Fiancée of the Wizard

Mar 22, 2019
@Izzah68 I think it is supposed to me some type of fetish for sadomasochism used in hentai (I wouldn't know), but I don't think this manga is like that. I'm starting to feel like people just use the word "NTR" when their libido is crushed by actual plot. I mean if your hentai has some sad scenes, is it automatically "NTR"? I have a feeling the term is used liberally to describe anything sad. I wouldn't know. @monkey123 Either way I am positive this manga is not "NTR".
Sep 12, 2018
@monkey123 Nah worry not if this manga faithful to its novel then
the drama is only their misunderstanding toward each other due to a cliche problem and it contain neither tragedy nor cuckold for MC and ML in the main story and side story until the latest translated novel.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 13, 2018
It was good at first then after chapter 3 it became bad because the main characters became just bland.

The MC who don't do anything at all apart for waiting. Not even talking or questionning her lover about anything meaningfull. In 10 years, the only thing she did was : smiling, learning tea and making a handkerchief. Yay \o/ From someone who has the memories of another life it's just incredibly borring.
The Magician that is just a workoolic and don't show an ounce of love toward his lover (he said a nice thing only once in a year, what a great guy).
Mar 22, 2019
@Clad95150 As docile as the protagonist may be, somehow she maintains a good relationship with the magician. It's not that the magician is manipulating her or controlling her. It's not that she is controlling him either. I think it quite balanced. It's not terribly imbued with feminism but that's not a bad thing. So what if the protagonist is kinda passive? It is not invariably a bad trait in a woman. What the story focuses on is not gender roles but romance.

A realistic romance? Kind of...I guess...I mean it's a GOOD romance. Although all they made was idle small talk about nothing but trifle, that was what kept the magician going in the dark future that lied ahead. He really appreciated her presence so he always tried to escape work to be around her. Although the MC doubted his commitment, I think she subconsciously knew that he was giving his all for her. Yes the MC seemingly lost her spunk, but I this isn't really HER story anymore. It is not really the magician's story anymore either. Neither is longer the catalyst for how the story progresses anymore. They now react to the problems the plots throws at them. My biggest problem is that they are not doing this as a team so far, so the lack of communication is annoying me, but as far as the balance of power is concerned, the protagonist and her love interest have it even I would say.

If you call her bland and not docile, meh. I feel like all the characters are bland. It's about the plot progression and character development rather than the quality of the character personality so like...whatever man...I don't look at this manga in a 'whew those are some good relatable characters right there' kinda light you know? It's more of a 'please end up together, *whips out handkerchief* why are there so many obstacles in the path of their love???????' kinda manga.
Jul 20, 2019
24 fluffyyyy...omg..i heart fill with fluff right now..i cant sleep...god dammit...
Jan 1, 2019
I know it’s touching and character are cool and all but I feel something is missing miss fiancé needs to do something ANYTHING !! just don’t be on the sidelines
May 29, 2019
Uhmmm is there a next chapter? Or is this the end? I want to see their wedding tho

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