FFF-Class Trashero - Vol. 2 Ch. 62

Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2019
my expectations for hansoo were low but holy fuck. that(scene where he synchronously beheaded all of seig's companions) was much more intense than any horror films i have ever watched
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Not a spoiler, but I just wanted to write this down somewhere.
While reading through these past few chapters, it occurred to me just how much I'd absolutely hate the WN, while the comic is actually really fun to go through...
I bet that in the WN, there's more emphasis being put into explaining and describing how utterly idiotic everyone around the MC is, and how tormented the MC with monologues about their completely obvious shortcomics, that for some ungodly reason, nobody else can register. Sieg's complete disregard of the elf-king's announcement about human-extinction was out of this world.
In the comic, for the very least, it's really easy to skip over that, and there's plentiful action to focus on. These past few chapters were great in that regard.

Honestly, the only type of comic-adaptation that always suck harder than the original, are Xianxia comics.
Sep 11, 2020
Yeah. That's why you can't add all the info-dumping and minor details of the novels in the comics or movies like many people want to. It already doesn't work well in writing, it gets even worse in visual adaptations.
The biggest problem of Xianxia comics is their really bad machine translation. I'm sure they read much better in the original Chinese.
Active member
Sep 6, 2019

Honestly the wn wasn't all that bad. The manga is like 98 percent faithful. The core differences is a tiny bit more angsting about his first run, more interaction with the professor's, and the fact that the sex isn't whitewashed. That stupid elf in the orc camp was being raped, he sleeps with the half elf, etc. The scene with seig here is almost word for word, action for action, thought for thought. In the wn hero wonders for a while on how seig even got the hero's sword this early, but that's it.

The other main difference is how he Sherlock Holmes's all his fights by deliberately targeting particular vertibrae and joints to cause intentional chronic and long term injury. Like Alex suffered from a chronic herniated disk, which is why he likely died in that sewer.

The translation was good too until the editor quit the team. Became unreadable, which was a shame because the plot gets absolutely insane soon (in a good way), and pretty much rides that high forever. Lot I'm looking forward to.
Apr 5, 2018
All the people saying Sieg is acting unrealistic in the comments, it's like you've never seen the depths a weeb will simp to.
Apr 22, 2020
Active member
Aug 16, 2020
I loved seeing this chapter, it was everything I expected from the novel
Dex-chan lover
Jul 15, 2020
I like how Kang Han Soo gets more and more detached from any morality. After all, any sacrifices made, tragedies and deaths gets undone when he fails. So with each loop, the life and death of others holds less and less meaning for him. While in the second loop he still tried to minimize causalities, in this third, he just does not care anymore.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
@LordPants You did forget that they changed Morals to a woman and be more than messages appearing out of nowhere.
(For those who haven't read the WN, Morals was originally just a male member of the teaching staff who'd sent like a single message then almost always immediately leave without bothering to listen to any counterarguments or questions. His "philosophy" came across as much worse as a result, as while Morals here will respond and here and there even admit Kang has a point while showing concern for the people in the fantasy world, her male WN counterpart at one point does something that indirectly gets a lot of people killed in order to teach Kang a supposed lesson.)

@Solipisit The WN is just as hilarious.
Nov 24, 2019
the whole process is fucked up, It was like a normal man who made a mistake and was sent to jail, then that normal man became a full criminal during his time in prison because, you know, he had to live in prison.

in the first round, MC only kills those piece of trash companion, If they let him pass the test, then he would be just a normal man, but no, they locked him in this fantasy world and now he has become a madman.
Active member
Sep 6, 2019

Might've been thinking about Trainee. Been a while since I read it, and I tend to read WN/LNs in a huge blitz.

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