Fake Saint of the Year: You Wanted the Perfect Saint? Too Bad! - Ch. 25.2

Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
But then the saintess got imprisoned and not allowed to confront the witch.

Nothing say they'll keep her lock up forever? Again what makes you think they'll STILL keep her locked up if the witch actually shows up?

...and my explanations including the dating sims term apparently went over your head. What to consider?

Because the dating sim explanation you made didn't matter one bit?
The conversation was pretty obvious:
"who sometimes show up on the surface"
"and since we showed up she's been playing hikki"
She's not showing up on the surface out of fear of Elrise.

Also there's something that said that she can go to the surface: her getting her hands on Eterna's parents. Because obviously they are not in dungeons.
It's called precaution because that possibility exist. And what are you talking about, it's obviously a different kind of talk to the whole saving Alexia thing.

"possibility" doesn't mean it will happen. Just like how you think them doing this can 'possibly' turn the saintess to their enemy, but guess who hasn't gone murder hobo on the people.
Or 'possibility' that they can talk to Elrise more to convince her otherwise....

We as the reader know that Elrise won't change her mind because we know about her suicidal plan. But they don't and couldn't be 100% sure about that

He did at the point he called the hostages in, that's the point of that conversation of him trying to tell her to NOT kill the witch.
Especially after Elrise questioned him back on why not go for 100%.

They don't know if the saintess has a secret plan. They should have talk it out more rather than making her their enemy on the spot.

CLEEEEEEEEEEEEEARLY because if they'd just talk to her more, she'll totally reveal the secret plan only we the readers know that she never plan to tell anyone, right?

It feels more and more like you're imagining some scenario that's completely against the presented characters in your head when you make these comments...'talk it out MORE'...do tell what more can they talk about that would actually change anything.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 9, 2020
Nothing say they'll keep her lock up forever? Again what makes you think they'll STILL keep her locked up if the witch actually shows up?
But still the witch can show up and cause damage first before hiding again.

Because the dating sim explanation you made didn't matter one bit?
I was explaining specific parts of your comments though?

The conversation was pretty obvious:
"who sometimes show up on the surface"
"and since we showed up she's been playing hikki"
She's not showing up on the surface out of fear of Elrise.
Being scared of MC doesn't mean that she still won't go out even if she know that MC got imprisoned, like what you said in your first comment.

"possibility" doesn't mean it will happen.
But it can happen. That's what possibility is about. That's why people wary and took precautions.

Just like how you think them doing this can 'possibly' turn the saintess to their enemy, but guess who hasn't gone murder hobo on the people.
Or 'possibility' that they can talk to Elrise more to convince her otherwise....
That's a weird way to justify their quick use of force. You're saying that their use of force is alright because the saintess ended up not retaliating badly. That's like, "Let me punch someone; if the guy who I punched stayed quiet then that means it was okay for me to punch him."

He did at the point he called the hostages in, that's the point of that conversation of him trying to tell her to NOT kill the witch.
Especially after Elrise questioned him back on why not go for 100%.
Bro, pointing weapons and using hostage is not a conversation. That's called using force.

CLEEEEEEEEEEEEEARLY because if they'd just talk to her more, she'll totally reveal the secret plan only we the readers know that she never plan to tell anyone, right?

It feels more and more like you're imagining some scenario that's completely against the presented characters in your head when you make these comments...'talk it out MORE'...do tell what more can they talk about that would actually change anything.
These people couldn't have known that their next talks (if they do try it) wouldn't yield anything. And them talking doesn't mean that Elrise had to tell them her secret plan. By talking, they could try to persuade the saintess again, or concoct a plan together. Discussing how the handle the situation. But they immediately used force instead.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
But still the witch can show up and cause damage first before hiding again.

Was the whole 95% vs 100% part too subtle for you? To the kings there's no 'perfect' solution.
Also by the information given she can already do 'if' she want to? She can teleport away whenever Elrise get close after all.

Established facts:
The witch have access to teleport magic that Elrise have no way to counter besides secretly putting up mana blocking barrier so some elite group can slowly drains her MP until she can't teleport away anymore.
This same witch has been hiding in fear of Elrise....

But no, to you the witch who's in hiding in fear somehow ALSO have access to the secret information that Elrise got imprisoned, even though the kings obviously didn't declare such outright (like here https://mangadex.org/chapter/40094f60-b36a-4a67-a77c-4ea18faa5c81/2 ) and will just immediately start taking actions only after that point.

I was explaining specific parts of your comments though?

Which was not really relevant to the conversation?

Being scared of MC doesn't mean that she still won't go out even if she know that MC got imprisoned, like what you said in your first comment.

And you're sure of this how? Besides just pulling it outta your ass that is.

But it can happen. That's what possibility is about. That's why people wary and took precautions.

But the king trying to prevent 'possibility' of Elrise turning witch, the absolute worst case scenario, is big dumb dumb right?
That's a weird way to justify their quick use of force. You're saying that their use of force is alright because the saintess ended up not retaliating badly. That's like, "Let me punch someone; if the guy who I punched stayed quiet then that means it was okay for me to punch him."

It's not 'alright', it's 'understandable' but apparently that's beyond you.
Also your example given is missing the context of all this to spin it in your favor.

Bro, pointing weapons and using hostage is not a conversation. That's called using force.

I don't think I ever disagree on that? Just think you're stupid for acting like there's better way/other way when the chapter, pretty clearly to me, established what the kings want and what Elrise want will clash
Which you also never try to say what 'your' way would be that wouldn't sound dumber in practice/against the established characters.
These people couldn't have known that their next talks (if they do try it) wouldn't yield anything.

I guess you really did skip the whole conversation with the king if you think 0% possibility is 'possibility'.

By talking, they could try to persuade the saintess again, or concoct a plan together. Discussing how the handle the situation. But they immediately used force instead.

'persuade her again'/'concoct a plan together' when she want to kill the witch and the king don't, there's no plan that'll work for both when they want the opposite.
"immediately used forced instead" ah yes, let's loop back to you ignoring the rest of the chapter because hurr durr they talk once as if talking more would actually change either's mind, especially when you seem to agree Elrise won't tell her secrets...like, y'know, that she's a fake saint so their fear of her becoming witch won't happen? Or that she thinks she's dying pretty soon.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 9, 2020
But no, to you the witch who's in hiding in fear somehow ALSO have access to the secret information that Elrise got imprisoned, even though the kings obviously didn't declare such outright (like here https://mangadex.org/chapter/40094f60-b36a-4a67-a77c-4ea18faa5c81/2 ) and will just immediately start taking actions only after that point.
She doesn't necessarily go out immediately. As the news already spread publicly that the goverment suddenly removed Elrise from the academy after she visited the Saint's Castle, Alexia could easily deduce what's happening (that the government is imprisoning the saint again) because she has experienced the same thing when she was still a saint.

And you're sure of this how? Besides just pulling it outta your ass that is.
Bruh, I'd say it back to you. I just said that it's possible for the witch to go out, not like you that by some logic being 100% sure that the witch with never go out no matter what would happen. You remember what you wrote, right? "That implies that regardless of future events, like whether Elrise got imprisoned or not, the witch will STILL refuse to come out."

But the king trying to prevent 'possibility' of Elrise turning witch, the absolute worst case scenario, is big dumb dumb right?
What? I never said that the kings trying to prevent Elrise becoming the next witch is "big dumb dumb." It's their quick use of force and quickly resorting to imprisonment that's bad.

It's not 'alright', it's 'understandable' but apparently that's beyond you.
Also your example given is missing the context of all this to spin it in your favor.
Like what you're keep doing?

I don't think I ever disagree on that?
Bruh, you wrote "He did at the point he called the hostages in, that's the point of that conversation of him trying to tell her to NOT kill the witch." You literally wrote that using hostage is part of their conversation.

I guess you really did skip the whole conversation with the king if you think 0% possibility is 'possibility'.
Elrise answered vaguely, and there's no one among the kings there is a clairvoyant or a mind reader. So for them it should have been a possibility.

'persuade her again'/'concoct a plan together' when she want to kill the witch and the king don't, there's no plan that'll work for both when they want the opposite.
"immediately used forced instead" ah yes, let's loop back to you ignoring the rest of the chapter because hurr durr they talk once as if talking more would actually change either's mind, especially when you seem to agree Elrise won't tell her secrets...like, y'know, that she's a fake saint so their fear of her becoming witch won't happen? Or that she thinks she's dying pretty soon.
The kings didn't know how determined Elrise was in killing the witch. They also didn't know that Elrise is dying so they shouldn't have thought that they're pressed for time. The kings could have used slower, nicer approach; trying to talk it out, to make a plan together to avoid the worst scenario. A way aside from killing the witch and making Elrise the next witch. Rather than imprisoning the saint, they could make a plan to imprison the witch instead, after they exhausted her MP. I mean, they still need to take care of the witch because just by existing monsters are sprouting and the land's being corrupted. Imprisoning the saint that usually went around handling that will just make the situation progressively worse until people are dying and they're forced to let her go anyway.
Active member
Jun 27, 2020
Gurl, that "peace" was because Elrise went around massacring the monsters, purifying the land, and acting as deterrent. And do you think the witch will keep quiet, especially if she knew that the saint wasn't allowed to fight the witch and got imprisoned?
Nah, just no. The witch basically has ptsd and is hiding in hysterical fear, the principal of the academy has to bring food down for her because she won't take a single step outside.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 9, 2020
Nah, just no. The witch basically has ptsd and is hiding in hysterical fear, the principal of the academy has to bring food down for her because she won't take a single step outside.
Bruh, where did you get that? Noone ever said that the witch is hiding in hysterical fear, or that the principal of the academy has to bring food down for her.
Active member
Jun 27, 2020
Bruh, where did you get that? Noone ever said that the witch is hiding in hysterical fear, or that the principal of the academy has to bring food down for her.
I guess the wn? Is implied quite heavily here since they explicitly state the witch will teleport away upon seeing elrise enter the labyrinth, it's out of fear for her life.

The only reason she hasn't teleported away yet is because she thinks she's still hidden and that it's the best hiding spot in the world. When the principal told her that elrise enrolled as a student, her anxiety shot up💀
Dex-chan lover
Dec 9, 2020
I guess the wn? Is implied quite heavily here since they explicitly state the witch will teleport away upon seeing elrise enter the labyrinth, it's out of fear for her life.

The only reason she hasn't teleported away yet is because she thinks she's still hidden and that it's the best hiding spot in the world. When the principal told her that elrise enrolled as a student, her anxiety shot up💀
Oh, just a guess? I thought you've read it somewhere in WN.

The witch teleporting away when she knew that Elrise is closing in doesn't really show how severe her fear was. I mean, almost everyone would do the same: running away if they knew that their apex predator is coming. Doesn't necessarily mean that she's so scared that she's hysterical, or that she needed the principal to bring her food, though.

The fact that soldiers and knights could confront her to deplete her MP means that she's just hiding from Elrise, not from everyone. So she's not a total hikki. Which means that it's possible for her to go out and sneak around, as long as she kept her distance from Elrise. That possibility would become much higher when she found out that Elrise is being imprisoned and not allowed to fight her.
Active member
Jun 27, 2020
Oh, just a guess? I thought you've read it somewhere in WN.

The witch teleporting away when she knew that Elrise is closing in doesn't really show how severe her fear was. I mean, almost everyone would do the same: running away if they knew that their apex predator is coming. Doesn't necessarily mean that she's so scared that she's hysterical, or that she needed the principal to bring her food, though.

The fact that soldiers and knights could confront her to deplete her MP means that she's just hiding from Elrise, not from everyone. So she's not a total hikki. Which means that it's possible for her to go out and sneak around, as long as she kept her distance from Elrise. That possibility would become much higher when she found out that Elrise is being imprisoned and not allowed to fight her.
No I actually read the wn💀the witch is like balding over the stress, gaining a witch like appearance as opposed to the beauty of the previous saint
Dex-chan lover
Dec 9, 2020
No I actually read the wn💀the witch is like balding over the stress, gaining a witch like appearance as opposed to the beauty of the previous saint
That's a spoiler then, not a guess or analysis like I did. You have seen the future. :huh:
Meanwhile, my comments was based on possibilities.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 11, 2020
Lol, in the last page, blud behind thinks he's an important character

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