Fukakai na Boku no Subete o - Vol. 4 Ch. 21

Fed-Kun's army
Nov 11, 2018
ohhh boy, here comes trauma. It feels weird to say this, but I really like how well-written the transphobic and abusive characters in this series are. They might seem a bit over-the-top, but a lot of the things they say are things I've been told myself, word for word. I really hope Ryuu and Sakura can help their shitty father turn a new leaf, or just get away from him entirely.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2019
Alright, I'm calling bullshit on that. You are aware of the abuse, acknowledge it's abuse and it's wrong, then blame the victim anyway? There is no way the sister would logically act like this from what we know.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 3, 2018
yep dont feel bad for her, the dad is the one fucking up, but instead lets fucking blame everything on mogumo, also the mom needs proper help, mogumo really is better off without them
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2019
@Eternities She's young and suffered a lot. Its natural to blame things on what you think is the cause rather than who you think is in the wrong. Similar to how in Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterunda the MC blames herself for breaking apart their family by reporting to her mother about her father committing adultery.

Like it or not, here her family would've gone on to be a normal happy family if her brother wasn't different. That's something you can't deny. The father's shittiness would never have come to light in the first place.
People blame everything they can blame when thing go bad, asking why them and whatnot. You're calling bullshit on that based on logic, but realistically many people do react like her and blame the victim instead. Though she is actually the most strongest person in the family for still staying sane. I think the mother character here is the biggest disappointment. I've already given up on the father.
Dec 30, 2018
I have the tendency to draw a version of myself in these panels just to punch all those shitty parents I keep seeing in manga.
Aggregator gang
Dec 4, 2019
When I first see the dad, I could tell right away that he was gonna be a shitty person from the art style the author draw him in. And I want to give an applaud to them. You don't see many good portrayal of the LGBT in manga, but the way that they make the dad said transphobic stuff here is so accurate to the real world.
Active member
Jan 11, 2019
Children will still want the affection/approval of their parents, so a reaction that looks towards the only possible explanation that does not involve her parents being assholes in her mind is fairly par. As a 3rd party we can say all we want since we don't live her life. If you do live her life then damn.
Oct 4, 2018
For those who believe that the sister is being illogical, this happens in real life whenever psychological stress comes in.

Mainly due to how everything builds up, you look towards solace and look at the root/beginning of the cause and lay all the blame it to maintain your own sanity.
It is easier to blame it on someone/something else than to aggravate the sole breadwinner of the family.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 13, 2018
It makes sense for her character to react that way, considering how she is having to deal with a shitty, sexist, transphobic, abusive father and take care of her mentally unstable mother at a young age alone at home. I wouldn't expect a kid in that situation to always act "logically". And I don't believe she holds 100% malice for mogumo either considering she still cares about them, and her angry reaction to her father not even caring about his child. Seriously fuck the dad.
Group Leader
Feb 4, 2018
So we have the family situation clear. Mom and daughter have multiple mental disorders (some kind of eating disorder for the daughter, and PTSD for mom) as result of constant, several years long emotional abuse coming from the father. Main character has been able to escape it, but their sister got manipulated into hoovering over them, hoping that the father will stop abuse as a result. Presumably, the sister was the golden child while main character was the scapegoat. MC leaving made sister get the scapegoat role instead.

"Fun" fact about family abuse: you don't recognize it as abuse when it's been happening all your life until you encounter families that don't do it, plus it's easy for the abuser to manipulate you into thinking it's your fault, especially when you're heavily dependent on them, and the constant propaganda in media on how family is important, plus, as a result of constant exposure to abuse you start to develop mechanisms which protect you from it, but also make it harder to escape it.
Apr 30, 2018
The "act like a man", or act like a woman" thing is a common misunderstanding. A lot (not all) of traits that men and women have that are assumed to have a biologically nature, are in fact environmental. It's whatever the norms of the era dictate. In America, It was normal for women to have mens looking haircuts in the early twentieth century. And, I can't remember when this particular period was, but there was a time that little boys wore, what would today look like girls clothes.
We're (mostly indirectly) taught at an incredibly young age what is and isn't acceptable for boy and girls to do and like. Young girls are discouraged from being funny at a young age while boys are encouraged. That's why there have always been far more male comedians. The "women can't be funny" belief also stems from that. Science as well. It's not that women aren't inherently uninterested in the subject, they're just discouraged from pursuing it.
And men too, are also negatively affected gender norms. Boys are taught and expected to be tough and have a strong backbone. crying and a weak personality is expected of woman. you know the "be a man" term, of course. Also, ever wonder why for a long time men didn't cook, but for some reason they grilled? Well, that's how grills were marketed. It was an established men's activity due to that, and was taught as such.

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