Fire Force - Vol. 26 Ch. 226 - When All's Said and Done

Fed-Kun's army
Sep 3, 2018
@Mpwilson123 Because Ohkubo Atsushi needed to have a reason this super strong person dies. Because he's stronger than the strongest (Beni) he couldn't be killed by someone else stronger(would need to introduce another person and fuck up the already fucked up power scale) , he couldn't be killed by a big monster (cause they already did that with Konro sacrificing his ability to fire), and any other poison/silent sneaky murder would need appropriate set-up and a revenge plot. Theres no logic/reasonable explanation for this other than the plot needed that to happen. Its not something that would naturally occur due to the hastily set-up events earlier in the chapter.

Idk why people are making Caesar comparisons, cause Caesar couldn't fly in the air, or obliterate a body with a fire punch, or throw fire sun balls like its DBZ. A dunce could notice is someone was running at him from behind when alone in an alley. Especially someone whose fire punched 300 people and is constantly training & teaching/ leading an entire force of fire fire fighters. But mangaka required this super contrived reason for this person to die without causes any significant ripples in the plot since this is a thing thats already happened. So it needs to be insignificant enough of a death to not need another character or some revenge plot.

My guess is author is gonna make him notice, but let it happen, and then hug the kid and lay down & die. Letting himself die due to the guilt of not leaving people he knew to burn alive for the rest of time. Especially since he had a moment of "oh benis a leader now, i did it".
Jul 11, 2020
Having trouble believing Shinmon Senior got caught off guard just like that, even if he mistook the kid for Beni. He's a seasoned veteran of combat, the guy that taught Beni, who repeatedly taught Shinra and Arthur to never let their guard down. Then again, maybe that's why he taught them that.

Also, what does "Hikeshi" mean? Firefighter? So why not just say that?

Edit: Also how do I change my avatar
Dex-chan lover
Sep 3, 2019
@R-Mod The word used is different than the usual firefighter shouboutai and hikeshi, it's most likely to signify that asakusa's culture is different from the rest of the empire even to smallest detail (word use for firefighter), shouboutai use the word of extinguish ward and warrior, while hikeshi is just fire and erase.
An he's probably not mistaking other kid for benimaru cause the one who said it is the doppleganger which from several chapter shown that their character is based on other people's view which might lead to his thought.
Mar 6, 2020
Sigh... Yeah my mom just became something that would kill me at a moments notice and someone put her down so im gonna kill them now.
I understand that hes angry and sad, but i would be happy that someone would kill my mom if she became like this so i wouldnt have to do it myself
Apr 25, 2020
Enough with the talk about the kid killing the old man but am i the only one who was admiring the guy saying he only love one woman and never marrying again? Quite the romantic😄 hopefully beni would be the same romantic or faithful guy as the old man is 😍😍😍
Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
wait he didn't sense the kid with killing intent?
i swear beni teach arthur about this
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 14, 2020
If only the old man is not an idiot that don't have a way with words. He might be able to make the kid accept his mother's fate & avoid getting killed.

Y'all disgust me
acting all tough
Jan 18, 2024
Can't blame the kid either. What would you do if your mother was murdered in front of you. But such is life, it's never fair
You can totally 100% blame the fucking kid.
If my mother was murdered in front of me, I would totally kill the killer.

But if my mother turned into some ghastly monster whose very existence caused pain and death? With tens of thousands dead but not even 1 case of a fully turned person being saved?
I would be begging them to put her to rest.
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Jan 18, 2024
If only the old man is not an idiot that don't have a way with words. He might be able to make the kid accept his mother's fate & avoid getting killed.

Y'all disgust me
acting all tough
Yeah sure, it's the old man's fault some kid decided to stab him in the back.
It's completely the old man's fault that even though the kid absolutely understood what the combustion was and that they could not do anything other than to help them pass on, the kid took it personally and chose to point his sadness and rage towards the person protecting the people from getting killed by his ghastly monster-turned mother.

I bet you think the people Jeffrey Dahmer killed were stupid for being tricked.
I bet you think the people at the World Trade Centre were stupid for staying there.
I bet you think the people in the plane were stupid for not resisting when armed terrorists were threatening them.

Acting tough? Give me a break.
Who's the SJW defending a fucking murderer?

You disgust yourself. Look in a mirror for once.
You are a danger to yourself and the people around you.
Get yourself checked into a mental asylum.
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