Fight Class 3 - Ch. 84 - Round 84: Contempt for the Weak

Sep 5, 2020
0DvGate I also think that this will happen right after his dad took his sister away , it would be an amazing fight his sister seeing what hes turned into would be amazing
Active member
Jan 20, 2018
Just read the entire thing thus far... and Jesus, what the fuck. What a fucking turn for the MC. Totally fucking snapped. Everyone else is enjoying their high school lives and he's just got off the deep end suddenly.

Dude is turning into the villain of the story that Maria's gonna have to beat lol
May 29, 2019
I can understand where all the MC rage comes from and I love it!! But there is one thing he lost it, the reason I'm concerned is because eventually he will do something that he'll regret
Nov 11, 2020
Holy shit, everyone who complaining bout that “wierd” MC change don’t understand that this manga is actually brilliant hommage to Ichi The Killer😂😂😂
Double-page supporter
Jan 13, 2019
> How did it turn like this?
@pepo basically your profile picture haha

Nov 11, 2020
@Mother_Mushroom Actually pretty straightforward. Mentally traumatized wimp with talent for Martial Arts has been manipulated by his mentor to go from edgy to full psycho.

Chill buddy it was just a joke about similarity of reaction faces
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
@vyyobyvayus wait actually that makes sense, i highkey forgot about the martial arts thing in ichi cause of my brainrot

hey anyway fuck your name is annoying to reply to
Active member
Mar 15, 2023
"Man, the author sure made an accident and fucked up, huh?" "Freefalling much?"
"When are we going to get the insane flashback?"
"Why is he acting like this? He was just fine before."

It's like these people don't actually read this series and just look at the pictures. They ask why Jitae is currently insane even after reading chapter 79 where he literally watched his mentor get her ribs crushed and how Jitae had to be resuscitated after almost dying. It's almost like these people just can't comprehend how much strain something like that would put on the psyche, and that's not even all he's done. Throughout this current training arc he has been groomed by Maria into fighting random thugs he never wanted to fight beforehand. He downright feels horrible the first time Maria makes him fight thugs, but his feelings are killed more and more the longer this training is ongoing. This is why current Jitae seems much colder than he did before. Pair that with Maria grabbing him during his fight with Sambo-dude and telling him that he should just fucking die if he can't win. Pair this with the pain of a broken nose and no one to fall back on, and that's horrible in of itself. But then he has to fight Young-Woon and gets knocked out half to death before Maria fucking kills Young-Woon and resusitates him. It's obvious that he's still feeling the effects of Young-Woons death. It's like these people act as if nothing happened between bright eyed Jitae and this scarred Jitae to make him act this way. I get that this series is edgy to most but that doesn't mean you should just diregard the story.
Active member
Mar 15, 2023
@DarkLordAlfie Who knows? It still boggles my mind how sharp a turn this story took.

As a writer, I think the author lost control of his story and he's been free-falling ever since. I know because I've made the same mistake once upon a time because of improper planning. Perhaps the decision to suddenly turn the MC into a murderous psychopath was intended, but the execution was way too rushed in my opinion. The abrupt tone change and the radical shift in the story's narrative is also a major tell that the author's lost the handle on the story.

Multiple major narrative threads have seemingly been dropped and now we've got an underground fighting plot to take center stage? How 'bout you finish the plot threads you started at the beginning of the story first before you jump the shark and start a new tournament and suddenly max out the MC's physique and fighting skills (which was supposed to be a gradual process that he was going to have to earn) eh?
Your comment is wrong in every way, this series is too carefully planned for you to go and call it "freefalling" or that 2hakkk has done anything wrong in the writing department. 2hakkk writes in a way that gratifies you on 2nd and 3rd rereadings and it usually takes that many to fully grasp everything.

There was nothing sudden about Jitae's changes. He went through 2 major changes over the last couple of chapters, post-Young-Gu and post Young-Woon. These are the major changes, to fully understand them you have to think about the smaller stuff. Post-Young-Gu Jitae is cold because it was another major loss that he had to think about it, certainly did not help that he got a broken nose. Before that he had to bow before Hyung-Chul and before that he got disqualified in his transfer test. And even before that he got traumatized by his father hitting him and telling him that he was useless. Jitae's story is one of feeling powerless, that no matter how hard you train or what you do, someone will come and squash you down into the ground. Pair the major loss of having your nose broken with Maria screaming at you to get backup and fight, horrible what it does to the brain.

Post-Young-Woon Jitae is even worse. Yet another major loss for Jitae, having to watch Maria get beaten half to death by Young-Woon and still losing only for Maria to kill Young-Woon and save him. This is major for Jitae because he speaks even colder than he did beforehand due to the trauma that has just been inflicted on him. It's also at this point that we notice that he really doesn't want to fight for this dude that he just met. To Jitae he sees this dude as a guy who just sent him and Maria to their deaths, and probably bares some hatred at him for Young-Woon's death. We also notice that he does not want to fight anymore. He looks at the hospital bill with a sad face and calls up So Cho-Wol to see if she can help before finally giving in.

At this point in time, and with how slow this series is paced (the pacing is perfect when all the chapters are there, feels very off on a weekly schedule but that's just how it is sometimes), I can excuse feeling as if major plot points have just been dropped entirely. But 2hakkk writes in a strange way, he develops his stories intermittenly. Just give him time and all will be explained.

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