Oh boy, the potential threats just keep coming. It's easy to say everyone is welcome, but these particular winged newcomers were being violent, so I'm not so sure it's fine to let them stay unlike the priest and his guard. The people of the village might not be able to handle the situation if it ever becomes violent. And the guy never promised the safety of the village, only Lerunda.
In the best case, the village grows to become a diverse little town united with respect for Lerunda, but in the worst case, distrust and cultural friction turns into violent conflict that will tear the village apart. It's hard to feel at ease when there's a potential powder keg of conflict building too quickly, without time to let bonds of trust form between people. The people of the village might think things are happening too fast with more and more weird strangers who keep showing up. I only hope there's no painful lesson waiting for Lerunda from this.
Strangely enough, these total strangers feel an urge to get close to her, but there was no such effect on the humans Lerunda used to live with.