FFF-Class Trashero

Apr 7, 2019
Not bad, but the author clearly overlooks some pretty big plot holes

Like, precisely how the hell is the protagonist supposed to get out of this infinite loop if he keeps getting a bad grade? The only way I can see this ending is if he dies or they pull a (generally) poorly executed ending where he gets enough power to break out of the system, which then raises at least a dozen more questions that are never answered.

Either that or it goes on hiatus and never gets finished.
Aug 8, 2018
The MC has the best character I has seen for years
If we think carefully, the heroes whose got summoned and told to defeat the demon king it’s like you got kidnapped and have to work for the kidnapper sake .
I will definitely hold the grudge and I am so glad the MC kill them all
PS: I really want to see he kill the fat king
Sep 29, 2019
This is just Manhwa Catcher in the Rye, isn't it?
I was hoping he wouldn't be ONE HUNDRED PERCENT murder hobo

People justifying this like this level of manslaughter is logical and normal for a human being. At best he should grind exp WITHOUT pretending like he is in the right the whole story? Even if it was to show how twisted he was the world LITERALLY bends backwards for him and his only moral compass is effectively a slap on the wrist. He would have failed the test by the time he snaps his first innocent neck so there is no point to continuing this, right...?
Jul 19, 2019
Idealist turned pragmatist. A "good" author will have a redemption arc for the mc but considering the title and how bad the hero is, that will be very difficult. Another route might be he becomes something more sinister than a demon king and another hero kills him and he either gets sent back or restarts again.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Going by past comments, the novel itself is pretty bad. Not just in regards to what you wrote, but in regards to how characters overall build up around the MC. You get the picture. Power fantasy nonsense ahoi.
That being said, the comic itself seems to be doing better, at least for now. I find it enjoyable atm (up to chapter 30), and don't feel like it's trying to masturbate the audience with "MC so OP, such [[skills]], much harem, so wow." The idea that the MC is surrounded by contradictions and nonsense is seemingly the main theme of the story, so for now at least, not-acting-logically adds up.

So while I agree with you, I don't think that's what's going to fuck over the story. The nature of the setting is doublespeek. To say one thing, but completely contradict it at the same time. The MC is meant to navigate within that nonsense, in which he's expected to act like a kindhearted hero, in a dimension which highly incentives murder and violence.
What I think is going to fuck the story over, is if the author will wank the revenge-porn too much, and start throwing harems at the MC. That's really not what the story's about.

...True, it's hard to really imagine how the author is going to "redeem" the MC at this point. A good author will probably be able to twist it around, but I doubt this author will do so. It's rare for isekai authors to be good, to begin with.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018

Because some are mad that he doesn't care about elf waifus or that he is willing to do anything to achieve his goal
All that after being forcibly summoned to put his life in danger to save another world, going through hell for 10 years the first time only to be told that he has to do it all over again...

But no, MC is "mean" so bad manwha
Jun 13, 2019
@jazz9 there's a number of steps between "I was summoned to another world against my will" and "I will murder every single one of you because nothing actually matters".

I have trouble relating to MC. He comes off as a psychopath. There is an inkling of him being/becoming a human being and this actually keeps me reading this.
May 20, 2018
The cutesy generic art style and abbreviated content kind of strips this of its best parts.

“H-, Hero. Why…?”

Ah, there was a survivor?

The mercenary leaning against the cold wall, dying, asked me this. A close follower of the Mercenary King, I remembered him as a pleasant fellow who would hum a song even in the most dire of situations.

His name was probably… Let’s call him Mercenary A.

Having stopped my steps, I answered Mercenary A in a reassuring tone.

“Why did I kill my comrades? Worry not. I’ll take care of the Demon King by myself. My condition is at its peak too now that those bothersome comrades of mine are gone.”


“You’re not humming a song today.”

I hummed a song through my nose in place of Mercenary A as I moved through the hallway. I merrily hopped over the corpses and obstructions that blocked the way.

The fact the MC takes time to belittle this innocent mook, something he didn't have to do, establishes him as irredeemable, which is of course refreshing compared to protagonist mayonnaise you usually get in these things. Too often violence is portrayed as this fun happy thing where no one gets hurt - Luke Skywalker spends 3 hours on screen slaughtering people's dads like faceless cattle, but we're supposed to feel bad for him when he loses a hand and a little lightning zap hits him?

Anyway, these video game worlds where you can become a god through mass murder have always been extremely dark and creepy at their core. EXP begets more EXP until it's impossible to stop.

I did find it hilarious how every repeat he never tried the same strategy, jack knifing from one extreme to another. The strategizing is the best part of let's plays, and I assume this adoption strips most of it out. I kind of lost interest after the Groundhog Day setup stopped being used... and the enormous amount of time the translator was on hiatus....

.....God, why does he look like a kid where's his facial hair, where are his muscles none of this makes sense!
Dex-chan lover
Aug 21, 2019
An islet protagonists getting revenge! Shocking, can’t wait to see where this leads. Also the cutesy act style is a choice apparently.
Sep 6, 2019
The people who are asking for the hero to act nicer can read almost any other isekai story. Please. I love MC the way he is right now. He's acting like how a person I just got transported into a place that incentivizes killing should act.
Jun 6, 2019
> there's a number of steps between "I was summoned to another world against my will" and "I will murder every single one of you because nothing actually matters".

yes, and he's already through it. 10 years of torture by his supposed comrades and having to reset despite defeating the demon lord.
Aggregator gang
Feb 14, 2019
@IronDoge The exp system is flawed though, if the only way to gain levels is to kill and killing a target results in levels gained not being equal to the exp the target acquired through the same actions then this means every time someone dies, there is a net deficit to the total exp available in the world each time someone is murdered. Not to even mention that if someone were to die naturally, their exp is lost completely.

Also the part mentioned here is kind of a spoiler.
I did find it hilarious how every repeat he never tried the same strategy, jack knifing from one extreme to another. The strategizing is the best part of let's plays, and I assume this adoption strips most of it out. I kind of lost interest after the Groundhog Day setup stopped being used...
Feb 10, 2020
Always nice to see a good comic in this format. Although I don’t like the un necessary murder it’s still a good one
Solid 6/10

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