration


This chapter adapted from Vol 1 : Chapter 3 - Part 2 with some stuff missing out
What's the ln name? Also is it translated into english at all?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 14, 2023
So I'm guessing she summoned a platoon from Male MC's old country? You'd expect him to be more insulted or infuriated if that were the case though.
Ummm up to LN vol 1

it isnt clear from where she got the corpse, LN just mentioned that Alma-sensei excels at black magic

I mean, she doesn't has to get scolded for using magic tier ten since the student seems to be able to handle it(?)
It's not about the student, but more about the place
The spatial magic from the school won't be enough to handle anything from 10th tier magic
This is Elise mad-dialouge toward Alma

‘I was curious about the two of them, so I peeked to see what was going on, but what’s this? Alma-chan is trying to use tenth tier magic on a student!?’

“Ah… I thought it would be rude if I didn’t take it seriously, too.”

‘That’s out of the question!! In the first place, it was the academy that placed magic restrictions on Elria-chan!! Isn’t it shameful for you as a teacher to use tenth tier magic!?’

“Well. Anyway, can we resume the battle now?”

‘Of course not!! Tenth tier magic wasn’t designed to be used here, so if it’s used, my magic tool will be destroyed, too!! If that happens, I’ll be really mad!!’

What's the ln name? Also is it translated into english at all?
Same title as manga
I mean, I did linked my comment above with the ENG TL.
Try to check it I guess?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 12, 2023
What's the tactical purpose of skeleton drummers?
To induce terror in opponents.
This. Morale plays a very big roles in clashes between armies, espcially with the direct clashes in the old days. An army does not usually lose with high casualties, it loses when its soldiers break ranks and run away. Breaking the morale, they say. Skeleton drummers may not have a morale boost on its troops but sure will scare the living shit out of enemies. Even professional soldiers know fears, and the majority of an army isn't the elite few of badassery but the mook levies who will wet their pants seeing something like this.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2020
This. Morale plays a very big roles in clashes between armies, espcially with the direct clashes in the old days. An army does not usually lose with high casualties, it loses when its soldiers break ranks and run away. Breaking the morale, they say. Skeleton drummers may not have a morale boost on its troops but sure will scare the living shit out of enemies. Even professional soldiers know fears, and the majority of an army isn't the elite few of badassery but the mook levies who will wet their pants seeing something like this.
Why the hell would it break anyone's morale? If I was a soldier I'd be glad a few dozen enemy soldiers are jamming out instead of fighting.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 12, 2023
Why the hell would it break anyone's morale? If I was a soldier I'd be glad a few dozen enemy soldiers are jamming out instead of fighting.
Imagine seeing an army of undead skeletons marching towards you while playing some eerie marching songs. Average levies will likely wet their pants.
And there will be soldiers "jamming out" on your sides too, as they need to use sounds to relay orders as well as maintaining morale.

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