Forum Suggested Features: Megathread

Jan 18, 2018
Multi quote will be appreciated mmm...

Regarding reaction emoji / upvote, make it so it doesn't cluttered the thread, maybe make it like "xx people reacted to this post" and only show the reaction emoji when you click it mmm...


Apr 12, 2018
Being able to shange the spoiler header would be nice.
for example,
[spoiler=MHA]MHA spoilers[/spoiler᠎]
would change the text on the orange button to say "MHA".
Jan 22, 2018
Two things:
1) Add an icon to more easily create a comment thread on any specific chapter from the Chapter List page.​
Currently, the only two ways (without going into the broad forum still under beta) to comment on a manga is to post in the "Comment" tab which discusses the entire manga itself and by clicking the chapter; loading the online-reader and finding the "Comment" icon within that online-reader page. It's a little un-intuitive to navigate.

2) Allow the settings option to read "Most Recent Comments" last instead of "Most Recent Comments" first.​
Forums (and by extension, comment threads) generally do not have the initial setting when displaying most recent comments at the top of the page. They are generally displayed as the latest post at the end of a given thread. It's very jarring to follow in that format.
Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
(about post counts:)
Because it adds absolutely nothing of value and worse yet actually incentivises pointless drive-by posting, spamming as well as an upholding atmosphere where your value as a poster is unfoundedly tied to an arbitrary number

Post counters are an active detriment to any forum

The same applies to regdates by the way
Feb 16, 2018
I'm trying to find mangas by tag or just things in general and I see lists put in alphabetical order. Wouldn't it great if it could be ordered by rating? Right now unless I know something it's hard to find surprises within the manga pool.
Jan 18, 2018
A ‘start reading’ button for the manga pages would be nice. Sometimes with long manga it’s annoying to change pages and find chapter 1. Add a button after the ratings and follows maybe?

Or the manga image links to the first chapter.
Jan 26, 2018
Any update about a follows section on the main page?

Other than that the site runs amazing, thanks a lot to everyone involved.
Jan 19, 2018
Can we have customizable user titles next to the name? Some people may want to identify themselves as "/ak/ Typesetter" or something and others as "Mahou Shoujo Fan" or whatever.
32 character limit would be fine.

I think this is a lot less clutter than signatures but that's the other option.
Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
A ‘start reading’ button for the manga pages would be nice. Sometimes with long manga it’s annoying to change pages and find chapter 1. Add a button after the ratings and follows maybe?
In the case of multiple groups doing the series this isn't unambiguous though and mangadex shouldn't be in the business of prioritizing one release over another.

Any update about a follows section on the main page?
With the current way the site has been coded, I wouldn't hold by breath

Would be great if a "read" toggle could be added in each chapter like in
No idea what this even means
Jan 18, 2018
Nav bar reader settings
Persistence between chapters option
e.g. Hidden on one chapter, remains hidden on next chapter or different manga title.

Default options
Nav bar shows by default (how the reader is right now)
or Nav bar hidden by default.
Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
Just to make people aware I *am* working on updating this list. @Potato shamed me with his lovely upkeep of the site thread into organizing it a bit better. I'll try to link relevant threads wherever I can find them

Please keep in mind that the megathread is intended as a place to debate current suggestions and not to post new ones. Makes it a bit tough to track both the thread and the suggestions forum until we get a follows/notifications/watch system.

Bear with me.
Power Uploader
Jan 18, 2018
@BigCoffee you can already sort manga by rating, and more, with these tiny easy-to-miss buttons.

Though right now ratings aren't very accurate due to lack of votes so I encourage all of you to rate everything that you read, whether it is good, bad or mediocre!

In the case of multiple groups doing the series this isn't unambiguous though and mangadex shouldn't be in the business of prioritizing one release over another.
Then maybe another set of buttons higher up for changing page and skipping to the bottom.

No idea what this even means
I think he wants a button to mark a chapter as read without having to open it.
Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
Then maybe another set of buttons higher up for changing page and skipping to the bottom.
Yeah, the interface isn't great, especially the pagination links. I think something like this would be a better solution. Alternatively, just open any chapter and then pick the first one from the chapter dropdown.

I think he wants a button to mark a chapter as read without having to open it.
Oh, that doesn't exist yet. I'm still using my own read script, didn't realize.

Some comments about the suggested features:

*Ways to upvote/downvote/appreciate a particular post
* reaction-emojis like discord posts preferred to simple up/downdoot
Numerical up/downvoting is dumb but the reaction things are a lot more interesting. I believe at least Kiwifarms has a system like that. Also, I still think we should mirror our Discord channel emoji to be usable here in the forums as well.

*Remove the delete post function for users (Do we really want trolls to be able to delete evidence of their crimes?)
Crimes lol

I agree that the delete post button should be removed (as it has some technical consequences that would be easier dealt with if the ability didn't exist), but with that reasoning we might as well then remove the edit button altogether too.

Speaking of editing, wrap the "Last edited" text with a <small>, it doesn't look very good currently.

*Separate avatars for forums
Seems dumb, I'd prefer the consistency. It's not like the avatars are really all that visible outside of the forums in the first place. This suggestion is essentially equivalent to "Separate avatars for the profile page".

* Hide the "Post reply" button when the Post reply box is open
I kind of don't think it actually ever needs to be hidden in the first place. If it stays, though, the Back and Submit buttons fly in the face of basic usability practices by making no distinction between the primary (Submit) and the secondary (Back) actions and hiding the primary action far to the right side of the screen where it's unlikely to be quickly scanned.


Feb 2, 2018
It would be nice if when a chapter was updated, the upload date changed accordingly.
Feb 1, 2018
I might be late to the party, but I would like the add to the sentiment that adding post counts would be a step in the wrong direction.

The less chances a forum gets to devolve into meaningless metaposting the better, and if there is something that promotes metaposting then it is post counts. It's especially bad for new people coming into old forums. I've seen cases where people are downright dismissive of peoples post and opinions just because they have low post-counts.

Post counts devolve discussion, and I am not a fan of them.

As for actual suggestions, is there any ability to link to specific posts at the moment? Because if not then that would definitely be a thing to add, bonus points if you can link to the specific post quoted when using the quote function, that makes it a lot easier to see the quoted portion in it's original context if needed.
Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
As for actual suggestions, is there any ability to link to specific posts at the moment?
Teeechnically yes, since every post has an html id attached to it, but as you can see it doesn't take into account the navbar height nor is there a convenient button for it, so you'll have to open the inspector to check the post id.

A link to my previous post in this thread:
Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
1,343 maybe?

Holo has decided that he wants to code the forums from scratch so it can be fully integrated with the site. No third party forums allowed! :v

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