Fukakai na Boku no Subete o - Vol. 5 Ch. 23

Fed-Kun's army
Apr 26, 2019
Fuck Im in page 24 and am scared to click next

phew crisis adverted

(Not really a spoiler, but added a tag JUST in case)
Dex-chan lover
Aug 1, 2019
I used to roleplay with my friends when I was a kid 7-12ish. I wish I'd understood the actual implication of me always wanting to play the girl roles. My friends went along with it (we had our own diverse world of characters and no girls to play the girl roles anyway so it kinda worked out). Imagine the dismay and sense of loss when I lost that safe place as we got older and roleplaying didn't really fit anymore.

I didn't understand what that longing meant until I was already a super depressed mid 20s overweight guy. I really didn't care about my body at all and let it go to hell, and the reason for why was under the surface in a way I could never articulate even to myself. Once I finally realized, it felt way too late to do anything about it. Now in my 30s, just chugging along best I can. Kids these days have a much better support network for these issues. Even if they don't have a family that would understand (or permit) what they're going through, they're at least more able to better realize the source of the dependency they're experiencing since it's more in the open than it was in the 80s and 90s.
Aug 21, 2018
Why would a kid think they're not either gender? Where'd he even get the idea?
Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2020
Oh man I’m really scared of what the next chapter is gonna be like. Mogumo’s parents and Sakura’s issues are all way too big to be dealt with my a couple of high school kids
Dex-chan lover
Aug 1, 2019
@smolbaka At the point in time this chapter is going over he thinks he's a girl, or at least more of a girl than a boy. He associates more with them. It's not that he was saying he was neither gender (though they elaborate this in the future), but at this point he was merely saying he "didn't necessarily want to be a girl" it's just how he felt, he was a girl. His body is messed up.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 4, 2019
No need for gender theory classes to have those thought.

Imagine a person, with the brain still forming.
This person see in its entourage what "a boy" and "a girl" is.
That person also has established like and dislikes, some that are attributed to specific gender.
That person's brain see that they like and dislike things from each gender (example: liking action figures, disliking boxing, liking pretty dress, disliking dolls), thus said brain think "I can't be from that gender since I dislike that, I can't be from that other gender since I dislike this..."
Thus said person think they aren't either gender.

It's not a sickness or anything, it's a reflect that society made genders too categorized or is a thing of the past.

(btw sex != gender, one is biological, the other is a social concept, as the second only exist due to perception of/from other )
Nov 30, 2019
Sorry for my bad english..

It would be great if author add more backstory like, what triggered him to think like that?

I mean, I read several story or related story to this, where a man think he was a girl and want to be a girl. But most of the story I read, this triggered at least when they already teenager or adult, where there are influence or support from the outside. For example, they read from magazine or TV or friends or family or other thing that made resolve in his heart to choose to become a girl. In here, he already decide he was a girl waaaaay back he still a kid, without any influence or support by others.

And I'm pretty impressed, there are people blaming the Sister for all of this. If I choosing whose fault it is, its the parent and the brother. She was a victim. She suffered enough of this shit, like the father just "fck you, you a boy, act like one" and then ignore him without truly fixing his son behavious, the same as the mother that just being there without doing any shit.

Now the sister just want to live her life, but thanks for these retards, she suffered. For example, she even need to sacrifice her hobby just because her father dont want her to play football because its a boy sports. Etc..

I cant wait for the parent respon in the next chapter.
Mar 24, 2020

Excellently put.

We put kids in a confused world. But if a kid comes from a strict household, much like mogumo's, they'll sincerely think something is wrong with themselves when they find that they can't fit in any catogory due to conflicting interests.


The father is most to blame. Being yelled at as a kid, hurts badly. If he wasn't such a neglecting asshole I think mogumo might've turned out different.
His mother didn't even try to clear up his confusion. But instead just kept reaffirming that he's a boy.

The sister is the victim in this family. That I agree with. I won't excuse mogumo's actions. But he's not a bad person. Just a neglected child.
Oct 17, 2019
mogumo is dealing with gender dysphoria and you call them a spoiled brat

gamer moment

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