No matter how similar, this isn’t The School Days Extended Universe.The twist here is that his dad was an ultra manwhore and spread his seed everywhere so they're all going to be his half-sibling and his fetish then will be nuclear powered
The chad voice is supernaturally strong at this pointI feel like Kouta should be locked up, he changed a nationwide opinion
The twist here is that his dad was an ultra manwhore and spread his seed everywhere so they're all going to be his half-sibling and his fetish then will be nuclear powered
Don't tempt it, I can just see the twist even without the spoilersPeak! can the author take us further than this summit PEAK?
Hold up on that last image hoss.Using his divine might,the middle schooler king of Japan swayed the entire nation to continue being harem-less and embrace a new wave of incest recognition.
No more will those whose love extends beyond that of meme family be suppressed,no more will lonely siblings who confide in each other be forced to hide,no more will those aunts,uncles,nieces,and nephews will have their hearts crushed by society,let consent rain down upon them all and embrace their own true loves.Four more chapters to go,plus extras,unless those four are the extras,never really looked into it myself.
Considering how off the rails Naruto became due to mega monster fighting fetishes the author got,that wouldn't even be too off brand.Hold up on that last image hoss.
The Vice Principal did nothing wrong thoughCosmo, Wanda, I wish everyone in this manga goes to hell no matter what
Sasuke's gay huh?Using his divine might,the middle schooler king of Japan swayed the entire nation to continue being harem-less and embrace a new wave of incest recognition.
No more will those whose love extends beyond that of meme family be suppressed,no more will lonely siblings who confide in each other be forced to hide,no more will those aunts,uncles,nieces,and nephews will have their hearts crushed by society,let consent rain down upon them all and embrace their own true loves.Four more chapters to go,plus extras,unless those four are the extras,never really looked into it myself.
Well,his first and second kiss were Naruto so...Sasuke's gay huh?