Father, I Don't Want This Marriage!

Mar 26, 2020
Translatorrrrr... Thank you for the hard work. This manhwa was amazing story. Keep on it. Do update resently ❤️❤️❤️
Jun 19, 2019
Ah I just picked this up and I actually find the father daughter relationship cute and funny and the drawing style gorgeous. I read a lot of this specific narrative atm because it's popular and there's a lot of bad ones out there.

@Kikililu27 probably to protect herself since he was probably planning her escape and to ward off anyone coming for her. He said, "hang in there" and gave her a knife. You know since being armed with a dagger is better than nothing at all. Alternatively it was to kill herself but as a mercy because her punishment was worse than death. I'd like to think the first one since we know that he's fairly doting in his own odd way and that's really more what the prologue hints at since they also didn't want her to kill herself as the person at the end said "hey wait don't" when she went to stab herself.
May 11, 2019

I think it was to self-defense, he even sent the crown prince( his to take her out there) but you know...misunderstanding🤦🏻‍♀️
Dec 27, 2020
I really want this to be a father-daughter power duo ugh.. over all, the story and romance are predictable, lots of cliche, and full of annoying misunderstandings here and there. As someone who had read the novel in her past life, im sorry but the fl is dumb af. It lost the essence of isekai, she doesnt have any remarkable traits/cheats other than her face and suddenly being nice to everyone. The only character likable in this is the father tbh
Nov 28, 2019
I really like this so far but I know the misunderstanding will get extremely annoying if stretched out. I hope the author finds another plot device to rely on.
Jan 5, 2021
Ughh misunderstandings there are so many misunderstandings.... Like seriously this will get on the nerves if the fl continue to misunderstand
Sep 24, 2020
Ew how does this story have 9 stars? The main character is so dumb and not in a cute way. The whole plot is basically a misunderstanding(?) like??? The art is ok ig but the whole pacing is waaaaaay to fast. It’s like this happened, then this, then this, then this. A huge disappointment imo

6/10 for art I took a few off because some of the faces seemed disproportionate, I feel like they have the same Dorito torsos that are not cute at all. Like they are going to tip over lmao. I would’ve given it a 5/10 if it wasn’t for the dad lol

1/10 for pacing I mentioned why above lmao.

3/10 for plot, very stupid plot of misunderstandings. Here’s the thing, I would’ve been fine with a little dash of misunderstandings her and there. But when your whole plot is legit based off that and the fl stupidity it’s not plot anymore it’s just trashy writing. Now I haven’t read the novel nor do I intend to after reading the manhwa so idk if it’s better lol

5/10 for characters, like the fl is so dumb, the dad is a very cliche dad character where he probably doesn’t like the fl bc her mom died or something or like he wants to protect her, the ml is also very cliche a basic tough, rugged, like oh I’m so tough, I don’t care about anyone, I won’t have any weakness, except oh wait! He meets fl and he changes and wants to protect her with is aMaZiNg swordsmanship...who would’ve thought? Like dude you could’ve made this unpredictable and not cliche if you did something other than “he’s a huge cold blooded I’ll kill anyone who gets in my way type of dude” the author could’ve done something like he was a clever murderer, like he kills people off sneakily and doesn’t spare a single one and frames it on his political rivals.

End result: 15/30 or 5/10 not bad, not good lol

Conclusion: a very basic cliche story you read to kill time, not a good plot nor pacing. The art is meh tbh but like any other Korean webtoon
May 15, 2020
This is fairly bad. The FL is a pointless transmigrator of lacking intelligence, the ML is generic tough dude and the father doesn't make sense.
Why doesn't the father make sense? Because we are shown he actually cares about his daughter, but he can't show it out of fear the king will do something to her, this is stablished very early on, by both the father and the ML. When the father interacts with anybody who isnt the FL, he actually shows to be caring and worried of his daughter's well being, whenever he interacts with is daughter, he is a cold man.
Which means he isn't emotionally inept. He can communicate his feelings across to anybody but his own daughter, the person he cares for.
Literally everybody but his own daughter knows he cares. Tha maids know, the guards know, the whole city knows because he sent a whole army to protect her on a shopping trip, going by what the ML says, the men he teaches know too. The king, the whole reason he is hiding his love, knows.
He is treated awfully her whole childhood for absolutely no point. Well, the point is for the FL to believe he hates her, so we readers laugh at this awful contrivance of plot.
I'm not even going to delve into the female lead's intelligence or the male lead's lack of respect, generic lone wolf attitude.
I can't actually think of any other korean romance series that goes bad THIS fast. It's probably a record, the plot stops making sense like 4 chapters in.
Aggregator gang
Jun 4, 2018
Loving this manga, gotta say got some good eye candy - the father while wearing his glasses 💖

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